
How to set SUDOKUKI_BROWSER on MS-Windows?

  • Sylvain Vedrenne

    Here is a message I received from an anonymous user:

    "Love game thankyou.
    How do i set the enviroment variable sudokuki neeeds so i can export / print
    to HTML ?
    Under preferences printing i get this message -

    At the moment, SUDOKUKI_BROWSER is not set.
    This environment variable allows you to select
    which HTML browser to use for printing grids.
    It is useful if your browser is not detected
    Would you need any help, don't hesitate to ask
    on the Sudokuki forums:

  • Sylvain Vedrenne

    More info from the anonymous user:
    Im using window XP MCE
    firefox v3.6.12

  • Sylvain Vedrenne

    Here's my answer:

    Go to MS-Windows' Control Panel and in the
    System tab, add a new User Variable called SUDOKUKI_BROWSER. Give this
    variable a value like "C:\Program Files......\firefox.exe" with the
    correct path to Firefox.exe for your PC.

    I hope this helps.
    If you need more assistance, please post it here if you can, otherwise you can
    write to my private email adress.


  • taa

    taa - 2011-01-04


    The proper path to add the system variable in windows XP is

    FYI i rebooted to be sure the new system variable was used properly, but im
    not sure if rebooting is required or not , do it to be sure :)

    As a side note sudokuki does now report my browser is set to firefox, and
    shows the file path properly. ( under > > )

    The next problem is -

    clicking > does nothing .

    Ps i do have a printer installed but not plugged in.
    I was expecting to see a HTML version of the sudokuki puzzle to show up in my
    browser window & ready to be printed if desired .
    Or at least to see my browser window pop open with the printer interface box
    open ? .

    What should i expect to happen when i click > ? (CTRL+P) ?

  • Sylvain Vedrenne

    Hi John324,

    I was expecting to see a HTML version of the sudokuki puzzle
    to show up in my browser window & ready to be printed if desired

    Yes, that's exactly what should happen.

    I'd suggest you to try this in a cmd.exe console window:
    I don't have a MS-Windows environment at hand, but I expect this should launch

    If it doesn't work, please check the value of the variable again, by printing
    it in the console window:
    Be careful with spaces that could be in the path to your browser, they have to
    be replaced by a special string to work in the environment variable.

    Please update the Forum according to the outcome of these attempts.
    Thanks for your post.


  • taa

    taa - 2011-01-05

    Ok so using a cmd window and entering "echo %SUDOKUKI_BROWSER% " ( minus the
    quotes )

    it returns to me "F:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ( minus the
    quotes )
    the proper path to my firefox browser.

    But when i run the "%SUDOKUKI_BROWSER%" command i get a whole different reply
    saying "F:\Program" is not a recognized command.

    So the spaces are a problem maybe... so i put the variable in qoutes like this
    "F:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

    now when i run %SUDOKUKI_BROWSER% it does open a firefox browser window.

    Your program still does nothing when i click "print".

    Also none that none of the other windows system variables have their values in
    quotes , and they all work fine & have spaces in them and some even point to
    F:\Program Files**** .

    I'm suspecting it's not windows use of the variable, but your program is using
    it wrong... ?

  • Sylvain Vedrenne

    Thank you John324 for the details.

    Mmm, yes it could be a bug inside Sudokuki, maybe I didn't test using spaces
    in the path to the browser, I don't remember. But I'm sure showing the grid in
    a browser was tested and works. (Then you print from the browser itself).

    All I can suggest you at the moment is to try moving Firefox to - for example
    - F:\Programs..... (so without spaces) to see if it works. Please let me know
    the result. It should work.

    And feel free to file a bug anyway about "the spaces problem". It will be
    fixed, though I can't tell you when yet.


  • taa

    taa - 2011-01-05

    I instead used my portable-apps version of firefox
    to test sudokuki, because its installed to a path with no spaces in
    it, i updated the system variable its path & rebooted .

    No.. go, the problem seems to be something else, or more than spaces in the
    path... sudokuki still doesn't interact with firefox..

