
The RoboCup Soccer Simulator / News: Recent posts

rcssserver-14.0.2 is available

The RoboCup Soccer Simulator is a research and educational tool for multi-agent systems and artificial intelligence. It enables for two teams of 11 simulated autonomous robotic players to play soccer (football).

* Fixed a problem of automatic heterogeneous player assignment. Now,
the player type ID of unchanged player is never broadcasted.

  • Fixed a compilation problem on gcc-4.4.1. Thanks go to Ke Shi for
    reporting the problem.
Posted by Hidehisa Akiyama 2009-12-21

rcssmonitor-14.0.1 is available

The RoboCup Soccer Simulator Monitor (rcssmonitor) is used to view the simulation as it takes place by connecting to the rcssserver or to view the playback of a simulation by connecting to the rcsslogplayer.

* Changed the buffer recovering policy. Now, rcssmonitor tries to
recover the buffer until filling up the default buffer size
without advancing game status if the buffer becomes empty in
the buffering mode.... read more

Posted by Hidehisa Akiyama 2009-12-04

rcssserver-14.0.0 is available.

The RoboCup Soccer Simulator is a research and educational tool for multi-agent systems and artificial intelligence. It enables for two teams of 11 simulated autonomous robotic players to play soccer (football).

This is the first release of the 2D soccer simulator for RoboCup2010 Singapore. Please see the NEWS file for detailed release notes.

Posted by Hidehisa Akiyama 2009-11-01

rcssserver 13.2.0 is available

The RoboCup Soccer Simulator is a research and educational tool for multi-agent systems and artificial intelligence. It enables for two teams of 11 simulated autonomous robotic players to play soccer (football).

This release changes some parameter settings as follows:
server::synch_see_offset (30 -> 0)
server::pen_max_extra_kicks (10 -> 5)
server::pen_before_setup_wait (30 -> 10)
server::pen_ready_wait (50 -> 10)
server::pen_setup_wait (100 -> 70)
server::pen_taken_wait (200 -> 150)... read more

Posted by Hidehisa Akiyama 2009-04-07

rcssserver3D: version 0.6 released

This release is the final version for RoboCup 2008 in Suzhou China. It
is little different from version 0.5.9 in simulation, excepting some
changes for the rule of RoboCup 2008, including the vision perceptor.
And also, the eye-catching sky and goal are added. The monitor
protocol is improved due to the team requirement.

  • Physics:
  • set ball angular drag to 0.00005

  • Vision perceptor:
    The old vision perceptor (just the same as last year) is used for
    both Nao and soccerbot058.... read more

Posted by Xu Yuan 2008-06-23

rcssserver3D: version 0.5.9 released

The RoboCup Soccer Simulator is a research and educational tool for multi-agent systems and artificial intelligence. It enables for two teams of 11 simulated autonomous robotic players to play soccer (football).

This release is the candidate of RoboCup 2008. There are some important improvements. Firstly, the physics parameters are well adjusted to make the simulation more real and stabler. Secondly, the restrict vision perceptor is used, with which the vision range is limited, but more details will be seen, i.e. the head, hands and feet of robots can be seen. Furthermore, the soccer rule and visual features are improved.... read more

Posted by Xu Yuan 2008-06-02

rcssserver3D version 0.5.8 released

We have just released rcssserver3d-0.5.8.

rcssserver3D is a multi-agent simulation system for physical agents in
three-dimensional environments. It features a flexible application
framework and a scene description language for setting up different
kinds of simulations. The soccer simulation built on top of this is used
in the RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation League.

In this release, we have a simulator which is much more like the
RoboCup Humanoid League: The smaller size, the smaller robot and
ball. The integrated agent is added as a new feature. Furthermore,
the external monitor works now.... read more

Posted by Xu Yuan 2008-05-12

rcssserver3D version 0.5.7 released

We have just released rcssserver3d-0.5.7.

rcssserver3D is a multi-agent simulation system for physical agents in
three-dimensional environments. It features a flexible application
framework and a scene description language for setting up different
kinds of simulations. The soccer simulation built on top of this is used
in the RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation League.

