
New Project Manager for PHP Timeclock

  • pappyzan

    pappyzan - 2008-07-09

    the PHP Timeclock project is not dead just yet; a slow and painful almost-2-year absence of new code and ideas, but death has been graciously postponed.

    joseph brower will be taking over as manager of the PHP Timeclock project. if anyone has any questions, concerns, feature requests, etc, please feel free to contact him at i encourage anyone who would like to contribute to the project to contact joseph as well. the more the merrier, right?

    my thanks goes to joseph for the time and effort he and his team plan to invest in promoting and keeping this project alive.

    ken papizan

    • jb_02_98

      jb_02_98 - 2008-07-24

      I just wanted to say thanks.  I didn't want to reply here until I had actually done something.  My attempts to contact the official project admin for this project have gone unanswered, but that hasn't stopped us from starting to make progress.  We've got a new website complete with bug tracker ( and any feedback on them would be great.  A company I do a lot of work with has helped us set up a hosted solution that will help companies that don't want to set up their own server.  We've also set up trac (see the above link) and will be using that for bug/feature tracking.  We've already started to get quite a response and people have been e-mailing me quite a bit.  We've even had some people donate financially to the project and we are very thankful for that.  We look forward to continuing our work in phptimeclock.

    • jb_02_98

      jb_02_98 - 2008-08-20

      Just letting everyone know, we weren't able to register this project under the timeclock UNIX name.  However, we were able to do a project takeover for another project that had the same goal as this one and has the UNIX name phptimeclock.  I haven't finished setting it up, but let me know if you would like to be listed as a developer.  I'm also in need of adding a few admins to the project.  Just shoot me an e-mail if you are interested.


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