
The Timeline Project / News: Recent posts

Version 2.9.0 Released

Released on 1 September 2023.


  • Missing event icon causes exception
    Use a default event icon for missing event icons.

Fixed crash reports and bugs:

  • AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'time_type'
    Can occur if creating a new era that ends today and has an invalid start time.
Posted by roger lindberg 2023-09-04

Version 2.8.0 Released

Released on 1 January 2023.


  • User feature request to move categories with Drag and Drop
    Implemented Drag and Drop in category tree.

  • User feature request to allow for 0 frequence in duplictae dialog
    Changed min value for frequency to 0.

Posted by roger lindberg 2023-01-02

Version 2.7.0 Released

Released on 17 July 2022.

Fixed crash reports and bugs:

  • wx._core.wxAssertionError: C++ assertion "strcmp(setlocale(0, 0), "C") == 0" failed
    Can occur if os language setting is not recognized by Wx. Catching and handling this situation.

  • configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: File contains no section headers.
    Can occur if the cfg-file is corrupted. Ignore reading the cfg-file to make Timeline start.... read more

Posted by roger lindberg 2022-07-18

Version 2.6.0 Released

Released on 18 February 2022.

New features:

  • A need for moving events in time has been identified.
    New feature implemented to move selected events in time.


  • Timeline getting slower and slower when more events are used.
    Caching icons to avoid reloading.

  • Shortcut key settings not saved until application closes.
    Save config file whenever a shortcut key is changed.

GUI:... read more

Posted by roger lindberg 2022-02-19

Version 2.5.0 Released

Released on 5 October 2021.


  • Timeline fails when trying to open a file encoded in utf-16.
    Reading the first data row from the file as bytes to accept any encoding.


  • Num time type doesn't take decimal values.
    Implemented new time type for decimal numeric values.


  • Slideshow page with image looks weird in firefox browser
    Changed css code to make it look better.

  • Feature request for drawing point event within container.
    Implemented for extended container strategy.... read more

Posted by roger lindberg 2021-10-05

Version 2.4.0 Released

Released on 07 April 2021.


  • Export to file - function don't include labels
    Labels are added as a selection when exporting to file.

Fixed crash reports and bugs:

  • TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
    Added more exception handling to avoid this exception.

  • AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_start_time'
    Added more None-checks to avoid this exception.

Posted by roger lindberg 2021-04-08

Version 2.3.1 Released

This is a correction release to solve the following problem...

  • TypeError: invalid result from TimePicker.Validate(), a 'bool' is expected not 'NoneType'
    Removed unused function Validate() from TimePicker view that hides the Window function.

It also has the following changes...


  • Alt-key usage for dragging comtainers don't work on Linux
    Eliminating Alt-key usage when dragging container... read more
Posted by roger lindberg 2020-11-12

Version 2.3.0 released

Released on 18 October 2020.


  • Fonts for Events can now be selected by User.
    Preferences dialog updated with event font.

  • Fonts for Eras are separated frome Event font and can now be selected by User.
    Preferences dialog updated with era font.

Fixed crash reports and bugs:

  • TypeError: _report_other_process_uses_lockfile() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given.
    Added argument to the function... read more
Posted by roger lindberg 2020-10-19

Version 2.2.0 released

Released on 14 May 2020.

Event filtering:

  • Now Events can have labels on which visibility filtering is possible.
    The sidebar can show label filter component and labels can be defined for an Event.

Fixed crash reports and bugs:

  • A MenuItem ID of Zero does not work under Mac.
    Starting with MenuItem ID = 1

  • ValueError: julian_day must be >= 0.
    Added an exception check when zooming to avoid exception.... read more

Posted by roger lindberg 2020-05-14

Version 2.1.0 released

Released on 25 January 2020.

New Dialogs:

  • Measure duration of events.
    A new dialog has been built for calculating duration of events.

  • Users has asked for a better way of finding a milestone.
    A new dialog has been built for navigating to a milestone.

System info:

  • Python encoding is missing in system info dialog.
    Python encoding name added to in system info dialog.

Fixed crash reports and bugs:... read more

Posted by roger lindberg 2020-01-26

Version 2.0.0 released

Released on 3 November 2019
Port of Timeline to Python 3.

Removed features:

  • The main menu is no longer available as a context menu.


  • Tha application don't start if the timeline has Era's with no duration.
    Removed Era's with no duration from drawing.
Posted by roger lindberg 2019-11-06

Version 1.20.0 released

This is a periodic release and this is the last release that uses Python 2.
Release on 3 Novemberr 2019.


This is the last release in the 1.x version series.
The application has bas been ported to Python 3 and releases will continue
in the 2.0 version.


  • Two new calendars added.
    The Pharaonic and Coptic calendars added, thanks to Guyrandy Jean-Gilles.


  • The time for an event can be entered with seconds precision.
    A preference can be checked in the date/time tab to make the time-picker show seconds.... read more
Posted by roger lindberg 2019-11-06

Version 1.19.0 released

This is a periodic release.
Released on 30 April 2019.

Time scale position:

  • The position of the time scale can be changed with a preference value.
    The position can be at top, at bottom or at the center line.

