
support for multiple file pairs

  • Larry Lansing

    Larry Lansing - 2006-06-19

    Somewhere between the 3.x and 4.x releases of tkdiff, support for diffing more than one pair of files seems to have disappeared.  What happened?

  • Tim

    Tim - 2011-10-19


    Please add back the support for diffing pairs of files. This is extremely useful with a source control system such as git. I'm having to use the old 3.x versions because the functionality is missing in 4.x.

  • DorothyR

    DorothyR - 2011-10-19

    I don't understand.  Was it a command-line invocation that no longer works, or was there something in the UI?

  • DorothyR

    DorothyR - 2011-11-09

    Really, I'll be happy to try to get this working again if I can understand what it is that doesn't work.  Help?

  • Daniel Boyd

    Daniel Boyd - 2013-04-17

    The command line used to allow you to specify several pairs of files, with a colon between them.
    Imagine I've got the original in directory 'orig' and the modified in directory 'new':

    tkdiff orig/file1.txt new/file1.txt : orig/file2.txt new/file2.txt : orig/file3.txt new/file3.txt

    That would bring up tkdiff with the diffs for file1, file2, and file3 all together - the "File Pairs" menu would list them as follows:

        orig/file1.txt - new/file1.txt
        orig/file2.txt - new/file2.txt
        orig/file3.txt - new/file3.txt

  • michael-m

    michael-m - 2018-05-21

    Look for something very similar in the upcomming V4.3 release, where TkDiff will allow effectively the same thing without having to spell it all out on the command line. E.g.:

    tkdiff orig new

    where each arg is just the directory names (matching contained filenames will be paired).
    Stay tuned....

  • michael-m

    michael-m - 2021-03-28

    This note is just to "update" this particular topic.
    Although V4.3 did provide the initial support for multiple files, it was primarily utilized for allowing Source Code Management systems to return a list of changed files, and was thus simply "present" to allow for the comparing of plain directory pairs.
    As of V5.2 (where recursive Diff comparisons now exist) and V5.2.1 (where an optional, but more robust file list presentation mode made its debut - in the form of a scrollable-list dialog window), TkDiff now has full support for multiple file situations.
    As an interesting side note, a search backward through the official TkDiff sources found that it never had the command-line form described earlier by Daniel Boyd (above). Our only conclusion can be that, as is the Open Source way, someone modified a personal V3.x copy and simply redistributed it themselves to friends, or friends of friends, etc., including Larry and Tim (at that time)! It can't be proved it happened like that, but its as good an explanation as any other.


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