
Script Your Documentation Instantly / News: Recent posts

SYDI-Server 2.3

SYDI is a project aimed to help people with documenting their networks. SYDI-Server uses WMI to collect information from a Windows server such as hostname, ip address, services, installed applications, cpu information, memory etc.

The information is then presented in a Microsoft Word document or an xml file. If you have multiple machines the xml files can be parsed and presented in Excel to give an overview of your computers.... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2009-01-24

SYDI-Server 2.2 Released

SYDI Server 2.2 has been released, the new in the release is the script which allows you to audit the local group members on the computers in your organization.

More information about this script is availible here:

SYDI-Server 2.2 can be downloaded from this page:

- Added script sydi-audit-localgroups.vbs to audit local group memberships
- Fixed issue with install time for patches on Vista (
- Fixed bug where subnet mask would appear as destination (
- Swapped Mb -> MB (
- Added a Danish language file (by Christian Sandfeld)... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2008-12-01

SYDI-Server 2.1 Released!

SYDI-Server is a tool to help people create documentation for their Windows servers and clients. Information is gathered with WMI and with registry reads. It uses VBScript and produces output in MS-Word format or XML.

Changes from last version:
- Fixed bug when " appeared in the program version field (
- Added filechecking for ss-xml2word, gives an error if it doesn't find the files
- Removed (tm) character from XML files, made SYDI-Overview crash
- Added language files for ss-xml2word.vbs: Dutch, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese
- Added service comparison for computers (SYDI-Overview)
- Added IP Addresses to SYDI-Overview, it will only report one address in this version. ... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2008-01-29

SYDI-Server 2.0 Released

SYDI-Server is a tool to help people create documentation for their Windows servers and clients. Information is gathered with WMI and with registry reads. It uses VBScript and produces output in MS-Word format or XML.

The biggest change for this version is the addition of the ss-xml2word.vbs script. The script enables you to convert an XML file from SYDI-Server to Word, it can also use a second XML containing your written documentation for a system. This way you can easily have an up to date documentation for your servers.... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2006-06-26

SYDI-Server 1.6 Released

SYDI-Server is a tool to help people create documentation for their Windows servers and clients. Information is gathered with WMI and with registry reads. It uses VBScript and produces output in MS-Word format or XML.

The biggest change for this version the addition the sydi-overview.vbs script. The script (located in the tools folder) parses SYDI-Server xml files and presents an overview in an MS Excel document.... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2005-08-29

Happy Birthday SYDI!

The SYDI project is one year today (or yesterday depending on how you see it). The project was registered the August 9, 2005 and the first release was SYDI-Server 0.9 (though then it was only called SYDI) which was released August 10, 2005.

Best regards
Patrick Ogenstad

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2005-08-10

SYDI-Server 1.5 Released

SYDI-Server is a tool to help people create documentation for their Windows servers and clients. Information is gathered with WMI and with registry reads. It uses VBScript and produces output in MS-Word format or XML.

The biggest change for this version the addition of non-msi installed applications also if used for inventory purposes the last logged on user should be quite good. Ive also fixed the FlexWiki support, please read the readme file for instructions on how to use this.... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2005-06-10

Project Milestone: 10 000 Downloads Reached!

As of May 26th 2005 the SYDI project reached 10 000 downloads. I would like to thank everyone who has posted ideas to the feature request section or notes in the forum, also thanks for all the mails Ive received and to Russel Phillips (avantman42) for being the first person to donate money to the project. Based on this and all the feedback Ive received I must be doing something good. :)

Im very happy to be able to post this note but I still think we could do better so please tell your fellow admins to visit read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2005-05-26

Addition to the team

Im pleased to announce that Patrik Kullman has joined the team. Patrik Kullman or Nomego is a colleague of mine at Netsafe (, he will be helping me with the SYDI-Linux package.

