Activity for Stellarium

  • Anonymous modified a comment on discussion Feedback

    hi gammaburst can you transform this in reverse?

  • Anonymous modified a comment on discussion Feedback

    hi gammaburst can you transform this in reverse?

  • Anonymous modified a comment on discussion Feedback

    hi gammaburst can you transform this in reverse?

  • Anonymous modified a comment on discussion Feedback

    where did you find this on mac as i cant load mine pasr telescope control doing my head in Yes, I found and deleted the config.ini file which fixed the problem. What does your note below mean? NOTE: No off-list assistance is given without prior approval. Please keep mailing list traffic on the list unless a signed and pre-paid contract is in effect with us.

  • Stephen Andrew Wilkerson Stephen Andrew Wilkerson modified a comment on discussion Feedback

    Thanks again, yes I changed the ini file to maptex instead of sphericalmatex. I will share the landscape as soon as I've fixed a few minor points in the stitching. Kind regards Geoff

  • Anonymous modified a comment on discussion Feedback

    I have downloaded Stellarium 0.15.0 and the telescope plug-in configure will not work. On an older version of Stellarium, I was able to get this to work. I am running Windows 10 and downloaded the 64-bit version of Stellarium 0.15.0. Other plug-ins are working, just not telescope control. pls go fok yourself you motherfoker idiot cow eating shiit

  • Anonymous modified a comment on discussion Feedback

    I have downloaded Stellarium 0.15.0 and the telescope plug-in configure will not work. On an older version of Stellarium, I was able to get this to work. I am running Windows 10 and downloaded the 64-bit version of Stellarium 0.15.0. Other plug-ins are working, just not telescope control.

  • Kilian Schoch Kilian Schoch posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Thanks! It worked this time.

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Thanks! I see in the log: Error converting DSO data! Cannot open file ".\nebulae\default\catalog.pack" This is strange, but it may depend by user' permissions. Do you see the same error when catalog.pack is created by hands?

  • Kilian Schoch Kilian Schoch posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2021-03-31T21:27:48 Operating System: Windows 10 (10.0) Compiled using MSVC++ 15.9 (Visual Studio 2017) Qt runtime version: 5.12.6 Qt compilation version: 5.12.6 Addressing mode: 64-bit Total physical memory: 32600 MB Available physical memory: 21440 MB Physical memory in use: 34% Processor speed: 1608 MHz Processor name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10710U CPU @ 1.10GHz Processor speed: 1608 MHz Processor name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10710U CPU @ 1.10GHz Processor speed: 1608 MHz Processor name: Intel(R)...

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    No need create catalog.pack file by hands - it should be created by Stellarium. Please share the log.txt file from Stellarium (after attempt of conversion of course)

  • Kilian Schoch Kilian Schoch posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I first place the unmodified catalog.txt file in the nebulae/default folder. Then I create an empty file inside the same folder and name it catalog.pack. After that I go into my AppData directory and open the config.ini file with Notepad ++. I then create a new section [devel] and under that the parameter convert_dso_catalog = true. But when I start Stellarium the program start just fine but the catalog is not converted and also cannot be seen inide Stellarium. I also tried starting Stellarium as...

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    What exactly you doing - step-by-step?

  • Kilian Schoch Kilian Schoch posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Hello, I tried to change some records in the catalog.txt (which I downloaded from the official github). I have read the most recent user manual and followed the manual step by step. But when I tried to convert the file to the .dat format it didnt work. I created the catalog.pack as described in the manual. I made the entry in the config.ini and I also tried with the unchanged catalog.txt file. I even tried running Stellarium as admin. It just wont work. Could anybody please give me a hint on what...

  • Alexey Kuznetsov Alexey Kuznetsov posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Thanks! That what Wikipeida says. The question is, can I calculate equinox day (not exact moment) based on shadow length / curvature. I except when Sun passes the equator it also would be most straight line from shadow top. And it is almost true.

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    An equinox is the instant of time when the plane of Earth's equator passes through the geometric center of the Sun's disk (or two places on the celestial sphere at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator if we say about coordinates).

