
Multiple users

  • rleefmans

    rleefmans - 2006-01-11


    Thanks for this great application. Everything I needed!
    I start the app from a network drive G:\directory\subdirectory in windows and have set the data directory to that same folder on the network. When another user starts the app from that same folder (with the same settings), they lose the information saved when they log back on!

    Could you please inform me how to setup correctly over the nework for two or more users?

    Thanks, Ray

    • rleefmans

      rleefmans - 2006-01-11

      PS when I start the app as mention in another post with: java -Duser.home=G:\Implementation Management\Planning\Urenregistratie -jar TimeSlotTracker-0_70.jar
      I get: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

    • Zbigniew Ogledzki

      Hello Ray,
      thanks for your thanks - we need it ;-)

      First problem which I can see is that when you start TimeSlotTracker with user.home attribute you have a [space] character inside your path. That's why java says "NoClassDefFound". Java looks for Management\... class.
      Change it to something like this:
      java -Duser.home="G:\Implementation Management\Planning\Urenregistratie" -jar TimeSlotTracker-0_70.jar.

      Anyway - the user.home environment variable is ok, but it's better to use "", which in fact is exactly for the same purpose, but you don't have to change system settings. So, just call your TimeSlotTracker like:
      java"G:\Implementation Management\Planning\Urenregistratie" -jar TimeSlotTracker-0_70.jar

      hope this helps, zgibek

    • Zbigniew Ogledzki

      Well, I don't understand it a little :(
      Are you trying to use the same xml file (timeslottracker.xml) at the same time?
      If yes - forget it, it's a plain file, not a database. The file consists a data saved from an application. Which one? the one which saved them as last.
      Currently TimeSlotTracker doesn't works with multiple users in one time. It's a future request #1362368 (JDBC support). I hope I will have enough time to do this some time. And - obviously then this database version will be multiuser friendly.
      For now the xml file is RECREATED every time it's saved (so, default every 60 - if I remember - seconds) and on application close.

      hope this helps, zgibek

    • rleefmans

      rleefmans - 2006-01-12

      Thanks for the answer zgibek, this explains it all!
      Yes I am trying to use the same xml file at the same time with multiple users. I misunderstood the "taskinfo refresh timeout" for funtionality that read the xml every x seconds, so in theory multiple users could use the same file if their tasklist was updated every x seconds... Anyway, it will not work this way. Do you have an estimate when this great program will be capable of workinf with a database? Other suggestions are ofcourse welcome :-)

      • Zbigniew Ogledzki

        Hello Ray.
        The "taskinfo refresh timeout" talks about how often is refreshed the task info panel, where timers are located. (day/week/month time spent on task).

        In the jdbc case... It's not a very lot of work, but I estimate it about two-three work-days. I want to enhance TST (in jdbc case) to work with multiuser model and to prepare several scripts for different databases. I plan add support (scripts) for postgresql, oracle, mssql, mysql. Maybe some other - who knows.
        Time... time...I really don't know. I hope It will be possible to do it in the next one-two months.
        regards, zgibek

      • Zbigniew Ogledzki

        Hello again Ray,
        anyway - what is your target to work on ONE dataset with some other user?
        Why you don't want to use every one his own xml file?

        The multi user model which I am thinking on is still based on the idea that one user uses one data set. Ok, database stores all users profiles, but every user has it's own "tree".

        The benefit I can see in this model is that everyone keeps its data in cetralized datasource. And - I think I will add support for reporting not only from currently logged user, but also from another one.

        Is this everything you need from multi user mode of TimeSlotTracker?
        regards, zgibek


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