
Bad News, Soundboard fans

As you may or may not know, SourceForge recently upgraded their system, and switching over the svn repository has resulted in what one of my favorite bosses always used to refer to as "another seamless IT transition." i.e. it doesn't work right. I'm trying to figure out what's going on and how to resolve the svn issues with support, but the 2.0.4 release of Soundboard will, regrettably, be delayed as a result. Sorry.

I'll keep you posted as the situation evolves, and is resolved, which will hopefully be sooner rather than later.

Posted by Tony Tambasco 2013-03-18
  • Rich Bowen

    Rich Bowen - 2013-03-21

    I don't see any open tickets from your project. How can we be of help? What exactly is happening?

    • Tony Tambasco

      Tony Tambasco - 2013-03-24

      Hi Rich,

      I haven't opened a ticket because I was speaking with someone at support. They were also named Rich; is that you, by any chance? If so, did you get my last email?


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