  • Alexey Kuznetsov Alexey Kuznetsov posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Hello! I did small research based on Steallarium 'Ephemeris' Sun position data and calculate equinox day based on how straight shadow is (I expect straight line). Basically I assume (wikipedia think differently) on equinox day shadow on ground should appear as straight line as possible. This day I call equinox day. Turns out this day 1 or 4 days different from what I see on wikipeida. Is it Steallarium bug (incorrect sun placement) or my assumption? For data at N 55° 55' 18.12" E 37° 59' 29.05" I...

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Stellarium as an astronomy program has no support for gematria. It supports Julian day numbers and the conventional Gregorian calendar for the present time and (with the new Calendars plugin) several other calendars. To count days, use the Julian Day interface, it avoids different month lengths or leap years. This forum is no longer anonymous. We had too much spam.

  • Georgia Michael Georgia Michael posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Ooops< I thought I could make my name anonymous here? Is that possible please

  • Georgia Michael Georgia Michael modified a comment on discussion Feedback

    Hi people, I am currently working on connecting dates spans and gematria connections. For example, my child is born on the 75th day of the year and was born exactly 75 weeks 0 days from the Great American eclipse (21 August 2017 ) I would like to be able to convert date durations of planets to see what other organic connections I can make. However, as I am very new to Stellarium (which is awesome) and I am not very techy, I was hoping to find some sort of calculator on stellarium that would connect...

  • Georgia Michael Georgia Michael posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Hi people, I am currently working on connecting dates spans and gematria connections. For example, my child is born on the 75th day of the year and was born exactly 75 weeks 0 days from the Great American eclipse (date??) I would like to be able to convert date durations of planets to see what other organic connections I can make. However, as I am very new to Stellarium (which is awesome) and I am not very techy, I was hoping to find some sort of calculator on stellarium that would connect date durations...

  • gladius gladius posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Thank you for your reply Georg. Showing the marks is good enough so far, but being able to show labels would of course be better. I should study this more.

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Not sure about labels. You can also place a little icon as SkyImage. But I must read the docs like you.

  • gladius gladius posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Georg, is it possible to use this command MarkerMgr.markerEquatorial("5h10m31s", "25d30m30s", true, true, "cross", "#ffff66", 6, false, 0); and get a label for the marker?

  • gladius gladius posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Thank you Alexander. I probably should have searched better before starting this. It seems to be well documented how to use scripts.

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    See or

  • gladius gladius posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Hi, Ist it possible to place a marker at a very specific spot (coordinates given) in the sky? If I want to add the Wow! Signal for example. I guess it could be done through scripting, but I don't know which lines to use.

  • Ian Hanson Ian Hanson posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Hi thanks for the response. Not sure if I have an answer to this. When I took out the landscape then it seems to be ok. To answer your question Northern Hemisphere UTC time

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    We have ideas to recreate just this: desaturated DSO views. The Milky Way can already be desaturated.

  • TD Collins TD Collins posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I love the high-res detail in the telescope view for nebulae/galaxies/clusters... but... is there a way we can toggle between using the stacked exposure camera view to a true human eye view? When my audiences see this, their expectations are falsely inflated by showing colorful detail when most of them will just see what we all "really" know is there. Anyway, I believe having both overlays would be a useful feature to keep expectations level. Thanks!

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Are you in the Southern hemisphere on a location with daylight saving time? How should we know? If you set location and timezone (F6 panel), the simulation should be accurate.

  • Ian Hanson Ian Hanson posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I would say the stellarium view is about 30 minutes advanced of what I actually see if that is of any help....

  • Ian Hanson Ian Hanson posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Hi, I have a question; I am very new to stellarium but I do think it is awesome. I have an issue though that I am looking out of my window at the setting sun and it is a couple of degrees or so above my actual horizon. When I check Stellarium the sun has pretty much set behind the horizon. Can anyone explain this. I have put in my GPS coordinates and altitude and the time seems to be ok. Appreciate any help here.... Hansorian

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Thanks. helpful suggestion. It is actually the green vegetation, not necessarily flowering in a place where rain water accumulates in a shallow large pool and then dries up for the vegetation to grow. Kunitzsch used "die weide" and Schjellerup used "le jardin".

