
WoaS - Wiki on a Stick / News: Recent posts

Forums moving

After more than 3 years, some news!

Posted by Daniel 2013-12-27

Wiki on a Stick 0.11.9 released

This is a major bugfix release for 0.11.x versions.

* fixed tail removal
* fix data corruption issue and title missing on IE
* debug check for DOM data not correctly retrieved
* use CRLF in nowiki preformatted blocks under IE
* do not display "BUG" log lines for locking
* fixed CSS not imported issue (reported by littlegirl, found by M.Ellison,akazia)
* fixed corruption on save issue... read more

Posted by Daniel 2010-04-22

Wiki on a Stick 0.11.8 released

This is a minor bugfix release for 0.11.7 version.

* fixed loading overlay not hidden when changing debug mode
* fixed deleted WoaS namespace from reserved list

= Download

= Full changelog

For a full list of changes, see

Posted by Daniel 2010-04-20

Wiki on a Stick 0.11.7 released

This is a bugfix release for 0.11.6 version.

* added foldable listing options
* keep log area scrolled to bottom (suggested by S.Tunis)
* WSIF datasource mode implemented

= Download

= Full changelog

For a full list of changes, see

Posted by Daniel 2010-04-19

Wiki on a Stick 0.11.6 released

This is a bugfix release for 0.11.x versions.

* fixed saving issue on IE browsers (found by Akazia,deroock)
* correctly set/get CSS on Chrome/Safari
* correctly detect Safari browser
* proper help popup browsing for Chrome/Safari

= Download

= Full changelog

For a full list of changes, see

Posted by Daniel 2010-04-16

Wiki on a Stick 0.11.5 released

This is a minor bugfix release for 0.11.4.

* fixed nowiki newline bug
* fixed custom scripts bug
* fixed Safari/Chrome CSS issues

= Download

= Full changelog

For a full list of changes, see

Posted by Daniel 2010-04-15

Wiki on a Stick 0.11.4 released

This is a minor bugfix release for 0.11.2~0.11.3; it contains an important fix for the import process, some CSS classes renamed and other minor UI/docs improvements.

* fixed import issue
* renamed CSS classes: wiki_toc -> woas_toc, wiki_toc_title -> woas_toc_title, embedded -> woas_embedded
* foldable namespace listing is now collapsed by default

= Download read more

Posted by Daniel 2010-04-14

Wiki on a Stick 0.11.2 released

This is a feature enhancement release for WoaS 0.11.1; many thanks to Paul Levey and Littlegirl for patches, testing, documentation and general development support.

* fixed main page auto-override bug
* fixed 'Special::Go to' glitches
* fixed double-edit bug when editing some special pages
* added background color for core pages
* fixed bug which allowed deletion of reserved pages
* renamed all CSS classes to have 'woas_' prefix
* implemented safe mode option
* fixed native WSIF mode when running from webserver
* fixed issue 2980936 namespaces not being transcluded (reported by littlegirl)
* fixed issue 2981069 glitch when editing menu (reported by deroock)
* fixed WSIF import issue with WoaS:: pages
* configurable and custom access keys
* preliminary support for section anchors in querystring page requests
* fixed import issue related to 'var' declarations inside content pages (found by deroock)
* converted source code from array notation to dot notation (pvhl)
* fixed help pages browsing issue with IE (deroock)
* some optimizations/bugfixes (pvhl)... read more

Posted by Daniel 2010-04-12

Wiki on a Stick 0.11.1 released

This is a stabilization release for WoaS 0.11.0

* added 'wsif.generator' header to generated WSIF files
* fixed bugs 2975523, 2969920 regarding Include::Image:: wiki links (reported by sonofdog, brianedwards9)
* fixed title restore glitches when exiting edit mode
* fixed bug 2976153 renaming a page fails (reported by d6095t)
* fixed bugs 2968654,2976459 javascript error when retrieving local filename in IE (reported by deroock, KHS)
* fixed bug 2976695 special pages being shown in most special listings (reported by deroock)
* fixed bug 2976719 set key and help icons don't fail gracefully in IE6 (reported by d6095t)
* added internationalization for "Editing" string shown in title when editing a page... read more

Posted by Daniel 2010-03-26

Wiki on a Stick 0.11.0 released

This is a stabilization release for WoaS 0.10.8~0.10.9.

* fixed import/save issues with IE (2968654, reported by KHS)
* fixed home button not working (2969514, reported by deroock)
* added default macro 'include' for advanced transclusion
* fixed bug regarding new pages not being saved (2969247, reported by mk-berlin)
* documentation fixes and extension

= Download read more

Posted by Daniel 2010-03-13

Wiki on a Stick 0.10.9 released

This is a stabilization release for 0.10.8; most important additions are the IE save bugfix and the new style choices.