  • Sylvain Vedrenne

    Hi John324

    It wont work if you set SUDOKUKI_BROWSER to a path accross the network such as
    To operate, SUDOKUKI_BROWSER needs to be set to a local path on your PC.

    If you could try copying the whole Mozilla Firefox directory (just for the
    test) to F:......\Firefox\, that would be very helpful.
    By the way, is F:\ a normal drive or something special?
    And are you running the normal release 1.0 of Sudokuki, the one packaged for
    MS-Windows ?



  • taa

    taa - 2011-01-05

    yes im using release v1.0 .

    drive f:\ is a local harddisk partition and is where my widows is install.

    i copied my firefox directory to f:\firefox & set the SUDOKUKI_BROWSER
    variable to F:\firefox\firefox.exe .

    rebooted and retested... still didn't work ! .

    and yes i also loaded firefox from that directory to be sure it worked.

    i also retested echo %SUDOKUKI_BROWSER% and ran %SUDOKUKI_BROWSER% and it did
    open a firefox window.

  • Sylvain Vedrenne

    Mmm...maybe an issue with the \, maybe replacing them with \ will work around
    the problem.

    But still there is a bug because running your browser (local on the PC) using
    %SUDOKUKI_BROWSER% from a terminal with success should mean Sudokuki can
    launch it too.

    A last chance workaround for you would be to search for the sudokuki.html file
    (not sure of the name but it is a .html file) in your temporary directory and
    open it manually in Firefox to print it.

    Thank again for reporting the issue, and feel free to open a bug on

  • taa

    taa - 2011-01-06

    yeah i searched windows temp file & found the file F:\Documents and
    Settings\Friends\Local Settings\Temp\sudokuki.html

    Loaded it, and it looks proper..

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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    <meta name="author" content="Sylvain Vedrenne">
    <meta name="copyright" content="Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Sudokuki development team">
    <meta name="keywords" content="Sudoku Sudokuki GNU GPL Free Software">
    <meta name="description" content="Play Sudokuki, essential Sudoku game. Sudokuki is GNU/GPL free software.">
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    <meta name="revisit-after" content="1 days">
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  • Sylvain Vedrenne

    This issue will be fixed in the 1.1.x versions. The fix is already
    available in the 1.1 Alpha versions.

    In fact the SUDOKUKI_BROWSER variable does not exist anymore in Sudokuki 1.1 (completely rewritten in Java).

    For example, use the following Alpha version to be able to print the grid
    more easily:

    Sudokuki 1.1 is still in development. At the moment these lines are
    written, only Alpha versions of Sudokuki 1.1 are available, with limited
    functionnality and a small subset of features. Your feedback is important.
    Please let me know what you are observing, what you like, what you dislike,

  • taa

    taa - 2011-05-02

    The first issue is the zip file contains a "how_to_run**" file with no ".txt"
    extension.. that will stop a lot of people from reading it if they don't know
    how to read it.

    Second i tried to run the .sh file.. my computer reported "java is not
    recognized as a command or program".
    I went to, installed the downloaded java .
    rebooted.. my computeer still reports the same result trying the .sh and the
    command line .jar file .

  • taa

    taa - 2011-05-03

    I got my java fixed.. i had to uninstall and then download the offline install
    version, that fixed it.

    So running the .jar file worked fine.. looking good so far..

    Any chance of having HTML output as some time ?

  • Sylvain Vedrenne

    Hi John324,

    Thanks for your comments.

    • Issue 1:
      HOW_TO_RUN_SUDOKUKI has been renamed to HOW_TO_RUN_SUDOKUKI.txt to avoid the
      problem you described. Thanks.
      => FIXED

    • Issue 2:
      You're right. has to be fixed to avoid a new user a bad first
      => TODO

    Now about your suggestion to have HTML output:
    - Personnaly I don't see why this would be useful since the Print action is now operating directly to the available printers. But you are the user, you know why you'd like this feature, so if you think it's useful, ask for it and I'll probably do it.
    => So please file a feature request.


  • taa

    taa - 2011-05-03

    No , your right.. don't know why HTML would be of use really...


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