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Maybe you should give translators this hint: TRANSLATORS: Rawdah: a short time of vegetation in the desert after rainfall. Some other languages do have a particular word for this. German: Wüstenblüte. In English I see "spring flowers" Maybe "The desert spring flowers and the goats" ? (If "spring" is the season. Or just "desert flowers")

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Thanks! The typo is fixed

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    for lyra on a turtle shell, see this one in a Greek museum: Museum link: For "natural gardin", my mistake. It is "garden". I couldn't find a suitable translation of the Arabic name "Rawdah". Some has translated it as "pasture" and some has translated it as "garden", but actually it is the land becomes green with vegetation for a temporary period after rain in the desert. See attached image for one that lasts for...

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I think I have seen exactly such discussion (Arduino too limited for on-board sidereal time computation) in some other forum (or even here...). There must be tens of Arduino guiding projects discussed online.

  • primo mosto primo mosto posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    @gzotti @Hans Thanks so much for the quick replies. In truth, the problem arose due to the limit in calculations with doubles (and floats) of the Mega2560 card. Running the sketch (naturally adapted) on PC with CodeBlocks, the sidereal time is accurate and reliable. But with the same code loaded on the Mega, I have an unacceptable delay of about two minutes. I will certainly study the alternative illustrated by Hans, although I would have preferred to have Arduino manage everything. Alternatively...

  • Hans Lambermont Hans Lambermont posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Yes afaik it's only goto and sync that Stellarium can do. What primo mosto can do as an alternative is set up an INDI server with a LX200 device driver to talk to the mount. That driver will support the rest of the LX200 protocol. Stellarium can talk to the INDI server to control the mount (with only slew and sync). And anything else that a client needs to tell the device driver can be done simultaneously from another client that talks INDI, like setting lunar or solar speed etc. -- Hans

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    The User Guide, section 15.2.1: Abilities and limitations This plug-in allows Stellarium to send ’slew’ (’go to’) commands to the device and to receive its current position. There are some scopes which additionally support ’sync’ commands to be received in order to update the internal pointing model of the mount. Some scopes also have the ability to abort a previous slew command. However, users should always be aware of the possibility for mount collisions and similar situations. You should always...

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Ah! Thank you very much for explanation!

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Alexander, there is the Greek story of the Lyra made from a turtle. See also our existing "arabic" skyculture. In terms of images taken from the Sufi manuscript, this is OK.

  • primo mosto primo mosto posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Hi everyone! I have implemented an arduino code to control the motorization of a telescope, through the LX200 protocol. Among the specifications of this protocol I read that the transmission of the sidereal time is also provided, in these terms: ": GS # Get the Sidereal Time. Returns: HH: MM: SS #. The Sidereal Time as an ASCII Sexidecimal value in 24 hour format ". The question: Does Stellarium transmit sidereal time to the telescope with the code :GS#, or does it just send right ascension and declination?...

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I see artwork for constellation Lyra and this is definitely not lyra :) P.S. In the string "The desert natural gardin and the goats" what is "natural gardin"?

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    "Lyra" is the same name as in the western sky culture. In my system it gets translated correctly. What kind of error is it causing? On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 6:14 PM Alexander Wolf wrote: Khalid, could you re-check the name of constellatio Lyra - probably translatable name has error. Adding a sky culture to Stellarium Sent from because you indicated interest in

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Khalid, could you re-check the name of constellatio Lyra - probably translatable name has error.

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Ah, this makes it very interesting then as a "single" skyculture with an actual focus on as-Sufi. (one particular author/book snapshot). Indeed, the current "arabic" is a Ptolemy/Sufi SC.

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    The (arabic) sky culture was authored by Kutaibaa Akraa. My contribution was a star name list in Arabic. I have some reservations on calling this sky culture "Arabic", because it is based on Ptolemaic constellations and the star names are a mix of traditional Arabic names and names based on their positions in the figures of the Greek constellation like alpha PsA called: Fomalhaut meaning mouth of the fish referring to its position on the mouth of Piscis Austrinus. The significance of the (arabic)...

