
Seems to work on CM 10.1 M1

  • Adam

    Adam - 2013-01-24

    After futzing with the Android keyboard settings, I'm able to move the mouse or tab to move the focus between fields, and able to type text into textboxes.

    Is there any way to access the Home/Back/Recent buttons? Tab or moving mouse doesn't seem to get the focus to them. Or is there a keyboard combination on the server side that will send the right keystroke info to Android?

  • Shaun Patterson

    Shaun Patterson - 2013-01-24

    It's been a while since I've looked at this project… I've neglected it for a few years now.   But, looking at the code I see:

    keyTranslation  = KEY_HOME; // F1 to HOME
    keyTranslation  = KEY_MENU; // F2 to MENU
    keyTranslation  = KEY_BACK; // F3 to BACK
    keyTranslation  = KEY_SEARCH; // F4 to SEARCH

    So, give the F1-F4 keys a try and see what happens.

  • Mark Combellack

    Mark Combellack - 2013-02-04


    I've been playing with Synergy on some Android 4.x devices and had the same issue of the mouse pointer not appearing and the focus moving between fields when moving the mouse.

    After some debugging, the problem appears to be that on "newer" devices, Synergy is unable to send mouse events to the "qwerty" device name in the JNI layer. I changed the device name to "touchscreen" and now the keyboard and mouse are working as expected.

    I have created a patch for my changes and added it to the tracker. It can be found at:



  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-02-05

    And how exactly do we have to join the patch with the apk?
    Which would be the r0002 one, because the third version simply doesn't work in my CM (and apparently not only mine, if I read this forum. ;p)

    I'm new to the whole Android programming thing, but have a lot of experience in tech in general, so if you guys still need a dedicated beta-tester with CM10 (on a SGSII), just let me know! ;p
    ~ Doctor N.

  • Mark Combellack

    Mark Combellack - 2013-02-10

    Hi Doctor N,

    Thanks for your offer to be a tester of Synergy Android Client - your help is very much appreciated :-)

    The patch that I was referring to was a patch to the source code in SVN rather than for the APK file. To apply this patch, you would need to build the project from the source code

    To make testing easier (and to save having to set up a development environment), I have created a "0.0004 Alpha" release that contains this patch. The new release can be found at:

    This is the version that I am using daily on my Nexus 7 and it works well enough for me. I sometimes have problems where the mouse pointer cannot reach the top or bottom of the screen. To work around this, I just move the mouse up and down lots until it gets back into sync.

    Let me know if this release works any better for you.




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