
#249 Triangulation


When you want to draw a house which is not based on rectangle, it could be hard to get corner dimension.
A triangulation pluggin could be a good solution…


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Triangulation Exemple

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    Please explain how this triangulation helps you?
    I saw the attached example but I don't understand what these triangles are for...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Normalement c'est utilisé pour calculer des surfaces

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    I'm not sure a tool as complete as the one shown in the image attached to this email will be available one day, but from the similar French request I understand now what you mean by triangulation.
    At this time, I propose to add a new wizard for room creation which would help to create rooms with special shape (rectangular, L shape, quadrilateral from the length of its sides and diagonals).

  • morton jean-paul

    Could you warn us when it will be available.
    Thank you.

  • morton jean-paul

    Y a t-il du nouveau au sujet des diagonales ou triangulation, merci ...

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    Don't expect this feature in a very close future...

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    In version 6.3, added some temporary dimension lines to draw rooms more easily with triangulation method. In a future version, I'll also add the ability to enter the length of the diagonal starting from the edited room point.

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    The version 7.0 lets you enter the length of the diagonal starting from the edited room point.
    This should be enough to draw rooms by triangulation.


    Last edit: Emmanuel Puybaret 2022-07-29
  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    • status: open --> closed

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