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Hi! Basically, you would make a private fork of Stellarium from github, add your files, and send a "pull request" to us. But... you have already made one based on as-Sufi (arabic). What have you changed? Is this a replacement, or a new one? Kind regards, Georg

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I have completed a new sky culture based on the Book of Fixed Stars by Al-Sufi (903-986AD). It seems that I cannot create a branch in GitHub to upload the files. How can I get access or send the sky culture for review?

  • Patrick Trochet Patrick Trochet posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Yes and I launch Stellarium before APT. Patrick

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Did you follow instructions from the APT manual that instructs you to activate and launch the RemoteControl plugin in Stellarium?

  • Patrick Trochet Patrick Trochet posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I use the 0.20.4 on win10 an win7 sp1. I am unable to remote my mount Losmandy Titan50 from my PC with Stellarium and APT dont recognize Stellarium (and write an error message (cf attachment_2). Now I find no more ASCOM telescope driver to setup the remote telescope plugin. Plateform ASCOM 6.5 is installed on my both PC Thank you in advance for your help. Patrick

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    The issue is recent. My laptop battery has failed, at around the same time. I don't know if this is related. The issue happens only with stellarium. I used other software like photoshop that could be system demanding but didn't face a similar isuue.

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Strange. For reference, Stellarium has around 8% on my Core i7 notebook which is a generation older than your system.

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Same issue when setting max fps to 30 and cpu max at 100%

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I didn't change the default values: maximum_fps = 10000 minimum_fps = 18 I will experiment with power setting for cpu max at 100% and fps max 30

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Did you set minimum_fps or maximum_fps too high? When it is just simulating current sky, frame rate can be limited with this. See Appendix D.1.24 in the User Guide.

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    My workaround that solved this was to set the power plan to cap the cpu at 50%. It seems that Stellarium is causing cpu heat and throttling .

  • Andrey Andrey posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    @alexvwolf Thanks, I see this method appeared in 5d75d02301266b3a157f872196d3aae99ceeee69 revision. I used an older version.

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Other PC seems to have no issues. It seems to be a specific problem in my system. If I find the cause I will post it here.

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Yes. I'll try with another pc. I mostly work with Stellarium and Notepad ++ to construct a new sky culture. When trying to edit Asterisms lines file while looking for member stars in Stellarium, system becomes slow, typing and mouse movements. I have to shut down Stellarium to continue to work.

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Loaded 107 Solar System bodies... this is harmless. But indeed, satellites? Or indeed a conflict with any other applications? OP says his Windows (i.e. other applications) becomes slow, this sounds indeed weird. Is it only Stellarium or any other (e.g. graphics or even Qt based?) applications? Kajaji, do you have another PC system to try to reproduce?

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    What about number of satellites and asteroids/comets?

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    This issue happens with the default config.ini with the latest 0.20.4. The PC cooling fans starts to run continuously when Stellarium is running even if cpu overall usage is low. I'll try to experiment with older versions to see if the issue is related to my system.

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf modified a comment on discussion Feedback

    Is it a joke? See: Why you see revision b855bc0f8a1440e4eefa6f90a84de1650867b9a4 ?

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Is it a joke? See:

  • Andrey Andrey posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Git revision b855bc0f8a1440e4eefa6f90a84de1650867b9a4, I don't see such a method in SpecialMarkersMgr class.

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

  • Andrey Andrey posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    setFlagCompassMarks method is no longer a part of SpecialMarkersMgr object available in Stellarium scenarios (aka scripts). What is a proper way to hide or display compass marks?

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Thanks. Yes It happens wih the current V0.20.4 using the same user folder. Older versions didn't have the same issue, but I'm not sure if it is a new windows setup or a Stellarium issue. I will experiment with the default config.ini.

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Does this also happen with the current V0.20.4? Does this happen with older versions? Did you try to reset to defaults by renaming config.ini? The logfile looks unsuspicious, and I cannot reproduce this.

