
#40 Roof Generator plugin


In the series of YAUP: Generate Roof plugin v.1.0
Don't expect too much!
It work for few simple roofs: rectangle and shape L, T, S, F.
Don't work as expected on complex shapes like E or round.
The angle could be adjusted before add it to plane.
For more discussions came on SH3D forum.

8 Attachments


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  • Mike Lee

    Mike Lee - 2021-12-29

    Hello, great work! Do you plan to add support for traditional gable roofs in the future?

  • xlance

    xlance - 2022-02-19

    Nice Work :-)
    A while ago I created this, which might be helpful

  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2022-02-19

    Thanks to all!
    @xlance I've see Your work but is over my head.
    Imagine that: for every situation need separate code and a lot of user interactions.
    Wile I'm not a programmer I'll try to make this one better.
    Unfortunately I feel I can't alone and I need help.
    @Mark Lee
    Even apparently look simple what You ask is more complicate to generate from few clicks.
    At least for me.

    • xlance

      xlance - 2022-02-20

      @ Dorin Vatavu
      It's a huge job I agree :-)
      You could still use, only the Main GUI with different Roof types instead of creating from scratch. As for not being a programmer, same here ! At least you managed to create a fully functional Plugin ;-)


      Last edit: xlance 2022-02-20
  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2022-03-10

    New version 2.0
    Finally I've give up to reinvent the wheel.
    Thanks to Tom Kelly for his campskeleton, a professional solution. It work on more than 95%
    Thanks also to Daniele who help me and point me on right direction.
    Of course could be improved but not by me.
    Problem: steel don't compute texture coordinate correctly.

  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2022-03-20

    New version 2.5
    Unfortunately this plugin left YAUP category and go to Normal Plugins.
    That happens when professional are implied. Thanks to Daniele who make 99% of work.
    -bug fix in texture computation - @autor Daniele
    -elegant solution to correct faces name - @autor Daniele
    -remove blue edges when roof are exported - @autor Daniele
    -add a slider in place of spin box
    -replace "Refresh" button with "Reset all to 45dg"
    Now You don't need to set a rotation angle for texture, just select 1, few or all and set texture at once.

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    Thanks for this nice plug-in. It works very well :-)
    Just for the sake of clarity about licences, I add that the Jama library included in this plug-in is available in public domain.

  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2022-03-21

    Thanks Emmanuel!
    A week ago I've read something about licenses and I've see that Jama is in public domain.
    It's my fault to forget to add this license but I'll fix it in next version IF I will still use it.
    I've already exclude Jama.utils.maths while I've modify the dependencies with Math.hypot.
    I will see what else depend of Jama but that it takes time.
    Anyway, if need it I'll use it and I'll add corresponding licenses.

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    Don't worry too much about it since public domain = free to do whatever you want with the code.
    But mentioning it is a good idea because it thanks the authors of Jama and avoids other people to look for a possible omission in licences list. Adding a note about it in README.TXT is probably enough.

  • Razvan Stoichita

    Salut Dorin!

    i was looking for this plugin and while i installed it (using the latest version of sh3d), when i hit generate roof, it always creates a triangle. No other components. Tried it on a square room.. etc.

    am i missing something ? i see it working nicely in your posted picts.

  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2022-08-01

    Salut Răzvan!
    1. Please move this tread on SH3D forum.
    2. Need some information: OS, java version, plugin version.
    3. Try to run on terminal and put the output (if any).
    4. Take some screenshot.
    5. I just test it and work also whit SH3D v.7.0 and GR v. 2.5-DL

  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2022-08-08

    New version 3.0
    What's new :
    1. Individual face selection with mouse (thanks to Emmanuel & Daniele),
    2. Individual face angle set (thanks to Daniele),
    3. Add a Help button with some useful information (I've stole some codes from Daniele).
    -Add Chinese translation (thanks to YGYL but incomplete at that moment, need updated).

  • Dec

    Dec - 2022-09-05

    plan to try this out. :-)

  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2022-09-05

    Hi decard,
    Please read this first.
    On short: make a room, select it, Tools->Generate roof..., modify roof and OK to insert it on plan as new furniture.
    PS Don't forget: v 3.0 is compatible with installed version of SH3D v > 7.0


    Last edit: Dorin Vatavu 2022-09-05
  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2022-11-22

    New version 3.1
    What's new :
    - fix bug in faces texture rendering
    - other organize of translation files
    - some minor changes in camp skeleton library
    - add Italian translation
    - TODO: update Chinese translation*

  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2022-11-23

    New version 3.1.1
    Try to fix a bug which prevent loading plugin on some OS with global language settings other than en_US.

