
Comapatibility with CLDC1.1

  • asuri

    asuri - 2009-06-05

    HI Every one,

    i am working on a embedded webserver, and i am looking for a java webserver that will communicate witn the embedded web server.

    as of i downloaded the tiny webserver and i am using the Acme.Serve.Main class file to start my application, as soon as i compiled with jembuilder it was showing some errors,

    i am using a product called JStik Webserver, and the tool i am using for compiling servlets and generarating binary files its a jembuilder tool.

    the first thing i want to ask is wether this Tiny Webserver is comaptable for J2ME-CLDC1.1 or not.

    and if its compatible how could i proceed with that.


    • Д Рогаткин

      Only server itself, no J2EE deployer.You need to limit compilation unit to Acme package and below.


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