
Customer's Name??

  • Ahmed

    Ahmed - 2016-07-25

    Hello all,

    I'm using uniCenta for our local restaurant and it is doing well with us as an open source software. However, there is a problem that we face with it, which we can't add a name to a customer's receipt which is very useful for our business. We would like to enter the name of the customer directly to the receipt without saving his/her information in our database.

  • PasswordSafeGuy

    PasswordSafeGuy - 2016-07-25

    It is very simple.

    When making the sale, just add the customer to your database (click on the +Customer button at top left of screen). Fill in the info you want.
    Then after you have completed that, click on the customer button to the right of that.
    Search for the customer you just added.

    When you select the customer, his/her name will be added to the receipt.

  • Andrew

    Andrew - 2016-07-25
    • Ahmed

      Ahmed - 2016-07-27

      Unfortunately, it didn't work. Also, I believe there is a better way to show the name by enabling the waiter button. However, the question is how can we show the waiter name in the receipt?

      here is the way to enable the waiter name

      • PasswordSafeGuy

        PasswordSafeGuy - 2016-07-29

        Ahmed you have changed horses in midstream.
        First you asked how to add the customer's name to the receipt.
        Now you are asking how to add the waiter's name to the receipt.
        Look at the title of this thread!

  • Ahmed

    Ahmed - 2016-07-30

    Dude, I'm asking about that just to simplify the solution, since we don't have waiters in our restaurant and we can enable the waiter's button and add customer's name instead. I can do that, but it doesn't show the name to the receipt and this is the problem.


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