
Version 1.9.0 Released

This is a periodic release


  • Locale date formats correctly at start of timeline.
    (#116 <>_)


  • There is an optional tool bar that contains buttons for toggling some

  • "To time" in event editor is correctly laid out when checking "Period".

  • Images can be dragged and dropped on an event to change icon.
    (#103 <>_)

  • A preference decides if the time checkbox is checked for new events.
    (#119 <>_)

  • Subevents in a container can be locked if the extended container strategy is
    (#110 <>_)

  • The description text in the event editor can be selected with Ctrl+A.
    (#115 <>_)

  • The ends-today checkbox in the event editor is enabled when the editor is
    opened from the menu.
    (#114 <>_)

  • The events in the exported list are sorted by start date.
    (#106 <>_)

  • Shortcuts to quickly toggle some settings are present in a toolbar.

  • Colors can be selected for major strip lines, minor strip lines and now line.
    (#111 <>_)

  • Overlapping eras are now displayed in a mixed color.
    (#108 <>_)

  • Colors can now be selected for events without an associated category.
    (#81 <>_)

  • The Ends-today property can be set on subevents if the extended container
    strategy is used.

  • A new dialog in the help menu displays System information.


  • The wx stock items are translated correctly in the Windows binary.
    (#109 <>_)

  • The strip text 'Century' is translatable.
    (#107 <>_)

Bug fixes:

  • Edit event dialog does not crash when there is a db error.
    (#127 <>_)

  • Application does not crash at startup if system has locale zh_CN (Chinese).
    (Merged from 1.5.1.)

  • Application does not crash when duplicating container events.
    (#125 <>_)

Posted by roger lindberg 2016-01-31

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