  • Kajaji Kajaji posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    After running Stellarium for a short time, Windows becomes slow. Task manager shows that CPU usage and memory usage are overall normal ~ 25% for CPU and ~35% for memory. GPU usage is low ~ 10%. But there are delays in input when trying to type in other applications or trying any action in Stellarium. I tried to give Stellarium below normal priority but it didn't help. I appreciate any suggestions to overcome this issue. Log is attached.

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    ASCOM support was added in version 0.19.3, released more than a year ago. It appears to work for most users, but some still report issues. Always use the latest version, like 0.20.4 currently.

  • Conrad Sanders Conrad Sanders posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I have been told there is a newer Stellarium that does not require Stellarium Scope? Does it work well and are there any issues with it? If that's true, which version of Stellarium would I need to use to eliminate the need of Stellarium Scope?

  • Claudio Silvaggi Claudio Silvaggi posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Just looking back at this, thought i already thanked you. thanks again for your help. Much appreciated. Got it to work...

  • Jeffrey Padell Jeffrey Padell posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I just started using the bookmarks function to be able to highlite (display) the top 100 Southern Hemisphere objects on the sky map in stellarium. The book marks work fine but a rotating circle doesn't tell me much and when I go to the bookmark list unnamed star for NGC288 doesn't help much either. It would be great if we could edit the name for a bookmark and have it display on the map with the name not just a green circle

  • epzcaw epzcaw posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I dont need it to be accurate to the exact time. Its more about showing what they would have seen as time changed and what a complex process it was to analyse and be able to make predictions from with the technology they had then. But thanks for the advice. Ill bear it in mind Sent from my iPhone On 26 Feb 2021, at 15:03, gzotti wrote:  Please limit your expectations to a few thousand years. With the extra DE431 file you can go back with the planet positions to -13000...

  • epzcaw epzcaw posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Thanks for that. At the moment, I'm not trying to show how it was exactly, just to give them an idea of what people would have seen then, how complex it is, and how difficult it would have been to work out what was going on to be able to make predictions. But I might try and simulate Newgrange at a later time! Regards

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Please limit your expectations to a few thousand years. With the extra DE431 file you can go back with the planet positions to -13000 with some confidence. Earth/Sun/Stars with some considerations of seasonal cycles may bring you back a few tens of thousands years, approximately, but e.g. the moon will show a polar orbit around -75000, which is just an extrapolation artifact. Appendix F in the User Guide is essential info for you.

  • epzcaw epzcaw posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I'm not sure exactly what I did with the plug-in but it's worked. I've only just started with Stellarium. I want to use it in a talk about Archaeoastronomy where I want to demonstrate roughly what our ancestors tens and hundreds of thousands of years ago would have seen. Many thanks.

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    You disabled sporadic meteors, but not meteor showers (Hint: see plugins tab)

  • epzcaw epzcaw posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I would like to be able to view the night sky with no labels and no shooting stars but can't. I've set the shooting stars to "no shooting stars" but they still appear and some of these labels all the time as in attached image. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

  • Stefan Pulles Stefan Pulles posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Ah, I see, quite logical that it should be a method of the same class. So I'll look for the deletion method in CustomObjectMgr.

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    You ask the MarkerMgr for deletion, but draw with the CustomObjectMgr.

  • Stefan Pulles Stefan Pulles modified a comment on discussion Feedback

    I've made a script to mark the positions of a planet in Stellarium. I run the script from MS Access. These positions (ephemeris) come from the JPL Horizons website. In a second run I want to mark the positions of another planet, deleting the markers of the previous run. I use MarkerMgr.deleteAllMarkers for the latter . However, the markers do not disappear. Part of my script (which runs fine for the rest): MarkerMgr.deleteAllMarkers(); CustomObjectMgr.addCustomObjectRaDec("Jupiter 20-2-2021","21h08m42s","-17d00m17s",true);...

