
SVN problems

  • P�r

    P�r - 2010-10-16


    I'm very new to SVN, so perhaps this is a very basic question.
    However I'm having problems creating an eclipse project from SVN. I have installed the Helios version of eclipse and the SVN plug-in. I try to create a SVN project (file->new Project->SVN->Project from SVN. As USL I'm using "",  using "Use the repository URL as the label". Then using Head Revision and the finish.
    Then Check Our As, "Check our as project configured using the New Project Wisard->Finish. From the Select a wizard dialogue I choose Java Project->Next->I just give the project name as TimeSlotTracker (JRE = JavaSE-1.6). I define a new Master Password. The I get the following Error:

    Checkout operation for '' failed.
    svn: Cannot rename file 'C:\Users\Developer\workspace2\TimeSlotTracker\source\trunk\resources\META-INF\.svn\tmp\entries' to 'C:\Users\Developer\workspace2\TimeSlotTracker\source\trunk\resources\META-INF\.svn\entries'

    Please Help!

  • Glazachev Andrey

    Good day, Psydartraxx.

    You can checkout project manually (for example: via command line - svn co …). In Trunk folder you can find .project file, and open it in eclipse.

    What about your error, I use eclipse, but do not use feature "create project from svn".
    Maybe it will help, try URL:

  • Zbigniew Ogledzki

    Hi psydatraxx,

    The option "create from svn/cvs/another virtual-file-system" is usefull when you have sources without tool's files. As Cnitsa said - there should be ".project" file and you should just check-out files and then open project.

    But.. I'm not sure the problem is in option you used. If svn cannot rename file maybe there is a file-permission problem? Or maybe there is no path you want checkout files into?

    regards, zgibek

  • P�r

    P�r - 2010-10-17

    With command line svn I managed to get the source home, however when I try to run the project I get the following error:
    Exception in thread "main" java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name TimeSlotTracker, locale sv_SE
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(Unknown Source)
    at net.sf.timeslottracker.Starter.<init>(
    at net.sf.timeslottracker.Starter.main(

    Also I get 347 warnings, is that Ok? At least the first 100 seems to be similar:

    Description Resource Path Location Type
    ArrayList is a raw type. References to generic type ArrayList<E> should be parameterized /TimeSlotTracker/resources/java/net/sf/timeslottracker/gui/layouts/classic/tasksbydays line 256 Java Problem

    (ArrayList is replaced in the errors)

    BR Pär

  • Glazachev Andrey

    Hi, Psydatraxx .

    What about warnings it's ok.

    In TST we do not have bundle for sv_SE, should be used EN.
    Do you run program via "ant run"?

  • P�r

    P�r - 2010-10-19


    I tried to run using the run menu in eclipse, that didn't work. When I selected the build.xml and did "ant run", then I can run! :)


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