Documents, important fixes and new features:
- the user's manual in doc/users
- the server developer's manual in doc/devel
- there are also some useful information at SimSpark Wiki[1]
- fix mointor logger:
- fixed methods to work properly.
- solve the update problem (reported by team Apollo).
- remove invisible nodes to save bandwidth(thanks to Carlos
Bustamante from Borregos3D).
- applied Atlanta 2007 server changes:
- 'm' and 'c' for killing agents
- two robot models with different facilities
- using materials with textures
- free kick distance changed to 4.5
- one half time (8 mins)
- agents can beam in Goal_Left or Goal_Right play modes
- no longer possible to move agents by pressing m
- re-enabled communication, the soccerbot056 has SayEffector and
- add AdjustSpeed mode (It is enabled by default). In this mode, the
server will run slower when needed.
- new multi-threaded implementation
- rosimporter, model importer for RoSiML modeling language
- rsgedit, a cool simspark simulator with graphic user interface.
- soccerbotcomp, the new robot mode which is built with composite
bodies, it can advance the simulation speed.
- include some useful utilities: tinyxml, wxflatnotebook and wxscintilla... read more

Posted by Xu Yuan 2008-03-26

rcssserver3D version 0.5.6 released

We have just released rcssserver3d-0.5.6.

rcssserver3D is a multi-agent simulation system for physical agents in
three-dimensional environments. It features a flexible application
framework and a scene description language for setting up different
kinds of simulations. The soccer simulation built on top of this is used
in the RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation League.

Important fixes and new features:

  • new GameTimePerceptor added which senses game time instead of sim time... read more
Posted by Joschka Boedecker 2007-06-28

rcssserver3D version 0.5.5 released

We have just released rcssserver3D-0.5.5.

rcssserver3D is a multi-agent simulation system for physical agents in
three-dimensional environments. It features a flexible application
framework and a scene description language for setting up different
kinds of simulations. The soccer simulation built on top of this is used
in the RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation League.

Important fixes and new features:

Posted by Joschka Boedecker 2007-06-04

rcssserver3D version 0.5.4 released

We have just released rcssserver3D-0.5.4.

rcssserver3D is a multi-agent simulation system for physical agents in
three-dimensional environments. It features a flexible application
framework and a scene description language for setting up different
kinds of simulations. The soccer simulation built on top of this is used
in the RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation League.

Important fixes and new features:

  • issues concerning the local reference frame of the robot's vision
    perceptor have been fixed... read more
Posted by Joschka Boedecker 2007-05-17

rcssserver3D version 0.5.3 released

We have just released rcssserver3D-0.5.3.

rcssserver3D is a multi-agent simulation system for physical agents in
three-dimensional environments. It features a flexible application
framework and a scene description language for setting up different
kinds of simulations. The soccer simulation built on top of this is used
in the RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation League.

Important fixes and new features:

  • the visualization features a sky box and other eye candy now.... read more
Posted by Joschka Boedecker 2007-02-12

rcssserver3D version 0.5.2 released

We have just released rcssserver3D-0.5.2.

rcssserver3D is a multi-agent simulation system for physical agents in
three-dimensional environments. It features a flexible application
framework and a scene description language for setting up different
kinds of simulations. The soccer simulation built on top of this will
be used for the 3D Simulation League competition on RoboCup 2006
(see read more

Posted by Joschka Boedecker 2006-05-24

rcssserver3D version 0.5.1 released

We have just released rcssserver3D-0.5.1.

rcssserver3D is a multi-agent simulation system for physical agents in three-dimensional environments. It features a flexible application
framework and a scene description language for setting up different kinds of simulations. The soccer simulation built on top of this will be used for the 3D Simulation League competition on RoboCup 2006 (see read more

Posted by Oliver Obst 2006-03-14

rcssserver3D version 0.5 released

We have just released rcssserver3D-0.5.

rcssserver3D is a multi-agent simulation system for physical agents in three-dimensional environments. It features a flexible application
framework and a scene description language for setting up different kinds of simulations. The soccer simulation built on top of this will
be used for the 3D Simulation League competition on RoboCup 2006 (see read more

Posted by Oliver Obst 2006-03-01

rcssserver3D version 0.4 released

This release includes some speed improvements, agent communication,
an implementation of the offside rule, and a first, unfinished version
of the new legged-sphere agent type amongst other things.
Here is a summary with some more details:

  • Features (general):

  • A cache for node references has been added to the Zeitgeist
    core to speed up the simulation considerably. Thanks go to the
    Brainstormers3D team for the initial patch and to Markus Rollmann
    for the modification and integration.

