
ScriptSWF / News: Recent posts

ScriptSWF - Release 1.4.1 - bug fixes & clip event support

That's included now! There is full support of v5.x clip events
(what you define in a PlaceObject2 -- the DefineButton2
is to follow soon!)

There were also two really bad memory bugs in v1.4.0 which
both were fixed. v1.4.1 works much better (it was tested on
all systems).

In case you tried, the MIPS version still has some glitches...
Anyone can help?

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-11-13

ScriptSWF - release 1.4.0 has an IRIX version

There it is! I was trying to get an IRIX version out but couldn't compile. It sure works much better with gcc/g++ v3.0.4 (and also bison 1.35).

If anyone has an SGI computer, you're ready to generate
Flash movies now!



Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-11-08

ScriptSWF Dynamic Button (Requires release v1.4.0)

The Dynamic Button was enhanced even more. You can find the source script on the web site. It is a very good example to see how you can use scripts in a Flash movie in order to change parameters depending on where you insert the movie in your page or on your site. Thus the same Flash movie can be reused multiple times.

Enjoy the scripts...


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-11-07

Release 1.40

Finally! As you may have seen in the CHANGES (now available on the web page of the project) many changes, improvements, fixes, additions.

Among additions, there is not support for V6.x. However, don't jump up and down yet, the current version doesn't actually support the i18n as it's ought to be.

You will be able to compile with VC++ if you wish.

There is a new sample showing how to dynamically give a value to a variable within a Flash movie (see samples/dyn-button).... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-11-06

ScriptSWF release 1.3.5 -- font support greatly improved

ScriptSWF is a C++ Library and a script language tool to create Flash (SWF) movies of any size. Beside a big memory bug which is now fixed, the new SSWF library also supports automated font management so only glyphs used will be saved in the output file. This can greatly reduce the size of your movies, especially if you use many fonts with small strings.

Also, the makefile's include an install target and the sswf
compiler understand the -I option so you can specify
include paths for your library of scripts (there are system
wide directories hard coded in sswf).... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-10-29

Release 1.3.4

Yes! Yet another realease. This one includes a fix for
lists with multiple level of similar names such as


See the changes for full details.

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-10-23

Release 1.3.3 -- compiles under Linux 7.1 and MinGW

This version was enhanced so it would compiled under
different Linux systems and MinGW so a MS-Windows
version is now available (the binaries will show up soon).

There are, as usual, several bug fixes and enhancements
in the code at large. See the changes notes for more
info about these.

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-10-22

Release 1.3.2 -- compile with GNU make

This release includes a GNUmakefile.
Also there was a little problem in the compilation
it would require two calls to amake. This was

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-10-18

Release 1.3.0 -- includes a Font -> SSWF tool!

This is a new release with many bug fixes and also a
new tool: ft2sswf. This will be used to generate SSWF
script files from truetype, postscript, MS-Windows

The rest of the product was otherwise greatly enhanced
to support wide characters in the declaration of a font.
Save the font properly so it works well with the Edit Text
tag. And the font can now be properly typed (so as to
tell whether it is ASCII, Unicode, Italic, Bold...)... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-10-18

Relase 1.2.1

The release 1.2.1 was downloaded. It includes many
bug fixes and the NEW animation sample.

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-10-15

Bug fix

Versions prior V1.1.1 would use only the object name
to look for the object (also called object reference).
Now the full path to the object is kept (including
list names, etc.) so it is always the proper object
which is selected.

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-10-07

New release including the Edit Text tag

I added the DefineTextField support.
The web site was fixed so it looks like something of interest.
(it also includes a nice animation)

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-10-03

A new tool to create .swf files!

There is SSWF and the sswf library which will enable you
to create new .swf files. The SSWF utility reads a script
which is then transformed in a .swf library. The script
is fairly simple to write and is 99% based on the tags
directly saved in the file. Thus one can easilly know
what the result will be (thought any tag - such as
Place - which have multiple encoding, can't be
forced in one or another, it is usually fairly easy
to infer which one will be used).... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-10-01