
SVEditor 1.0.0 Status

  • Matthew Ballance

    Hello All,
        I was looking at the changelog list for the 1.0.0 release this evening, and feeling like it's about time to make the release. Since I know several contributors and users track top-of-trunk, I wanted to check in to see how the code for the 1.0.0 release is looking. Are there any serious outstanding issues that should be addressed prior to release?

    Thanks and Regards,

  • StevenAZ

    StevenAZ - 2012-09-23

    I did a quick run-through on my side.  Great experience.  Don't know what happened to the class hierarchy browser thingy, but it is FAST.  Thanks to whoever made those changes.  I haven't seen the console pop up, thanks for that one Matthew.

  • Armond

    Armond - 2012-09-23

    Hello Matthew,
      Been tied up on other projects for the last couple weeks, but top-of-trunk was looking good and speedy to me up till then.  No serious outstanding issues.



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