
Anti-Grain Geometry (Historical) / News: Recent posts

AGG v2.1 Update & Fonts

* AGG code is cleaned up and now it's ANSI C++ standard
compliant. It can be compiled with g++ version 3.4.
The problem was in classes derived from template base.

* Added support for MacOS, Carbon API and the building
environment for Code Warrior. Many thanks and regards to
Hansruedi Baer (
The project file is rather big (3MB), so it isn't included
into the main distribution package. Please download and unzip it
into agg2/examples/macos_cw/agg2.mcp.xml. Also, to build
the SVG example, you need to obtain expat.lib and put it to
agg2/svg/macos_cw/expat.lib. Download: If you don't need
to compile the SVG example, just remove svg_test from
the project. ... read more

Posted by Maxim Shemanarev 2004-08-19

AGG v2.1 Update and New Functionality

AGG is updated. The major news is there the
Scanline based Polygon Boolean Algebra is added,
that is, calculating of Union, Intersection, XOR, and
Difference of arbitrary polygons. It uses the
Scanline approach and in typical screen resolutions
works much faster (about 10 times) than vectorial
algorithms like GPC by Alan Murta. It preserves
perfect Anti-Aliasing and besides, can operate with
semi-transparent polygons.
See the "News" page:
Added two demo examples you can play with: read more

Posted by Maxim Shemanarev 2004-05-28

Official Anti-Grain Geometry v2.1 released

Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) is an Open Source, free of charge graphic library, written in industrially standard C++. AGG doesn't depend on any graphic API or technology. Basically, you can think of AGG as of a rendering engine that produces pixel images in memory from some vectorial data. But of course, Anti-Grain Geometry can do much more than that. The ideas and the philosophy of AGG are:

- Anti-Aliasing. ... read more

Posted by Maxim Shemanarev 2004-04-19

Anti-Grain Geometry Version 2.1 released

Anti-Grain Geometry is an Open Source, free of charge graphic library, written in industrially standard C++. Anti-Grain Geometry doesn't depend on any graphic API or technology. Basically, you can think of Anti-Grain Geometry as of a rendering engine that produces pixel images in memory from some vectorial data. But of course, Anti-Grain Geometry can do much more than that. The ideas and the philosophy of Anti-Grain Geometry are:... read more

Posted by Maxim Shemanarev 2004-04-17

Anti-Grain Geometry

AGG2 unofficial release. The library is completely redesigned, name convention and the whole design pattern are changed. New Anti-Aliasing rendering algorithms and new concept of conversion pipelines implemented. New version is in progress, the documentation and new functionality are coming soon. Welcome to test the basic algorithms and approaches, criticism is gratefully appreciated. Web page is opened.

Posted by Maxim Shemanarev 2002-04-30

The 1st public version of vector-agg released


It is my freelance vector graphic project called "Anti-Grain Geometry" (VectorAGG) for C++. It can be useful for those who need some high-quality engineering and/or scientific graphic. Also it can be used for other SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic).
For now the key features are:

- High quality and high performance Anti-Aliasing for all graphic primitives. ... read more

Posted by Maxim Shemanarev 2001-12-19