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2005-04-28

SYDI-Linux 0.1 Released

Do you pine for the nice days of yore, when men were men and wrote their own system documentation? Are you without documentation and just dying to cut your teeth on a tool you can try to modify for your needs? Then this post might be just for you (hm, now why did that seem oddly familiar?)

SYDI (Script Your Documentation Instantly) has for some time been a project which helps Windows users with creating documentation for their Server, SQL and Exchange systems. SYDI for Windows uses VBScript and gathers information from WMI, Registry, LDAP and SQL queries and them presents the output in either a Microsoft Word Document or an XML file.... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2005-04-19

SYDI-SQL 0.8 Released

SYDI-SQL is a tool to help people create documentation for their MS-SQL servers. It uses VBScript and produces output in MS-Word format or XML.

As someone pointed out SYDI-SQL didnt give much information about SQL jobs. In this release Ive added at least some more details and schedules. There isnt any information about notifications yet but that might come later.

Changes from the last version:
- Added more details to SQL jobs (rfe:1166260)
- Added -T option to use Word template file
- Added -b option to specify which MS Word tables to use
- Fixed a bug concerning document creation in word (1112733)... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2005-04-05

SYDI-Server 1.4 Released

SYDI-Server is a tool to help people create documentation for their Windows servers and clients. Information is gathered with WMI and with registry reads. It uses VBScript and produces output in MS-Word format or XML.

The biggest change for this version is the addition of a wrapper script which enables you to choose multiple hosts from a text file, Active Directory or NT Domain.

I also added IP routes which come from a WMI provider which was added in Windows XP. Previously I didnt want the script to se newer features but I added a version check before I use post Windows 2000 features. I will start looking closer at other XP and 2003 features which might be useful to have.... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2005-03-31

SYDI-Exchange 0.4 Released

SYDI-Exchange is a tool developed to help people in documenting their Microsoft Exchange Organizations. It is a vbscript which writes output to Microsoft Word or XML.

This is the second release of SYDI-Exchange, in this release I started to gather some basic information from the Information Stores. Ive received a lot of comments on SYDI-Server and SYDI-SQL but hardly anything about SYDI-Exchange if you have any feature requests please submit them to: ... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2005-03-11

SYDI-SQL 0.7.1 Released

SYDI-SQL is a tool to help people create documentation for their MS-SQL servers. It uses vbscript and produces output in

MS-Word format or XML.

Changes from the last version:
- Added support for User Defined Functions -Su (rfe:1072038)
- Fixed bug for case sensitive servers (1113101)
- Fixed two bugs concerning XML generation (1110405, 1113099)

You can find the latest release here: ... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2005-02-08

SYDI-Server 1.3.4 Released

Summary: SYDI-Server 1.3.4 Released. SYDI-Server is a tool to help people create documentation for their Windows servers and clients. Information is gathered with WMI and with registry reads. It uses vbscript and produces output in MS-Word format or XML.

Well I didn't want to release a new version that was just bugfixes, so I added the feature request which took the least amount of time :)

When SYDI-Server creates tables in MS Word they don't have any borders, some people like this some don't. Now there is an option to choose which table to use, so;... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2005-02-02

SYDI-Server 1.3.3 Released

SYDI-Server is a tool to help people create documentation for their Windows servers and clients. Information is gathered with WMI and with registry reads. It uses vbscript and produces output in MS-Word format or XML.

Changes from last version:
- Addex XSL transform for FlexWiki (-sf) Made by Kevin Thompson
- Added a switch (-st) for specifying your own xsl file
- Fixed minor bugg (1086166)... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2005-01-24

Addition to the team

Im pleased to announce that Kevin Thompson has joined the team. Kevin or mrunleaded is an experienced .Net developer.


Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2005-01-24

SYDI-Exchange 0.3 Released

SYDI-Exchange is a tool developed to help people in documenting their Microsoft Exchange Organizations. It is a vbscript which writes output to Microsoft Word or XML.