  • The Spark based simulation (which will be used in the future for
    simulations using the articulated agents) has been made much more
    flexible by Markus Rollmann.
  • A sample agent and behaviors for a Spark based soccer simulation
    using either small cars or legged-sphere agents has been
    added. Currently, the legged-sphere agents are used by default.
    The behavior of the agents is very simple (in the legged-sphere case)
    and is solely meant to demonstrate how to use the new perceptors and
    effectors.... read more
Posted by Joschka Boedecker 2005-12-31

rcssserver3D version 0.3 released

rcssserver3D is a multi-agent simulation system for physical agents in three-dimensional environments. It features a flexible application framework and a scene description language for setting up different kinds of simulations. The soccer simulation built on top of this will be used for the 3D Simulation League competition on RoboCup 2004 (see

In this release, a few bugs have been fixed and the soccer rules have been polished for the competition. In the soccer simulation, the ball is dropped when no player goes to the ball; it is also possible to drop the ball manually now. The match length has been extended to 2* 5 minutes. The goals got physical goalposts and a crossbar.... read more

Posted by Oliver Obst 2004-06-13

rcssserver3D-0.2.2 is available

It adds both soccer simulation specific features (like better rules and an initial version of a logplayer) and general simulation features:
Almost all ODE features are supported now, and we rolled our own version of a new simulation server as an alternative to SPADES. This was done because
we are aiming at a general simulator useful for different 3D simulations and generic agent/robot models. The soccer simulation is only one instance of a
simulation realized with our simulator.

Posted by Oliver Obst 2004-05-14

rcssserver3D-0.2.1 is available

This is a bugfix release of rcssserver3D (rcssserver3D-0.2.1). It removes some (but not all) bugs we found or someone else reported in rcssserver3D-0.2.

  • Configuration was made a little stricter and more complete so that it should be easier to install the whole thing.
  • The missing agenttest.rb file is included into the distribution
  • The's have been fixed for those not building the libkerosin part.
  • A fix for the recent SPADES versions has been added.
  • A major bug with the weight of objects in the simulation has been removed. The dynamics of the drive of the robots and of the kicker have been adapted accordingly.
    (This bug was found after a report from Nuno Lau on the sserver list).
  • The artificial slowdown of bodies has been removed.
  • The default timer of the sample agents (agenttest) is now jiffies.... read more
Posted by Oliver Obst 2004-03-22

RCSSServer 9.2.4 is Available

This minor release of The RoboCup Soccer Simulator Server correctes two defects found in 9.2.3. A gcc3.2 compilation problem and incorrectly awarded indirect free kicks after a catch fault.

Posted by Anonymous 2003-01-30

RCSoccerSim 9.2.2 is available

The RoboCup Soccer Simulator is a research and educational tool for multi-agent systems and artificial intelligence. It enables for two teams of 11 simulated autonomous robotic players to play soccer (football). RoboCup Soccer Simulator is licensed under a combination of the GNU GPL and GNU LGPL. The latest stable release adds goal posts with "real" collision detection and modelling as well the remaining official changes requested for the new RoboCup World Cup.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2003-01-23

RCSoccerSim 9.1.5 is available

The RoboCup Soccer Simulator is a research and educational tool for multi-agent systems and artificial intelligence. It enables for two teams of 11 simulated autonomous robotic players to play soccer (football). The latest stable release of RCSoccerSim is now available. This version fixes a few defects and introduces a new keepaway mode.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-12-20

RCSoccerSim-9.0.3 is Available

RCSoccerSim-9.0.3 is now available.

Main changes include a new automatic mode and options for automatically starting the teams. Please see the NEWS file for details

Posted by Anonymous 2002-07-26

RCSoccerSim 8.05.10 released

This is old news, but here it is anyway. RCSoccerSin 8.05.10 is now avaialble.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-07-03

RCSoccerSim 8.04 released

The RoboCup Soccer Simulator is a platform for evaluating multiple autonomous intelligent agents in a real world like domain.

This version includes some major defect corrections, new features and substantial code cleanup.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-03-27