
#1634 TC sets active tasks to inactive.


I ike Task Coach very much. I use it every day.

I set every task I create as active. If I close Task Coach and reopen it, a set of tasks are suddenly inactive. It are always the same tasks which are inactive. How can I fix this problem?


  • John-Philip Taylor

    So glad I'm not the only one -- I'm struggling to reproduce it on a new (i.e. smaller and with non-IP-sensitive tasks) database.

    I have tasks A, B, C, D and E. Each one has sub-tasks. Some sub-tasks have sub-sub-tasks. Everything worked beautifully.

    I then marked all the tasks under task C that have sub-sub-tasks as "completed". Now, every time I open Task Coach after a computer restart (which is daily), task C and it's normal sub-tasks are marked as inactive. The sub-tasks that have sub-sub-tasks remain correctly marked as completed. Tasks A, B, D and E, and all their sub-tasks, remain correctly marked as active.

    Changing the completed tasks back to active does not solve the simptoms. It simply makes those part of the list that becomes inactive after a restart.

  • Artur Wala

    Artur Wala - 2017-11-08

    Added file where task is automatically set as inactive. Reproduction steps:
    1. set autosave after each change in preferences,
    2. open task_anonymized.tsk
    3. select cat7, a7, b7
    4. mark all these tasks as active by alt+enter - icon changed to blue (active)
    5. close Task Coach
    6. open task_anonymized.tsk
    Expected state: cat7,a7,b7 are active
    Current state: cat7,a7,b7 are inactive


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