This is the first public release of SYDI-Exchange, theres still a lot of work to do but I wanted to show what Id done. If youve tested the software and have feature requests please submit them to: read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2004-12-03

SYDI-SQL 0.7 Released

SYDI-SQL is a tool to help people create documentation for their MS-SQL servers. It uses vbscript and produces output in MS-Word format or XML.

The biggest news for this version is the XML support, so from now on Microsoft Word is no longer a requirement. XML also opens up the possibilities with what you can do with SYDI.

In this version there transformation is only done to html, but it could be to virtually anything. A word of warning though, before you shape your life around this :) since this is the first version with XML support the schema might change.... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2004-11-25

SYDI-Server 1.3.1 Released

SYDI-Server is a tool to help people create documentation for their Windows servers and clients. Information is gathered with WMI and with registry reads. It uses vbscript and produces output in Microsoft Word or XML format.

This release is mostly about bugfixes with the exception of ToC in XML/html.

Changes from last version:
- Added a Table of Contents to the XML/HTML output
- Added some general error handling
- Fixed a bug for XML output for (an issue with the naming of memory banks)
- Changed sydi-transform.vbs to support older versions of MSXML... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2004-11-17

SYDI-Server 1.3 Released

SYDI-Server is a tool to help people create documentation for their Windows servers and clients. Information is gathered with WMI and with registry reads. It uses vbscript and produces output in MS-Word format or XML.

The biggest news for this version is the XML support, so from now on Microsoft Word is no longer a requirement. XML also opens up the possibilities with what you can do with SYDI.

In this version there transformation is only done to html, but it could be to virtually anything. A word of warning though, before you shape your life around this :) since this is the first version with XML support the schema might change.... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2004-11-15

SYDI-SQL 0.6.1 Released

SYDI-SQL is a tool to help people create documentation for their MS-SQL servers. It uses vbscript and produces output in MS-Word format.

Changes from last version:
- Added path and name for MSSQLServer binary.
- Added support for case sensitive SQL servers
- Fixed stored procedures, they were cut at 4000 characters

You can find the latest release here: ... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2004-10-27

SYDI-Server 1.2.2 Released

SYDI-Server is a tool to help people create documentation for their Windows servers and clients. Information is gathered with WMI and with registry reads. It uses vbscript and produces output in MS-Word format. Changes from last version:Added Print Spooler location and option -rp, Added local users (on non DC machines) and option -wu, Fixed -we option, it didn't work before, Made some changes to the document structure... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2004-10-20

SYDI-SQL 0.6 Released

SYDI-SQL is a tool to help people create documentation for their MS-SQL servers. It uses vbscript and produces output in MS-Word format.

Recent Changes:
Version 0.6 - 2004-10-04
- Added command line arguments (sydi-sql.vbs -h)
- Added Stored Procedures (which hopefully works :) )
- Added Job Names
- Added support for Non-English versions of Word
- Added Hyperlinks in table of contents

Version 0.5.1 - 2004-09-16
- Sorted databases/tables/columns in alphabetical order
- Added Authentication Mode
- Added Audit Level
- Added Database Compatibility level
- Improved console reporting
- Removed User defined tables for Master and MSDB
- Captures document author from Word
- Added Header and Footer... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2004-10-04

SYDI-Server 1.2.1 Released

SYDI-Server is a tool to help people create documentation for their Windows servers and clients. Information is gathered with WMI and with registry reads. It uses vbscript and produces output in MS-Word format.

Recent Changes:
Version 1.2.1 - 2004-10-04
- Added Event Log File info, also added -we option for this
- Removed info about remote printers
- Made some changes to the document structure

Version 1.2 - 2004-09-28
- Added Server Roles
- Added -n option for 'No Extras'
- Added -o option to save output file
- Added -T option to use Word template file
- Made some changes to the document structure... read more

Posted by Patrick Ogenstad 2004-10-04