
#753 SweetHome 3D does not work with latest Windows 10 update


Since the latest update of Windows 10, SweetHome 3D does not open anymore. It shows the logo but then quits. Not possible to open any files either.


  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    What version do you use? Installer or Java Web Start?

    • Bob Vekemans

      Bob Vekemans - 2017-06-09



      Last edit: Emmanuel Puybaret 2017-06-24
  • M. Gelderblom

    M. Gelderblom - 2017-06-23


    Here almost exactly the same problem. I see that java starts. But then... nothing happens. I can only try this once. After one time even java does nothing anny more.

    Good luck with your investigation!

  • Nelson Antonio Provinciato

    I am having problems also after the Windows 10 update, The program opens but if I try to open or save some file through the menu the program closes. Also closes the program if I try to import some object into the drawing. I can only open it if the file is in the recent open files history but sometimes closes the program after some time.

    This program is great for drawing houses easily.
    Thank you

    • Emmanuel Puybaret

      Nelson, your issue is different. Please, see bug #743.

  • Nelson Antonio Provinciato

    Emmanuel, thank you so much for the help. It's working very well now.

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    Bob, M. Gelderblom, please try the installer of the new version 5.5.
    If you still have problems with Sweet Home 3D after running this installer, particularly if your PC uses an Intel graphics card, run SweetHome3D-5.5-windows.exe again in a command window followed by the two parameters /os.arch=x86 /j3d.version=1.5.2
    Hope this will fix your issue.

    • Bob Vekemans

      Bob Vekemans - 2017-09-07

      I reinstalled already and problem solied. Thanks


      Last edit: Emmanuel Puybaret 2017-09-07
    • M. Gelderblom

      M. Gelderblom - 2017-09-09

      Hi Emmanuel,

      I have installed the version 5.5. This also solved the problem for me! But one thing. I have to run it as an administrator. This was not necessary befor the update. Maybe it has something to do with rights?

      Thank you for your great support!

      Have a nice day

      • Massimiliano Silvagni

        hello Emanuele can only say that finally with version 5.5 I solved the problems of sweet home. Now it's fine

        • Massimiliano Silvagni

          I did upgrade to sweet home 3d 5.5 yesterday. Maybe I did not upgrade to windows 10 I do not know what to say to you

          • Massimiliano Silvagni

            I understand, but to me it is going fine. I can not answer you


            • Massimiliano Silvagni

              Eric wrote to me that he had the same problem.

              the problem seems solved from I have changed the default font in the Preference pannel.

              • Massimiliano Silvagni

                Emanuel I ask you a favor.
                I do not know how to use the site well, could you make a request for improvement with the introduction of glass without frame?
                Thanks so much

                • Emmanuel Puybaret

                  No need of request, just help yourself here.

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    Thanks for your feedback :-)

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    • status: open --> closed

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