
any other fields?

  • graycat

    graycat - 2005-04-28

    I'm really impressed with this script by Patrick. well done that man for writing it!

    I'm pushing to make this a standard documentation script within my company but have started to get a bit brain dead on the whole documentation side. Does anyone use or can think of any extra fields that could be useful? I've only just run accross the script and am still very much playing with it so any suggestions or ideas could be usefull.

    Cheers, all.


    • graycat

      graycat - 2005-05-04

      ok, i've come up with one: in the backup section, how tricky would it be to add multiple standard headings? ie: the user gets prompted for number of backup jobs running, then that number of standard headings are written into the word doc.

      i've got the standard headings written and can get the popup but don't know how to get the number from the popup back into the script for it to write X no. headings. any suggestions?


    • Patrick Ogenstad

      As I said in another post I dont understand what you mean with the backup jobs. In my opinion the backup section should only be used when you have a very small number of servers. At a certain point it gets easier to document the backup procedure in a separate document and when you do that you can just make a note or reference to the other document in the server backup section.

      Other fields or sections could be how the server is managed, baseline performance, daily operations guide.

      I have considered releasing a SYDI-Templates package which deals with documents around the server documentation.

    • graycat

      graycat - 2005-05-10

      cheers for getting back to me, patrick :)

      what i'm after (and have managed so far) is for a set of standard headings within the backup section basically discribing the backup jobs etc etc. I'd really like for a popup to ask the user for a number and then write these headings that many times, ie: how many backup jobs? 3, 3 sets of the standard headings are writen.

      I see what you mean about documenting the backup routine seperately if you have lots of servers and will be suggesting that we generate something like that covering the whole company. unfortunately we're still very fragmented so to cover my office(s) I'd like to have it on a per-server basis for the moment.

      if you've got any hints / tips / advice going then I'd love to hear it as i'm still very new to this game :)


    • Patrick Ogenstad


      No problems :)

      If you want to do this the best advice I can give you is to write an own function or sub which is called from somewhere in the script (like the WriteHeader sub is now), that way it will be much easier for you to move your changes when new versions of SYDI are released.

      Not really sure of other hints or tips, one might be to use the macro recorder in Word if you are uncertain of how to do something there. But its hard do give tips when I dont know how far into the game you are :)

      // Patrick

    • graycat

      graycat - 2005-05-13

      ok, partick. cheers for the advice. suppose it's down to me to hav a play and see what i can work out :)



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