  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2022-12-16

    New version 4.0.beta2
    -add thickness
    -compute holes in roof projection
    -make faces invisible in preview
    -add a fine tuning slider
    -remove Help button as useless.
    Some more information on forum

  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2022-12-30

    New version 4.0
    - add feature to compute holes in roof projection
    - add roof thickness
    - add specific property to roof piece of furniture
    - add option to set roof face invisibility before export
    - increase slope limit to 165 to cover entire range (180)
    - increase slope precision from 1 to 0.1 deg
    - increase number of selected faces to n-1
    - add the reuse mechanism of the already generated roof
    - now you could modify the roof including in new sessions
    - implement an better way in generated levels
    - add few new elements to dialog*

  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2023-12-13

    New version 4.5 (probably the last in this series)
    * the application minimum version is 7.2.
    -- starting with this version the furniture have the feature to add custom properties so are used for roof windows
    * add option to show the home in roof preview.
    -- Only visible walls, windows, roofs and roof windows.
    * add option to use or not the existing roof texture in preview.
    -- The borders of edited roof will remain yellow to be distinguished from other existing roofs.
    -- For new roof the option is grayed.
    * add roof elevation.
    -- When home are visible it is easier to set roof elevation.
    -- The new level are set at current roof elevation.
    -- If roof level exist and it is at a lower elevation, only the roof will be elevated.
    * add option (an editable text field) to set the author name (could be empty).
    * increase slope range from 1~179 degrees.
    * replace the fine slope slider with a spinner in range of -0.9~0.9 step 0.1 degrees.
    * set default slope to 40 in place of 45 degrees.
    * add an icon (blue eye-closed) to invisible edges in Edges/Slope list.
    * add interval (range) selection in preview.
    -- Shift+click (similar with selection in list).
    * when nothing is selected in preview (no edge selected) the Invisible, Slope and Fine are grayed.
    * remember the thickness, elevation, author name and texture when a roof are reloaded.
    * add more visibility to selected edge.
    -- The selected edge(s) are still a red line but with 3cm thickness.
    * set thickness range between 2.5~30.5cm (1"~12").
    * set default thickness value to 7.62cm (3").
    * fix the border texture orientation.
    -- The texture follow the border orientation.
    * add 2 types of borders: vertical and orthogonal.
    -- The orthogonal borders could be used as template for roofs made with tiles objects.
    * add feature to make rectangular holes in roof faces for roof windows.
    -- The roof windows objects have some specific characteristics and properties and are part of Roof windows library.
    -- The roof windows will be automatically fine tuning (Angle, X-Axis rotation and Elevation).
    -- Now all the holes will have orthogonal borders including the holes in roof projection.
    * add feature to reverse faces.
    -- When are two superposed roofs you could set the lower one to have the inner faces individually selected.
    -- This feature have to be used just before export the roof, otherwise will be difficult to select faces in preview.
    * add feature to clean the roof projection(s).
    -- Remove superposed or too closer points.
    -- Remove unnecessary collinear points.
    * when copy and move/rotate the roof you could modify the roof copy.
    You also have an user manual and the specific roof windows library.

  • Vukasin Nikodijevic

    Just installed plugin in the linux version and it's gray under tools menu (not clickable) - any idea ?

    I see this error msg during app start:
    DynamicPluginLoader: plugin.classpath property not set

  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2024-02-19

    Draw a room and select it.

  • Vukasin Nikodijevic

    ql - that did the trick. Not obvious.

    Thanks for the quick answer and great plugin !

  • byDMA

    byDMA - 2024-06-15

    Hi Dorin,
    thanks for the grat plugin.
    I have now made theming for SH3D with DarkFlatlaf and with all the plugins that are available.,12872_lastpage,yes#62795

    I have found two small errors in the design and would like to ask you to correct them. These are just trifles.
    1. The width of the column for Edges output
    2. The background color for the output

    Ad. 1
    The minimum width is a bit too small when you are using scaling and the fonts are getting bigger and the text is truncated.
    I found in #230 and #231

    scrollEdgesPane.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(100, 0));
    scrollEdgesPane.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(140, 0));

    maybe it will help

    scrollEdgesPane.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(140, 0));
    scrollEdgesPane.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(180, 0));

    I found in (#37)

    setBackground(Color.WHITE);// It's needed for nimbus LaF

    The problem ist the hardcoding, if you are using a dark theme, the fonts are light, so you can see nothing. What is the roblem with Background in nimbus?


    I forgot. When using the icon empty_icon.png is related, then the empty_icon.png can be transparent.


    Last edit: byDMA 2024-06-15
  • Dorin Vatavu

    Dorin Vatavu - 2024-06-15

    New version 4.6
    -simplified the UI and tried to make it look OK under macOS X
    -add axis on 3D
    -add pre-maded translation files for all languages available on SH3D
    -reorganize the plugin internals according to my new rules.
    @byDMA Try this version and suggest improvements.
    Generally you're right!


    Last edit: Dorin Vatavu 2024-06-16
  • byDMA

    byDMA - 2024-06-15

    Thanks for the quick response. It is much better, the flashy colors are gone. But the width is a bit too big now.
    But if you are asking for improvements, it's ready :-)
    I have made new big icons for the explaining the borders, for dark and light theme. I don't know, wat you prefer.

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