
blank page index.php

  • Ron Catterall

    Ron Catterall - 2012-12-22

    downloaded OK, copied to directory sphpblog-0 on server, config, content, and images created and permissions set (admin)
    http: …/sphpblog-0/index.php loads but is ablank page, no content, no error messages.
    Mac OS 10.4.11, PHP 5.6.3 server
    Where do I go from here?

  • william davis

    william davis - 2013-10-29

    my page is still viewing blank for some reason do im saving the whole zip folder in my htcdocs do i need to store the contents in another location?

  • Fabien Archambault

    I had this issue with the blank page as my hosting site did not give an up2date version of PHP. Can you check your version and if possible use an updated one?


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