
ScriptSWF / News: Recent posts

ScriptSWF 1.8.4 -- Moved ASP header files to a library

In order to make the ASP header files available without the need to add all the files under include/sswf/scripts on your customers machines, we now offer a library that includes all of these files in a compiled form (more or less, a set of C strings attached by their filename).

By default the sswf tool (compiler) does not make use of the feature. To make use of it, you need the new flag --enable-internal-scripts on the configure script. Note that I do not offer the sswf with that feature.


Alexis Wilke

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2009-03-11

ScriptSWF 1.8.3 -- Many fixes to the Javascript compiler

In this version, I made many fixes to problems found in the Javascript compiler (i.e. ActionScript compiler.) Most of the problems were discovered someone else, special thanks! (missed writing his name down, contact me if you want me to add you to the AUTHORS.txt file!)

Specifically, I fixed the new & delete operators.

Added getTimer() support. Fixed a few ASC files.


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2008-11-27

ScriptSWF 1.8.2 -- old news...

I noticed that I did not publish any news about 1.8.2 so here it is...

Added a new sample: bi's Clock.

Many fixes to make sswf work with g++ 3.3.5.

Fixed the TEXT node in the sswf script language.

Support for the CSM Text Settings tag.

Fixed a bug in buttons with no actions.

Fixed the TagShape for a flag was not always initialized properly.

Fixed a couple of bugs in link with 64bit processors.

Added support for fscommand() & geturl().... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2008-11-27

ScriptSWF 1.8.1 -- Flash 8 & 9, bug fixes, complete docs!

Here is a new version with the library complete documentation! Every single public function is documented (okay, some not so good, but still!)

I also added some more Flash 8 tags, and started to add some Flash 9 tags too as I was at it.

Many bug fixes and enhancements too such as much more error checking.

Also, this is the very first non-Debug version I'm publishing... so the behavior of the code will diverge somewhat from what you were used to. Especially, all my assert errors won't appear (there are still some of those in there...)... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2007-06-26

ScriptSWF 1.8.0 -- Flash 8, bug fixes, more docs!

This is a quite major release of the SSWF project.

o It includes more documentation of the libsswf C++ library.

o It supports C binding

o It understands some of the Flash 8 tags

o It has many bug fixes

o It now accepts callbacks for errors in the library (instead of direct printing!)

o It should be ready to be included in fink

o It has some project files for Visual C++ 2005 (version 8)

o It was published in Gentoo a few weeks ago (he! he!)... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2007-05-14

ScriptSWF 1.7.5 -- bug fixes, C library, Doxygen docs

1.7.5 has many changes again!

It includes several bad bugs in the JavaScript compiler (such as: a=b; which now works).

It has some bug fixes in the tags, especially it properly supports version 8 movies (with the proper FileAttributes tag and Import2 instead of Import). It also supports the Metadata tag.

I made a library (using a tool named cpp-to-c) which C programmers will love: it's just an only C to be able to use SSWF! There may be a few things missing, but 99% should be working. Look at the sample: samples/c-samples/*... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2006-10-12

ScriptSWF forum at m2osw

I'm pleased to announce that is offering a Forum to talk about SSWF:

I will talk about where I'm at at this time, what I want to do next and also problems/bugs which need to be resolved.

Of course, you are still welcome to post at SourceForge, I do watch for the forums here and will respond here too.


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2006-05-31

ScriptSWF 1.7.4 beta -- many package fixes

I'm glad to release this new version with many fixes to the code for one thing, but also to all the packages so they all include the Javascript compiler and the corresponding files (.asc, .rc, etc.)

I also got the new documentation for Flash version 8 so you should have some nice surprises in the next version. 8-)


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2006-05-30

ScriptSWF 1.7.3 beta -- ActionScript (JavaScript compiler)

Finally, I have implemented an ActionScript (JavaScript language) compiler in SSWF. It is actually a separate library written in C++ that you could also use for your own project(s).

This is only a beta version, but it worked pretty well for me already.

Don't hesitate to post bug reports, requests, and problems in that regard.


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2005-11-04

ScriptSWF 1.7.2 -- MP3, 64bits, Big Endian

1.7.2 is quite a version. It includes support to load an MP3 directly in your animation file. At last...

There were fixes for 64 bits processors provided by a user (see AUTHORS.txt).

The configure script supports being run in a different directory than the one were you decompressed the tarball.

As I was at it, I [finally] split the large libsswf_tags.c++ file into something like 23 files and guess what... some are still over 1000 lines of code!... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2005-04-06

ScriptSWF 1.7.2 beta -- MP3

Finally, SSWF supports MP3. You can find the beta version of SSWF 1.7.2 on our FTP. Please, see the home page for more info! This should be out in a month or so as an official version.

Home page:


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2005-03-30

ScriptSWF 1.7.0 -- Windows Installer

There is now a Windows Installer (the .exe file) which you can run to install SSWF in your Program Files. There are still a few things missing and the set of files being installed is not 100% correct (i.e. it installs the MinGW binaries as well as the MS-Windows...) This will progress in the next version of SSWF.

