
How to display contact list in a website

  • Etienne

    Etienne - 2011-06-01

    Hi everybody

    I hope that there is still somebody here to help me.
    I've just download and install tab3.3, and everything is working quite perfectly.
    It also fits my expectation concerning the administration and the management of the contact list.

    I need to keep the administration for one part, and create a "display"
    What I would like to do  is to insert the contact list in my website, in some "directory pages".

    May be there is some hidden tools I haven't found, if not I would consider putting hands inside the code (duplicate "list.php" to "display.php" with modification of the display conditions like removal of the login possiblily, modification of PageList.class.php to choose for what to be display,….).

    May be somebody has already solve this question. If so, I would be happy to have help, at leat a how-to describing the successive steps to achieve my goal.

    Thank you


  • Tobias

    Tobias - 2011-06-05

    Hi Etienne,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    AFAIK there is no "hidden option" to do so, although katzlbt had some XSLT working (but I do not think this is the right tool for you).

    Probably it is indeed easiest to do as you say: Create a new page class and its own file to display it. (Copy PageList.class.php and modify).


  • Etienne

    Etienne - 2011-06-06

    Hi gzm0

    Thanks for your reply.
    I will try in this way.
    If I obtain something interesting, I'll give news



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