
#769 No longer launches after attempting to install plug-ins

alan domsky

Had 5.4.1 (Amazon paid download) working for a few days. Almost completed project with renderings and even a video. Enough to present to city development as a preliminary. I tried to load 2 plug-ins (Copyasnewfurniture, shapegenerator) and got an "Unable to launch" error and now entire program fails with inly the initail "sweet home 3D" spalsh sceen dissaspearing after a few seconds. Have removed and reinstalled both the program and Java updates twice and still no go even with Java Web Stat. Win 10 64. Tried compatibility with win 8 , no luck.


  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    Strange, these 2 plugins should work with Sweet Home 3D 5.4.2. Plugins are stored in the folder C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\eTeks\Sweet Home 3D where user is your login. Remove the files found in this folder and restart Sweet Home 3D.

    • alan domsky

      alan domsky - 2017-08-15

      No in eTeks(or)Sweet Home in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming. All Sweet Home files (Hidden or otherwise) such as Furniture and Textures are in C:\Program Files\Sweet Home 3D\resources. Both mentioned plug-ins have been removed to no effect.

      Please help. I have a project to complete and have invested much time and used the paid version so I would have the most compliant version to run in Win 10.

      Many thanks,

      alan domsky


      Last edit: Emmanuel Puybaret 2017-08-15
      • Emmanuel Puybaret

        As the developer of Sweet Home 3D, I'm sure about the folder where plugins are stored. You could also search a plugin location from its name because installed plugins are not renamed.
        Anyway, if you're in a hurry, I would recommend to create another account on your computer because plugins are per account.


        Last edit: Emmanuel Puybaret 2017-08-15
        • alan domsky

          alan domsky - 2017-08-16

          I am miffed, too. It is not a question of added plug-ins that didn't install, it is that since attempting to install the 2 aforementioned plug ins the entire program won't load. The two days of creating my project I used a few items in the plug-ins included with the 5.4.1 Amazon Download such as Scopia. 2D and 3D rendering was without any hiccups and quite fun-awesome for a program this modest in price.

          I have checked, searched and am sure that No eTeks or Sweet Home folder in administrator\appdata\roaming anywhere. Lots of Corel and other folders in Roaming. All references to eTeks are in named items to in C\:program Files\SweetHome including License and also Start Menu. Never on the original install or 2 post uninstall / reinstalls with computer reboots did a registration form field for user info appear. Only registration form field I have filled out was in SurgeForce online trying troubleshoot this. I am stuck and needing to complete my project that I have invested a couple of days into and can't access the program to open the files.

          Could it possibly be the version in the Amazon download? Download package File version is It has your name and sha1 on the digital signature.

          There are a slew of Java files, executables and jlp's associated with Sweet Home 3D. Please help!



          Last edit: Emmanuel Puybaret 2017-08-19
        • alan domsky

          alan domsky - 2017-08-18

          Greetings Emmanuel!

          I replied 2 days ago and have not heard back and wanted to make sure you received my last communique. My mail system on the phone was having problems for days with outgoing mail (smtp), unrealized until yesterday, perhaps due to a CenturyLink system update that rendered my settings improper. Had to spend time to figure it out but it is fixed. You have previously been very timely in your response and attention. I wrote the following:

          I am miffed, too. No eTeks folder or sweet home in administrator\appdata\roaming anywhere. Lots of Corel and other folders in Roaming. All references to eTeks are in named items to in C\:program Files\SweetHome including License and also Start Menu. Never on the original install or 2 post uninstall / reinstalls with computer reboots did a registration form field for user info appear. Only registration form field I have filled out was in SurgeForce online trying troubleshoot this. I am stuck and needing to complete my project that I have invested a couple of days into and can't access the program to open the files.

          Could it possibly be the version in the Amazon download? Download package File version is It has your name and sha1 on the digital signature.

          There are a slew of Java executables, files and jlp's associated with Sweet Home 3D.

          I did have to remove old Java versions and reinstall the most recent ver. as well as the Web Launcher to get the program to run initially for the days it did work.

          Please help!



          Last edit: alan domsky 2017-08-19
  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    Did you try to edit your .sh3d files from another account as suggested earlier?

  • alan domsky

    alan domsky - 2017-08-19

    There is no account to edit or set up new from. Just (for the 3rd time) uninstalled; rebooted; reinstalled this time directly from Amazon account instead of first saving to the hard drive to see if it would launch a registration as you said it should have. Still just get the splash screen for 3 seconds only and no references to eTeks or Sweet Home in appdata\roaming. All Sweet Home files, jlp's excecutables, etc are under C:\Programs such as an example the plug-ins (BlendSwap, Scopia, Trees, etc.) are under C:\Program Files\Sweet Home 3D\resources\furniture. Please help. Loosing time and getting to the point of abanoning this and moving on to another program and after all that nice design and rendering I had accomplished during the 3 days the program worked. Thanks for your attention.

  • alan domsky

    alan domsky - 2017-08-19

    BTW I was going to attempt to download Java 32 bit as one part of you site suggests if your OS is Win (10) 64 bit. I cannot for the life of me find any jre32 download for anything other than Linux on the bJava site.

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    Please open a cmd window and run Sweet Home 3D redirecting errors to a file with a command like:
    "C:\Program Files\Sweet Home 3D\SweetHome3D.exe" 2> Desktop\log.txt
    Maybe log.txt will contain interesting information...

  • alan domsky

    alan domsky - 2017-08-26

    No such luck trying to pull up anythin in cmd (dos). Did a "log.txt" search in C:\ and the only file of interest by type and date is an XML file labled plugin at the location:

    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\lib\missioncontrol\plugins\

    Many lines of code if they are of interest, otherwise I am mysteriously dead in the water.

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    Of course, the command may have to be adapted to your environment, but if you're not used to write such commands, I understand it didn't bring any new information...

  • alan domsky

    alan domsky - 2017-08-26

    I have now spent more time troubleshooting than creating the project. The only time even the spash screen appears is by launching with the SweetHome3D.jnlp or SweetHome3D-DirectX.jnlp.

    It DID work for a while. Could it be the Amazon download? Is there a way to do a clean install of 5.4.1 and start fresh?

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    No 3D program can work on all possible computers. Maybe you should try an other solution...

  • alan domsky

    alan domsky - 2017-08-30

    Sounds like you are advising me to throw in the towel and move on to another program.

    I had a suspicion that Java installs were to blame and as a last ditch effort I went and removed all Java programs, rebooted and installed just the Version 8 Update 144. I now have Sweet Home 3D open and my project files are back and working. For now....fingers crossed.

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    You don't need to install Java to run Sweet Home 3D from its installer...

  • alan domsky

    alan domsky - 2017-08-30

    Did not uninstall SH3D at all this time just all 3 Java apps reinstalling only v8 U 144. The strategy was successful as I far.


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