
#299 Slope ceiling not working on multi-level design

Mirek Junek

It seems to me that technique described in the SlopingCeilingGuide.pdf works only if there is only one level.

I've followed the instruction in the PDF and the result was as expected. Simply by adding a new layer, the sloping ceilng became flat. Unfortunately, it is usually more - level design when there is a need for a sloping ceiling.

Anyway, thanks for a great program. I - as a programmer - can imagine the immense amount of hours spent on it. Thanks.

Mirek Junek


  • MadEgg

    MadEgg - 2014-11-12

    Are there any plans to make this configurable per floor? Or even better, make it autodetect based on the walls the room is surrounded by? If the walls are straight, the ceiling can be drawn equally, if the walls are sloped, the ceiling should also be sloped.

    There's many houses where the sloped ceiling extends below the attic. Those cannot be modeled this way easily, without creating "furniture" to model the roof.

  • Sandro Santilli

    Sandro Santilli - 2015-04-21

    I've been spending a few days trying to understand why my ceilings were flat. Thanks for leaving a note at least here. Reporting the problem to the user would be already a big improvement :)

    Is there any way to reorder levels ?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-10-19

    I also encountered the same problem. Sometimes (as in my case) you must to draw sloped floors (or small sloped roads) and sloped ceilings, in a multi-level designs!
    Thank you and congratulations for the project.


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