
syn Text Editor / News: Recent posts

Syn has new admin!

Syn project has new admin - Paul Gardner, member of the syn project from one year. Paul has found syn in very bad state - development almost frozen, merging of v2.1 changes in v3.0 branch in the middle, a lot of bugs. He was not afraid - joined development team, started with more than dozen of bugfixes, then made huge amount of changes to finish started a long time ago storing of syn settings to INI files, recently committed some code to allow syn to have multiple custom highlighters. What will be next, Paul? We wish you happy coding, and a lot of fun! We are sure that syn will benefit from your joining the project...... read more

Posted by Danail Traichev 2006-02-15

syn RC 2 is out!

You can get it from here:

This release is mainly with bug fixes (preparing for release). However, there are some additions:

* Functions Combo replaced with new one, that allows filtering as you type. Read details in the changelog.txt
* Function combo can automatically show the name of the nearest function above current cursor position.
* Added shortcut for focusing Functions Combo - for more easy navigation with keyboard
* Project menu and Workspace popup menus updated
* added HTML manual to distribution
* added user contributed files to distribution... read more

Posted by Danail Traichev 2004-02-29

syn RC 1 released

I have uploaded next release in v2.1 branch - It is Release Candidate, because almost all reported bugs are fixed, and I hope to fix the rest for the final version. Please download it and check if there are other not reported/fixed nasty bugs, since I would like to focus my efforts on syn v3.0.


** Modifications **
- output expression handles files with fwd slashes in path (Unux like)
- syn recognizes <? ?> delimiters in HTML files... read more

Posted by Danail Traichev 2003-12-15

Bugfix release in 2.1 branch

I have uploaded v2.1.0.44. It contais:

** Modifications **
- scrollbars are updated on replace with confirmation dialog
- Find In Files has unlimited timeout

** Bugfixes **
- #825954 - AV with ctags (stivie) + another one :)
- #654598 and #777890 - Duplicate lines behaviour
- #634744 - Last line of editor cannot be commented with line comment
- #635084 - Navigation with the Tabs (tabs were changed, but editors not)
- #786388 - Wrong Font Style for printing -nearly fixed
- #797594 - Not loading last line if empty
- fixed bug "readonly files opened as untitled"
- fixed bug in asGrep, that makes it still... read more

Posted by Danail Traichev 2003-11-02

syn v3.0.0.1 (preview) can be downloaded

I have uploaded v3.0.0.1. Changelog:

** Modifications **
- Output / "Jump to line" moves focus to editor window
- replace confirmation dialog updates scrollbars
- "Case sensitivity" and "Search from caret" are persistent between sessions

** Bugfixes **
- fixed $[ActiveDoc-] bug, thanks to Stefan
- fixed bug in GetAbsoluteFileName (removes last backslash)
- fixed bug "SuggestionPath does not work"
- fixed bug with AV at syn shutdown after opening OptionsDialog
- fixed bug with AV if Instant Translate Dialog is disabled
- fixed bug with splitter of bottom docking panel
- fixed bug #819953 "File attribute not set"
- fixed bug "Ctrl+Y does not work on last line"... read more

Posted by Danail Traichev 2003-10-17

syn v3.0 preview can be downloaded

I have uploaded preview of syn v3.0. It is based on syn v2.0, so v2.1 changes are still not included. They will be available in next beta.

It can be downloaded directly from here:

Major changes over previous syn version (v2.0.0.23) include:

* macro recording and playback - apart from old active scripting support
* more flexible (IMHO) model for syn customization
* enhanced events and run profiles
* custom parameters - extension of old syn "variables"
* Sophisticated and flexible docking to multiple pages
* toolbars layout can be saved in so called "Desktop files"
* customizable menus and toolbars
* action palette for user defined toolbars
* Command Line Bar for executing shell commands from syn
* multilanguage support via plain text files... read more

Posted by Danail Traichev 2003-10-05

Final release of syn Version 2.1 ( &amp; goodbye


I've released the final version of syn 2.1 today, but I'm not quite sure if it's stable enough. However, I did that because I'll leave the project and I wanted that there is a binary release of the latest source for those not having access to CVS and a Delphi compiler.

You probably already heard about the patent issue in Europe (in a nuteshell: Software Patents are no longer illegal in Europe, and a 10 Liner infirges in avarage 20 Patents. syn has 200,000 source lines ~ 400,000 patent infrigements), so I decided that I won't release a Software product or Source code to the public any further.... read more

Posted by Ascher Stefan 2003-09-24

Beta 9 is out!


I've just released Beta 9 ( with support for ctags ( This implements a frequently requested Feature. It parses now the active document for Declarations and lists them in a List.

The ctags program is not included in the distribution, you must download it separately from the Homepage.

Have fun Stefan!

Posted by Ascher Stefan 2003-08-25

Release of Beta 7 with cool new features!

Beta 7 has been released today. This one has two new nice features:

1. You can use syn now as your Console Window, the Editor acts in this Mode like the Command Prompt. It shows the output of the program, and writes the commands entered in the Editor to the Program (StdIn).

This way you can use your favourite Editor (;-)) as your console window, and benefit from all the additional features syn offers, like Syntaxhighlight, AutoComplete, sophisticated Edit and Search commands etc. It remembers all entered commands and adds it to a list similar to the AutoComplete list. You can display this list with Ctrl+Enter.... read more

Posted by Ascher Stefan 2003-07-31

The syn Project has a new member


this project has a new member (Franois Rivierre), here is what he want's to make:
I prefer "tryingtodogoodstuff"-webdesigner for now ;-)

I think we'll get a nice looking homepage soon :-).

Ahh, and we've released a a Pre-Alpha version of syn 2.5.

Posted by Ascher Stefan 2002-12-14

syn compiles with Delphi 6

syn compiles now with Delphi 6, thanks to Markus, who has tested this, and told me what's to change.

Although he also reported that the Executeable is quite unstable.

Posted by Ascher Stefan 2002-10-14

Final Release of syn Version 2.0.0

I've just released the final version of syn 2.0.0, I hope it is mostly bugfree :-).

Enjoy Stefan & Danail

Posted by Ascher Stefan 2002-09-09

Released BETA 5

syn Version 2.0 Beta 5 is available for download. This release will be one of the last Beta releases (maybe there will be a Beta 6, but I'm not sure), it runs quite stable, and I think it's time for the final release.

Enjoy Stefan

Posted by Ascher Stefan 2002-09-01

New Developer

A new Develpoer joined the syn project, his name is Danail Traichev and you can contact him via the email address (remove NOSPAM). He has overtaken the Feature request #595567 (Prompt User), and he said he has a lot of other cool ideas :-).

Posted by Ascher Stefan 2002-08-29

Problems with Beta 4

There are some problems with Beta 4, you should download an updated EXE file, which solves this problems from, and replace the old syn.exe with this one.

Send me a mail if there are still problems, or just submit an item to the Bug Tracker.

Posted by Ascher Stefan 2002-08-14

Released BETA 4

BETA 4 is available for download, and it brings lots of nice new features :-).

Posted by Ascher Stefan 2002-08-10

Beta 3 Release

This Release fixes two annoing bugs:

- Fixed annoying "Dictionary not found" at first start.
-Fix - Welcome Dialog appeared when you used the Recent files from SynTray.

Posted by Ascher Stefan 2002-07-19

syn at SourceForge

As you have probably already seen, syn has moved to SourceForge.

Posted by Ascher Stefan 2002-07-19