  • Stefan Pulles Stefan Pulles posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I've made a script to mark the positions of a planet in Stellarium. I run the script from MS Access. These positions (ephemeris) come from the JPL Horizons website. In a second run I want to mark the positions of another planet, deleting the markers of the previous run. I use MarkerMgr.deleteAllMarkers for the latter . However, the markers do not disappear. Part of my script (which runs fine for the rest): ``MarkerMgr.deleteAllMarkers(); CustomObjectMgr.addCustomObjectRaDec("Jupiter 20-2-2021","21h08m42s","-17d00m17s",true);...

  • Linwood Ferguson Linwood Ferguson modified a comment on discussion Feedback

    Mea culpa. Looking for the log file solved it. Long ago I had decided I wanted Stellarium in sync between two computers, and I linked the roaming profile location to a onedrive folder. Sometime later I decided I did not want those things linked and broke the link on computer #2, but not my desktop. Sometime later still I cleaned up my onedrive and deleted the target folder (from computer #2, not even thinking about #1 -- actually a #3 was involved also). Sometime later still I ran Stellarilum on...

  • Linwood Ferguson Linwood Ferguson posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Mea culpa. Looking for the log file solved it. Long ago I had decided I wanted Stellarium in sync between two computers, and I linked the roaming profile location to a onedrive folder. Sometime later I decided I did not want those things linked and broke the link on computer #2, but not my desktop. Sometime later still I cleaned up my onedrive and deleted the target folder (from computer #2, not even thinking about #1 -- actually a #3 was involved also). Sometime later still I ran Stellarilum on...

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    You can rename your config.ini (see chapter 5 in the User Guide for its location) to force a reset. If that does not help, rename the "modules" directory in your user data directory (see ch. 5 again) to force new defaults for telescope/ocular/satellites/.... Then, if it runs, piecewise restore your settings by copying back directories from the saved to the newly created modules folder, and try after each copying of a subfolder to identify the culprit.

  • Alexander Wolf Alexander Wolf posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Please attach log.txt (Latest run log)

  • Linwood Ferguson Linwood Ferguson posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    My desktop, which used to run Stellarium fine, has decided to stop. It crashes after the flash screen before it appears, a BEX64 in QtCore.dll ( I've also tried angle mode and mesa mode - same result. It started failing on 0.20.3, not after any (known) change to stellarium. I upgraded to 0.20.4 to see if it would fix it, no change. It runs fine on my NUC that's on my telescope tripod. I am unaware of any change I made in the desktop environment (but... who knows, it's windows). Windows...

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    The second sentence of section 14.2 reads: The other button with circular enclosure and tool icon (or Ctrl + + W ) opens the settings dialog.

  • Tor Andersen Tor Andersen posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    I have already looked through the User Guide, and was not able to find anything relevant. Section 14 on 3D Landscapes does not explain how to load a 3D landscape. I have already toggled the circular enclosure button on (as explained above), and whenever I do I get the same error msg: "Please load a scene first". The phrase "load a scene" does not exist in the user guide. I would be very grateful if you could please explain how to load a scene. From all the information I have been able to gather,...

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Yes. Please see the User Guide for operating instructions.

  • Tor Andersen Tor Andersen posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Hello. I have a quick question about 3D landscapes. I have enabled the 3D sceneries plugin to load at startup. I have downloaded and installed many new landscapes from, I have successfully swapped to these landscapes and they seem to function normally, and I have toggled the 3D landscape button on: Why do I always get the error msg "Please load a scene first", when trying to move around? Is there a load 3D landscape button somewhere I'm missing?

  • gzotti gzotti posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    As I wrote earlier: Sorry, I cannot help more, I have no such devices (and no time :-( I have understood StellariumScope did something weird to the configuration files, so you should work with a clean user data directory. (Or at least clean modules/TelescopeControl and fresh config.ini. Store them elsewhere for the moment. (The location is in the User Guide, chapter 5.) I would try it (as it does not cost a thing) and when it fails, revert. You will probably not need the latest changes in skycultures...

  • Bill Richards Bill Richards posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    @gzotti - Do you know if this issue was fixed in the latest release of the ASCOM Platform (6.5SP1)? It works fine with 6.4 and I don't want to upgrade to the new version if it's going to break this again.

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