
new Skin anyone...?

  • Martin Stolz

    Martin Stolz - 2003-05-15


    ive just started using todolist.php and its great! A simple to use solution.

    I would like to design a new frontend for it, does anyone know where i have to modify the sources or is there any documentation?

    thanks in advance,


    • Paul McWhinnie

      Paul McWhinnie - 2003-06-05

      You can change the colour scheme in the config.php by setting values for:-


      If you are more adventurous, and know what you are doing with cascading style sheets, you can edit fonts and highlighting in /include/todo.css.

      Remember, if you come up with something nice - why not share it with everyone else!!


    • Joerg Menke

      Joerg Menke - 2003-06-06

      Hi Martin,
      apart from what Paul wrote I want to rewrite the whole stuff to use Smarty in the future. Then it'll be possible to customize the look and feel completely, whitout touching the app-logic at all. But this is a long way and I don't know when I finally find the time to dig into that...



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