
Update Download

  • Nobody/Anonymous

       I am going nuts wanting to try and swap to v0.0.1.2 on high speed html download. 6day and 15 hour torrent for standard version is aweful. All I get is avg 5kbps DL, I have cable modem and can do much better. HELP !!!. I am loving and maybe won't upgrade. Screenshots still showing 0.01.0 too.  You have done EXCELLENT JOB.

    • Justin Breithaupt

      You need the slim torrent. It's been updated on the site. So get it. It's a 3 GB download.

    • Lee Wilson

      Lee Wilson - 2008-02-07

      Aye this be Penguin98632  in Longview, Wa,
      I just now gotn the Ultumix up and run'n but me mind is gone now , toaly blew it a way it did, so if you bee seeing me brain plese pick up and woud ya be so as kind as to send it back, I thnke ye much me lads.

      though the down load was taken al nighter, but thebanshes sung all night so I got ne rest, er weell verry lil since 3:00 am . Aye and the bloarney banshees still singin thre song in the day as well, aye, it be a day fr staying in doors. but a dog I have and a walk it needs now and then.

      you don'e such a great Job I knw not how one can improve up on this excelent peice of work, now the help I be needn is to find me brain and to learn this thing and how to get it out of Owner mode lol.

      Well I be wish ing ye all a fair day hmm them banshees are sounding mighty strong, one I dare says shook me apartment  earlier.

      So, I'll be off Now, the system is updating it is.

      aye first time I ever got kay say it to funtion, I have found me bistro and I'll be staying with it. Ye were right, I am not dissapointed.

      So I guess the help I be needen is how not to have so much fun now. Oh and to find me mind.

      • Justin Breithaupt

        LOL. Use the find program in Linux to find your brain. Catfish works well.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Aye htis be Penduin98632 again, Me system that had da gnome on it with Kde wast working great indeed , until I went bakc up the sytem,  and when Ididst this < lost everything testing me back up, now ts a sad state I am in, How ever I be runing on be back up..and no more can I remeber how I had me system working,

      Aye and I have another question, I downloaded the Mint straight as gnome and as kde, it says I have no proprietary Drivers, no I am confused , for how can one use the same engine yet have a different  xorg configuration, Its like some one went in and took out the original  parts and replaced the engine with something different,
      So If ye were to redo the thing with Gnome version, Id be willing to give it a whirl, Am about to shoot KDE that I am , tried several time I did to get the blarney cube to go and It just would not do it , even after restarting the server, and aye me lad, I don't read German to well, thankfully  I had a grand father who spoke some German and taught me a few and I do say very few words of it.

      So I wonder if you be kind enough to send me t alink on how to properly back up me systems or, show me how to set up a back up properly, For I did get many err's and I did get only to the sign in screen ts the sad thing that all I get are some errors with respect to scripts, aye, those they did give me a headache.

      especaily at 1 am in the wee hour of da mornin

      Now if this help hat the not drove thee nuts as of yet, at least me be thinking I hope I had added some humor to the issues at hand lol..but none the more they are true , and indeed I need help, Oh I found me brain. Untill the rrs cost me to lose it again aye.


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