
#58 Sourceforge project page should mention backtracking and goal-seeking


The top sourceforge page has a very short description of unicon,
but it leaves the impresion of just another generic object language.

We should mention at least backtracking and goal-seeking.
Space permitting, coroutine switching at 12 to 35 million switches per second is nice, as are program monitoring, threads, string parsing, etc.
For later: TODO:
I did some very easy coding for searching genomes on a benchmarking site somewhere, that outperformed basic C coding IIRC.
When I find it we could maybe link to that.
(It was disqualified for having a few trivial, easy speedups that did not use the old, slow ipl regex procs)


  • Charles Evans

    Charles Evans - 2017-07-04

    Also: Has tools for telepresence, easy 3D with built-in OpenGL including 3D text, VOIP, etc. - need screenshots from CVE virtual environment.

  • Charles Evans

    Charles Evans - 2017-07-28

    More major features:
    extensive native data structures: sets lists csets tables (associative arrays/hashes)
    full garbage collection / auto memory mgt
    packages (programming in the large, namespaces, modules)
    dynamic type/generic/no declarations required, mixed types in lists
    circular inheritance (can we do Mix-in?)
    native regular expressions / patterns
    procedural pattern matching / back references
    suspend / procedural generators
    iterators? / list scanning / pdco / parallel eval
    native large integers (bignum)
    exception handling via class
    posix / unix system calls
    dynamic loading
    robust error recovery / resilient / non-fatal failure
    native basic dbm
    odbc sql
    native networking

    extensive gui libraries
    ivib interface builder / drag and drop gui builder
    easy IDE with class browser
    unidoc / autodoc html

    Text processing/manipulation/parsing
    System management/system programming/admin
    Quick prototyping
    Pattern matching/genome

    Has anyone done a full VR with headset?
    Does unilib do introspection?

  • Clinton Jeffery

    Clinton Jeffery - 2017-07-28
    • status: open --> pending
    • assigned_to: Clinton Jeffery
    • Group: -->
  • Clinton Jeffery

    Clinton Jeffery - 2017-07-28

    Edited some. Do you really think laundry list is what is needed here? Will consult with my partners. No one (that I know of) has done a VR port or head-tracking interface for Unicon yet. Unicon's library has various introspection facilities. Some of it has become built-in, in order for the optimizing compiler to be able to handle it.

  • Charles Evans

    Charles Evans - 2017-07-28

    The new description is good, a dense tl:dr summary. Features also gives a good quick taste.

    Ideally, a click-to-expand bullet list with more of the above detail would give a compact page that will still hit on search engines or find-on-page for whatever the visitor is looking for.

    The Unicon home page should get your new summary, and also a features link that lists all our highlights, along with (click-out?) translations to any buzzwords other languages use for our features - anything to make it hard to miss anything we have.

    I have not listed ipl or uni lib features/highlights, maybe someone can pick a top 10?

    Maybe an animated gif of imgtex &/or
    a CVE walkaround would be more informative than just text? Screenshots could include ivib in use, or an animated gif?

    Maybe click on the CVE gif to see a narrated video demo?

    Too much cheerleading is never enough :)

  • Charles Evans

    Charles Evans - 2017-07-28

    Also, the Unicon home page should mention open source and free software, as well as GPL - and we have mostly lgpl libraries, etc.


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