
#35 Guitar tuner plays notes when clicked


The tuning feature is a neat addition, but I don't have a mic, so I just need to hear a drawn out note and tune to it.

By the way, I am a software engineer, though it's all filesystems all day, so I'm looking for a userspace application to which to contribute my free time. I'm about to dive into the source to see what it would take to implement these feature requests.


Feature Requests: #35


  • hejdujir

    hejdujir - 2015-02-25

    Is the note supposed to sound like an infinite cycle of drawn out notes or just one drawn out note with duration of 5-10seconds and repeated on-click? Should is soud lika a guitar or just a clean tone?

    • Quinten Johnson

      Quinten Johnson - 2015-02-25

      Any of those work. There could be both, with a check box for continuous
      play. Guitar Pro uses a guitar sound, but it's not really necessary.

      On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 7:21 AM, hejdujir wrote:

      Is the note supposed to sound like an infinite cycle of drawn out notes or
      just one drawn out note with duration of 5-10seconds and repeated on-click?
      Should is soud lika a guitar or just a clean tone?

      Status: open
      Group: Next Release (example)
      Created: Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:50 AM UTC by Quinten Johnson
      Last Updated: Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:50 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      The tuning feature is a neat addition, but I don't have a mic, so I just
      need to hear a drawn out note and tune to it.

      By the way, I am a software engineer, though it's all filesystems all day,
      so I'm looking for a userspace application to which to contribute my free
      time. I'm about to dive into the source to see what it would take to
      implement these feature requests.

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      Feature Requests: #35

      • hejdujir

        hejdujir - 2015-02-27

        OK, checkbox is a good idea. I will be working on it. So when you click on the tone button, the tone will be playing only once and when you check the checkbox, the tone will be playing in infinite cycle. I will use guitar tone samples in .wav format and I will add mute button.

        • hejdujir

          hejdujir - 2015-03-05

          Last edit: hejdujir 2015-03-05
      • hejdujir

        hejdujir - 2015-03-05

        Can you help me please? How to debug TuxGuitar with NetBeans IDE (OS Windows)?

  • hejdujir

    hejdujir - 2015-05-08

    Hello, there is the patch for guitar tuner tool. Patch contains six standart tuning tones in WAV format and three new classes. The tones are used in new TGTunerTonePlayer class. Into tuner dialog was added control for playing tones. Control is visible only when you use standard tuning.


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