Default Dates:

  • For Gregorian dates, default values for year, month and day can be used in input fields.
    The feature can be selected with a preference setting.


  • Not all events are shown in export listbox when filtering is turned off.
    Include events without category when filtering is turned off.... read more
Posted by roger lindberg 2019-11-06

Version 1.18.0 Released

This is a periodic release.

Version 1.18.0
Released on 30 July 2018.


  • Added new representation of fuzzy edges when selecting view: Other Gradient Event box drawer with fuzzy edges.
    (#174 <>_)

Fixed crash reports and bugs:

  • Wrong editor is opened when right-click and selecting edit, on a milestone.
    Check if event is milestone before selecting editor.... read more
Posted by roger lindberg 2018-08-03

Version 1.17.0 Released

This is a periodic release.

Version 1.17.0
Released on 25 Mars 2018.


  • If the xml contains a description field for a container, it will now be
    displayed in a balloon, when hooverd.

  • Selected events are not deselected when scrolling timeline with mouse.

  • Events can be selected with alt + mouse drag.

  • Events exported to listbox can now be filtered by visible categories

Fixed crash reports and bugs:... read more

Posted by roger lindberg 2018-03-26

Version 1.16.0 Released

This is a periodic release.

Version 1.16.0

Released on 13 November 2017.

  • Using context menu no longer causes toolbar menu to stop working.

  • Balloon text font is now settable in prefernces dialog.

  • Sample text for font prefrences are now coloured also.

Fixed crash reports and bugs:

  • AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetParent'
    This happens when System info dialog is opened by context popup menu.
Posted by roger lindberg 2017-11-13 Labels: 1.16.0

Version 1.15.0 Released

This is a periodic release


  • Path to the configuration file is displayed in the System Info dialog.

  • Date format is now displayed in the System Info dialog, as configured.

  • Era rectangle is always visible, even when zooming out far.

  • Text in a balloon can now be displayed besides or under an icon.

Fixed crash reports and bugs:

  • UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u03c0' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
    This happened when the BC label contained non-ascii characters.... read more
Posted by roger lindberg 2017-07-31

Version 1.14.0 Released

This is a periodic release.


  • BC years are formatted correctly in status bar.

  • Decades and centuries are correctly represented around year 0 and in BC
    years. (Centuries are now denoted 1900s and represent the years 1900-1999.)


  • The formatting of the time duration for Gragorian time is more intuitive.

  • All events can be selected with a menu command

  • View selection to hide/show events done (progress = 100%).... read more

Posted by roger lindberg 2017-05-08

Version 1.13.0 released

This is a periodic release


  • The naming strategy of overlapping Era's has been changed

  • Major strip labels are drawn vertical when they don't fit in horizontal space.

  • Balloon with is no longer dependant on the event width, so the text don't disappear to early.


  • How to handle encoding errors, when exporting events to file, can now be selected.

  • The events in a timeline can now be presented as a slideshow in a web browser.... read more

Posted by roger lindberg 2017-02-01

version 1.12.0 Released

This is a periodic release.


  • Era's now have an ends-today property.
    (#159 <>_)


  • Help pages updated.


  • Option to switch off time for entire project.
    (#157 <>_)

  • Sample text is displayed for fonts in the preference dialog

Export SVG:

  • Eras are now drawn in the SVG image.
    (#144 <>_)... read more
Posted by roger lindberg 2016-10-30

Version 1.11.0 Released

This is a periodic release.

Data import:

  • VTODO elements are now imported, as events, from ics files.
    (#142 <>_)

  • Import options can now be specified when importing events, from ics files.
    (#141 <>_)

Data export:

  • When exporting a timeline to images a merged image is also created.

Translations:... read more

Posted by roger lindberg 2016-08-02

Version 1.10.0 Released

This is a periodic release


  • Locale date formatter can now handle abbreviated month names in locale format
    (#133 <>_)

  • The locale date format is now replaced with a user defined format


  • Users can now design and use their own icons for fuzzy, locked, and hyperlink.
    (#93 <>_)... read more
Posted by roger lindberg 2016-05-01

Version 1.9.0 Released

This is a periodic release


  • Locale date formats correctly at start of timeline.
    (#116 <>_)


  • There is an optional tool bar that contains buttons for toggling some

  • "To time" in event editor is correctly laid out when checking "Period".

  • Images can be dragged and dropped on an event to change icon.
    (#103 <>_)... read more

Posted by roger lindberg 2016-01-31

Version 1.8.1 Released

This is a bugfix release. It fixes a critical bug that disables editing numerical timelines.

Fixed crash reports:

  • AttributeError: 'NumTimePicker' object has no attribute 'show_time'
    (#117 <>_)
Posted by roger lindberg 2015-11-10

Version 1.8.0 Released

This is a periodic release.


  • Timelines can be created using the "The Dark Eye" (Das Schwarze Auge, DSA)
    official calender.


  • When you scroll vertically by dragging, the view moves proportionally.
    (#88 <>_)

  • Containers expand vertically when they contain overlapping events.
    This is an experimental feature that must be enabled.
    (#39 <>_)... read more

Posted by roger lindberg 2015-11-01