Also, this includes the binaries with the ICONV2.DLL problem fixed. You can either download:... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2004-12-04

ScriptSWF 1.7.0 -- I18N and Flash 7

Welcome to ScriptSWF news feed,

Here we go, at last, SSWF includes the internationalization (I18N) work I've done in 2002. This means all the character encodings supported by your version of iconv() are also supported by SSWF. If you want to write in Japanese, Arabic, Greek, Russian, SSWF supports it all.

Also, as part of the update you get all of the new Flash 7 tags. (i.e. better small font, better image edges handling, additional action script commands...)... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2004-11-16

ScriptSWF 1.6.3 -- fixes in sound resampling support

1.6.3 is similar to 1.6.2 with many fixes in the resampling code so SSWF supports all sorts of speeds of audio as input. You can also resample with sox if you have that tool (it may do a slightly better job it seems to me).

There still seem to be some problems, but it should work in most cases.

Alexis Wilke

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2004-10-16

ScriptSWF 1.6.2 - Is now out!

The beta version was finally released as a full version.

It finally includes a tutorial.

It supports Mophing Shapes (includes a sample too!).

Many fixes and some enhancements (including some Flash version 7 flags, but the full Flash 7 will be available in version 1.7.0!)

Look around, SSWF should now be updated a little bit more often.


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2004-10-05

ScriptSWF 1.6.2 - includes a sample with an image

For those who want the bleeding edge version, you can get it here:

and it now includes a sample with an image (the sun-flower). I hope to add an action script at some point so the image does something...

Also, I added an american flag for those interested...


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2004-07-30

ScriptSWF 1.6.1-Blanka - include a configure script

There it is! SSWF now includes a configure script.

It was created so it has a nice structure and it runs many things in a completely automated way (such as recompiling in my SGI & MS-Windows boxes)

There was a few changes to the documentations and the web page also.


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2004-07-17

ScriptSWF 1.6.0-beta -- restructured the project

This is mainly a restructuration of the project with directories and sub-directories to clearly seperate the library, the sswf tool and the other tools.

I'm publishing this version early so the LiVES project users can get the new SSWF plugin (see for more info).

There are some new options such as support for JPEG as source images and fixes such as one to the ft2sswf tool so any TTF font will work properly.... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2004-04-01

ScriptSWF 1.5.1 -- more fixes & a new sample

Hi everyone,

For you to enjoy during the holiday season, there is the package 1.5.1. This package is mainly bug fixes from 1.5.0 but it also includes a new sample (showfont -- you had some premises in V1.5.0) and the additional of my voice in the SSWF animation sample.

For our MacOS/X users, this version includes a pre-compiled set of tools and (a few) fixes so it all compiles like a charm on your machine.... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2003-12-19

ScriptSWF v1.5.0 -- listen to my voice

Hi everyone,

I finally took the time to add a sound in one of the movies. It changes the SSWF animation to a V4.x of Flash (it was V3.x before). It still is small and you will hear my voice when coming on the home page (note that you of course need your speakers turned on!)

We're still working on V1.5.1, it will be up soon. It fixes several crashes in V1.5.0 and will include my voice WAV file for you to test the sample!... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2003-11-30

ScriptSWF v1.5.0 -- finally includes Sounds!

After nearly 10 months, there is a newer version of SSWF. With the help of some other people, I fixed many bugs especially memory leaks in SSWF (which were for some really bad bugs).

Also, SSWF now includes sound effects support. Only uncompressed at this time, but I hope to find some time to include the ADCMP and MP3 before the end of the year.

Because of the many fixes, there maybe problems (crashes) with this newer version. Please, email me or in the Help forum about any problem you encounter.... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2003-11-02

Win98 Fix available

Several persons complained about a problem with Win98 on which the sswf tool would quickly fail. I made a quick fix in v1.4.3 so you can enjoy sswf on Win98 now.

The proper fix will be available in the next version with proper Unicode support and some first support sound effects.


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2003-09-07

ScriptSWF v1.4.3 -- now supports menus!

This is a new release which supports DefineButton2 (and thus menus).

It also includes a much better set of tests to handle fonts.

The version of the movie is determined before the movie
is saved so strings can be saved in i18n in v6 movies
(not done yet but most everything is ready for that!).

The source can be compiled under Mac OS/X.



Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-12-05

ScriptSWF includes a Mac OS/X port!

Since v1.4.2 we have a Mac OS/X port. If you have a
Macintosh with OS/X installed, then you can get the
binaries right now from the sswf project.

Since there will soon be v1.4.3 out, we won't
release the MacOSX patches. Instead you
will get clean source code all at once! 8-)


Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-11-22

ScriptSWF release 1.4.2 -- working IRIX version

After several hours of search, I found the several
problems with the IRIX version. Mainly alignment
problems in the SSWF tool. The library had one
error due to endianness (in using the Data::Overwrite()

The current IRIX version (1.4.2) works very well.
The resulting movies are slightly different for the
double computations on MIPS are slightly different.
But graphically it looks exactly the same.... read more

Posted by Alexis Wilke 2002-11-19