
Recent Code Changes

  • Onsemeliot

    Onsemeliot - 2020-02-25

    tronfourtytwo, thank you for your recent code optimisations. I have tested them in game any found no errors. They are nice tweaks that make the game better.

    I have to admit that I didn't see much difference with dust throwing. But that easily could be because my system doesn't render very much dust anyway. I think this is due to the low capacity it has. (When I was testing the game on a much faster device there was a lot more dust thrown. Even possibly to much in my opinion. But I can't test on a more powerful system right now.)

    I love that you work on making properties more consistent. Do you think we should display the real dimensions in the car selection menu? At the moment the changes can only be seen in the vehicle files. (Did you actually change with what values the game makes calculations? If this is the case then we probably should check if the target times are still correct.)

    And do you know of any sensible possibility to make the back wheel drive Fox more driveable? At the moment it is practically unusable (in my opinion).

  • Emanuele Sorce

    Emanuele Sorce - 2020-02-25

    thank you

    Thank to you! :D

    Do you think we should display the real dimensions in the car selection menu?

    That could be nice to have, but we should consider to not over populate that section of the menu

    At the moment the changes can only be seen in the vehicle files

    Actually with my change, the car dimensions are not present at all in the vehicle file, since are now computed at a later stage by the engine. Specifying them in the file overrides the automatic detection.

    And do you know of any sensible possibility to make the back wheel drive Fox more driveable? At the moment it is practically unusable (in my opinion).

    I hope that eventually fix after fix we will get to make BWD cars usable, but no, I don't have at the moment a direct solution to that

  • Onsemeliot

    Onsemeliot - 2020-02-25

    we should consider to not over populate that section of the menu


    the car dimensions are not present at all in the vehicle file

    I know. I meant that the change is only visible in the vehicle file. ;)

    I don't have at the moment a direct solution to that

    A shame but I get that this is probably a rather complicated issue. Maybe it is even possible to migate the issue with the vehicle properties we already have. Maybe we just used bad settings for the available options. Most likely it is more complex than that. I only don't get how the physics of FWD and AWD can be rather good and the RWD is that messed up when using the same physics engine.

  • Onsemeliot

    Onsemeliot - 2020-02-27

    Excellent, I feel your most recent code improvements have dramatacially increased the vehicle stability with higher speeds. And it feels more realistic now also. Very well done!

  • Onsemeliot

    Onsemeliot - 2020-03-02

    I tried to find tracks where I lost control but couldn't find any. Maybe I have magically become a better driver over night but I suspect it is your improved physics calculations that made the difference. Your improvements are so unitrusive that I am not even sure. I guess I need to do more testing. But so far I am impressed. Even the basically undrivable Fox behaves a little better.


    Last edit: Onsemeliot 2020-03-02
  • Emanuele Sorce

    Emanuele Sorce - 2020-03-03

    Thanks Onsemeliot, it's a pleasure for me using part of my spare time to collaborate on this game.
    I was thinking, is the automatic car reset really needed now that we have the 'R' key for manually resetting the car? The automatic reset is also sometimes activated when I actually don't need it...

  • Onsemeliot

    Onsemeliot - 2020-03-03

    it's a pleasure for me using part of my spare time to collaborate on this game.

    I'm very glad you feel that way. I appreciate very much that you keep improving the code. I'm looking forward to do a new release with your improvements and all the new Events and Maps.

    is the automatic car reset really needed now that we have the 'R' key for manually resetting the car? The automatic reset is also sometimes activated when I actually don't need it...

    I never had the impression my car was reset without good reason. The auto-reset might still be useful for all those people who didn't take the time to check out the configuration file to learn all short cuts. But if we give people an other easy way to learn about the possibility to reset the car than I think removing the auto reset would be fine.

    Actually, since we are discussing this: Would it be easy to do an other menu page to show the key bindings? (It doesn't have to be interactive. It would already be a big usability improvement to just display the configuration settings for commands that can be used during the game.) Or would it be easier to create an interactive tutorial where on screen text tells the gamer what key commands they need to press to accomplish certain things? (New text commands would only appear after the user has pressed the relevent keys.) I actually consider a menu page more useful but such an interactive tutorial could be nice too.


    Last edit: Onsemeliot 2020-03-03
  • Onsemeliot

    Onsemeliot - 2020-03-04

    I have tested your code changes again. It is amasing how you improved the drivability at high speeds. Unfortunately, the new downward force seems to slow down the cars also and it mostly removes one of the fun aspects of the game: the drifting experience. While your changes do indeed make it much easier to drive cars in high speeds I feel it would be good to weaken the new force a little in order to keep more of the great drifiting fun and maybe limit the slowing effect. Maybe this way we could also keep the target times. (I expect it is mostly relevant where cars go uphill with higher speeds.)

  • Emanuele Sorce

    Emanuele Sorce - 2020-03-05

    Thanks for your feedback - If with latest commit you still feel that the drifting experience is impacted tell me

  • Onsemeliot

    Onsemeliot - 2020-05-25

    I have seen your message only now and after pulling the newest version from the archive I found, that I obviously have already the lastest version. Did I really not give you any further feedback yet? Or am I just to confused and we did discuss this somewhere else?

    However, I need to do some testing again. Unfortunately, my laptop is having difficulties lately with running Trigger Rally without crashing rather soon. But it tends to overheat from less demanding things also. Cleaning it from dust and using fresh thermal compound didn't make a difference so far.

  • Emanuele Sorce

    Emanuele Sorce - 2020-05-25

    No problem. Best wishes for your laptop ;-)


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