anderson - 2004-04-12

I've been trying for a long time to synchronize data from a symbian/epoc client application with a sync4j server without any success.

The client app uses a ctoolkit dated from 03/06/2001 and the problem seems to be in the xpt transport layer. The functions xptSetDocumentInto(), xptSendData() and xptSendComplete() don't block at all and return 0 as if everythig was doing fine!. Then, when function xptGetDocumentInfo() is called, it returns SML_ERR_A_XPT_COMMUNICATION (0x5011) and the next xpt functions return SML_ERR_A_XPT_INVALID_STATE (0x5017).

I didn't find any complete documentation about the xpt, so I'd like to know if there's some white paper or anything else that could help me in this situation. In time, did anyone try to exchange sync data with sync4j server using the EPOC emulator and the ctoolkit?

Thanks in advance,
