
#74 Fail on Win7 (x64) with Office2007 (32bit)


I tried to install it on environment Windows 7 x64 with MS Office 2007 (32 bit). When it opens an excel file, it prompts error that states it fails in calling the "ENVIRON(...)" function. I opened up on the macro, to check on the references. It said it is missing MSCOMCTL.ocx in the folder C:\Windows\SYSWOW64. Even I added manually, it also failed.

Any help to resolve in the mix environment like mine?

Greatly appreciate your help.


Bugs: #74


  • SteveT

    SteveT - 2015-09-04

    MSCOMCTL.ocx errors are relatively common, so there is a section in the help file detailing a number of different steps to try and resolve the issue.

    Here is a link to the online help for that ocx: link. There may be other topics in that section that help.

    • Hendrik Kurniawan

      Hi Steve,

      Good day.
      I tried to follow the steps provided in the help file.  I re-register the MSCOMCTL.ocx again using the administrator account.
      However, it still indicates missing library.  I un-tick the missing link in the reference box and tried to find the ocx / library "Microsoft windows common controller" but it is not available on the un-ticked items.

      Any advise on what incorrect steps did I make?
      Thank you for your assistance.

      Best Regards,

       On Friday, September 4, 2015 10:30 PM, SteveT <> wrote:

      MSCOMCTL.ocx errors are relatively common, so there is a section in the help file detailing a number of different steps to try and resolve the issue.Here is a link to the online help for that ocx: link. There may be other topics in that section that help. [bugs:#74] Fail on Win7 (x64) with Office2007 (32bit)Status: open
      Group: Current_Version
      Created: Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:07 AM UTC by Hendrik Kurniawan
      Last Updated: Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:07 AM UTC
      Owner: SteveTI tried to install it on environment Windows 7 x64 with MS Office 2007 (32 bit). When it opens an excel file, it prompts error that states it fails in calling the "ENVIRON(...)" function. I opened up on the macro, to check on the references. It said it is missing MSCOMCTL.ocx in the folder C:\Windows\SYSWOW64. Even I added manually, it also failed. Any help to resolve in the mix environment like mine?Greatly appreciate your help.Sent from because you indicated interest in unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Bugs: #74

  • SteveT

    SteveT - 2015-09-12

    Did you try these as well:



    I would like to see the ENVIRON error as I have not seen this error before. Can you post a screen shot.

    Try copying the ocx to Windows\System32 and registering it. The ocx that you registered, was it the one that is installed in the Program Files\Spreadsheet Compare folder? If not, can you try that one.


  • SteveT

    SteveT - 2021-02-07
    • status: open --> pending

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