* added some style from Stanky's WoaS
* fixed save feature for IE
* added WoaS logo to left of title
* border widths will now display properly in Chrome and other browsers
* "<" and ">" are now forbidden in titles
* added title attributes to editor buttons (by littlegirl, suggested by ChrisClemson)... read more

Posted by Daniel 2010-03-12

Wiki on a Stick 0.10.8 released

This a major upgrade to 0.10.x development tree which incorporates some new features (most notably: online help documentation) and a lot of UI improvements/bugfixes. Some changes for this release are:

* fixed load/save bugs with IE
* fixed a bug which prevented WoaS from correctly remembering about last encrypted page
* incremented infinite recursion limit to 256
* XHTML comments and CSS style blocks are now pre-parsed
* URLs will not get italics
* fixed ghost page bug when creating new page and then canceling it
* fixed misleading wait cursor when javascript is disabled
* improved error messages when no file is selected but attempted to import
* added better explanation for java load/save failures
* proper page title validation & page title maximum length check
* added a notice in decryption password mask
* added help icon, implemented help popups and added documentation pages in WoaS::Help:: namespace
* added button for wiki links in editor mode
* added new menu/submenu edit button (based on work by littlegirl)... read more

Posted by Daniel 2010-03-11

Wiki on a Stick 0.10.7 released

This is a stabilization release for 0.10.6 with the following changes:

* added 'mime' parameter to woas.load_file() function
* correct implementation of blob import (was broken)
* added exclusive check for WSIF 1.0.0 files
* fixed WSIF import bug from older WSIF versions
* changed WoaS::Bootscript from embedded to plain text
* fixed a couple of navigation bugs (reported by deroock)
* fixed bug with non-overwritten pages being reported as not imported
* implementation of javascript security settings upon import
* implementation of macro pluggable syntax (based on FBNil's work)
* fixed many old syntax parsing bugs... read more

Posted by Daniel 2010-03-06

Wiki on a Stick 0.10.6 released

This is a bugfix release for 0.10.5 which fixes a small syntax bug.

For a full list of changes, see

Posted by Daniel 2010-03-02

Wiki on a Stick 0.10.5 released

This is a bugfix release for 0.10.2~0.10.4 which fixes many cross-compatibility issues and some syntax bugs.

Most notably you should be able to use Opera, Safari, IE8 and Chrome without any issue now.

For a full list of changes, see

Posted by Daniel 2010-03-01

Wiki on a Stick 0.10.4 released

This is a bugfix release for 0.10.2~0.10.3 and is considered Stable; please help at finding the hard-to-find bugs now!

In this version issues with exporting of images, page encryption/decryption and UTF8 characters have been fixed.

For a full list of changes, see

Posted by Daniel 2010-02-14

Wiki on a Stick 0.10.3 released

This is a bugfix release for 0.10.2 and is considered Stable; please help at finding the hard-to-find bugs now!

In this version import issues with FF3 and WSIF format have been fixed.

For a full list of changes, see

Posted by Daniel 2010-02-12

WoaS 0.10.2 released

First 0.10.x stable version, implements full WSIF support (to ease sharing/backup of your wiki data) and other minor UI improvements/bugfixes

Posted by Daniel 2010-02-09

WoaS v0.10.1RC2 released

This is a bugfix release for 0.10.0 RC1 and is considered Release Candidate 2; please help at finding the bugs!

During the 0.10.x development cycle we are aiming at removing most limitations of the 0.9.x codebase and meanwhile introducing some necessary features and simplifications; keep an eye on it!

For a full list of changes, see read more

Posted by Daniel 2010-02-02

WoaS v0.10.0 released

After more than 2 years of development we are proud to release WoaS version 0.10.0; this version incorporates development of v0.9.7B, which has never been released.

Many thanks to fbnil, littlegirl, snaga and all the others which have helped to roll out this release!


*Note:* this is mostly a bugfix release and is intended for testing purposes, please download it and help out at identifying the remaining bugs

Posted by Daniel 2010-01-31

Patches tracker disabled

The Patches tracker has been disabled.

In order to provide a patch, please open a feature request or bug and attach the diff file from latest SVN trunk.

Posted by Daniel 2010-01-28

WoaS v0.9.6B release update

Wiki on a Stick version 0.9.6B release has been updated to fix some cross-browser issues and other minor annoyances in the Special:: namespace usage.

If you have experienced some problems with the previous v0.9.6B (CSS import/editing with IE6, etc.) you should update to this new version.

The previous and current versions are import-compatible.

Posted by Daniel 2007-11-29

WoaS v0.9.6B released

Wiki on a Stick version 0.9.6B has been released.

This release contains some new features:

* Javascript:: special namespace
* woas.page_index() function ready to be overriden

A lot of bugs present in the previous WoaS versions have been addressed.

Download location:

Bug reports should be filed on the SourceForge bug tracker: ... read more

Posted by Daniel 2007-11-27

Wiki on a Stick v0.9.5C released

Wiki on a Stick version 0.9.5C has been released.

This release contains no new features but it is an important stabilization of v0.9.4B and v0.9.5B.

All users are invited to update to v0.9.5C in order to better preserve their data integrity.

Download location:

Bug reports should be filed on the SourceForge bug tracker: ... read more

Posted by Daniel 2007-11-17

Wiki on a Stick v0.9.4B released

Wiki on a Stick version 0.9.4 Beta has been released for stabilization purposes.

New features:

* export feature (experimental)
* various bugfixes

Download it from:

Bug reports should be filed on the SourceForge bug tracker:

There is also a newborn forums community at the address: ... read more

Posted by Daniel 2007-09-17