PaulB - 2014-02-02

I've got an update.
I've tried a number of things.
(1) I tried lowering Graphics detail and no or lower shaders and no sound (at different times and all together. Still crashed and in some cases with lower detail I got bunches of white lines when the loading was trying to display the text loading messages at the bottom of the screen. Also I DID get some debut errors then which may or may not be relevant"
Creating planet Atlantis with texture planets/ocean.texture|planets/ocean_specular.texture|planets/earth/earth_clouds.texture and technique earth - unitlevel > 2
(1) : error C0201: unsupported version 130
(6) : warning C7022: unrecognized profile specifier "highp"
(6) : warning C7022: unrecognized profile specifier "precision"
(6) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting identifier or reserved word "operator" or template identifier or type identifier at token ";"
(6) : error C0501: type name expected at token ";"
(1) : warning C7537: OpenGL does not allow 'uniform' after a type specifier
(3) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected identifier at token "vec4"
(3) : error C0501: type name expected at token "vec4"
(4) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected identifier at token "vec4"
(4) : error C0501: type name expected at token "vec4"
(5) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected identifier at token "vec4"
(5) : error C0501: type name expected at token "vec4"
(6) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected identifier at token "vec4"
(6) : error C0501: type name expected at token "vec4"
(7) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected identifier at token "vec4"
(7) :
Fragment Program Error: Failed to compile planet/ground_ps3.0
Compilation of technique earth failed... trying 4_ps2.0/earth
Cause: Error compiling program vp:"planet/ground_vs1.1" fp:"planet/ground_ps3.0"
(2) I tried used the Music Fix exe file with not much better results.
(3) I decided on a wild card - I set graphics detail to Extreme and left all the other settings at their defaults (except I'm using 800x600 Windowed mode - but that's not relevant). And guess what? That fixed the crash on startup.

I can now load the program normally. I must have set Detaion to Extreme when I 1st tried the program a month or so back (and then deleted it) and that's why it worked right off the bat.
I have no clue when it crashes with anything less than Extreme Detail except that this laptop is a Dell Precision M65 w/2G ram 1.8G intell dual core, and nvidia Quadro FX 350m - so it's old - circa 2002 or 3 - but It's been running PPG 1.03 at Extreme detail and I lso recently download Evochron Mercenary (newest Versio) to try it's demo to see if I like it and it runs fine.

So my conclusion is Vegastrike needs some more debugging