
Sonic Ports / News: Recent posts

Zyn Project: FLUID Files Working Again

With the latest source releases FLUID designer files were broken (because of VST plugin implementation). They are now updated and working again. It is possible to redesign the user interface with FLUID graphically and recompile the project.

IMPORTANT: The project has now dependency of FLTK1 package (which is the latest FLTK 1.1.8 release).

FLUID integration is still somehow problematic, because those files include alot of extra code on widget base (initialisation and callbacks), which complicates workflow if you work with an IDE. Also it is very cumbersome to find the code inside the UI designer if you want to apply changes or to fix bugs and so on.... read more

Posted by Jason Webs 2008-03-26

Total SVN Renew

SVN repository has totally changed in structure.

This step was neccessary because we needed to integrate Apple XTools realtime support. XTools has obviously some problems with SVN, if the sources aren't directly subfoldered. So the project files vor MS Visual Studio and Apple XCode have now different roots (directly on top of the project).

The entire SVN folder stucture has changed to optimize the SVN workflow and to prevent useless blowing due to duplication of sources.... read more

Posted by Jason Webs 2008-03-19

Downloads Cleanup

We removed the 'DevelopmentPacks' from Downloads. Please use SVN for latest sources.

The 'DevelopmentPacks' were outdated. There are too many changes lately.

Posted by Jason Webs 2008-03-19

SVN Folder Structure Changed

We changed the SVN folder structure because some projects share the same codebase. Therefore now 'DependencyPacks' exist.

Each projectfolder has a 'Dependency' directory where all external libraries should be placed. This way the project files link to the right places and the projects can be recompiled without any changes or additional configuration.

But those 'Dependency' folders are empty by default. This is where the DependencyPacks come into the game. ... read more

Posted by Jason Webs 2008-03-17

Downloads Updated

The downloads are available again. SVN repository is currently disabled. But we will reactivate / update it in the next days.

Posted by Jason Webs 2008-03-14

Downloads Temporarily Down

Some changes required to disable the download for a few hours. We will notify if the downloads are available again.

Posted by Jason Webs 2008-03-14

SVN Updated

The Subversion repository contains now all open source dependencies. The extra dependency package is no longer needed and subject of deletion.

Please note, that ASIO SDK and VST SDK are not included, These dependencies are (propietary) open audio interface standards but have licenses which forbid redistribution of the source code.

Posted by Jason Webs 2008-03-13

ZynAddSubFX Development Package Upload

The complete development package for ZynAddSubFX was uploaded. There is also a separate 'Dependency Package' which is only needed, if you download the latest sources via SVN.

This means, the dependency package is part of the development package and already included in the 'Development Package'.

SVN does currently not include dependency libraries, which mainly consist of external open source libraries and sources, also available at other places. However, some of them meight be modified and not compile with the project files.... read more

Posted by Jason Webs 2008-03-13

SVN Set Up

The Subversion repository was set up with the current development package. However, this does not include the dependency libraries. Those are currently available as separate zip package in the public files repository.

We plan to put only *modified* or no longer available (i.e. old) libraries to directly place into the SVN repository.

Please also note, that certain libraries cannot be distributed this way (licensing issues). This is the case with the Steinberg SDKs for ASIO and VST. You have to download and license (free) them yourself. It meight be possible, that some of them have changed rescently, which probably would require some code changes inside the project code. Please inform us about such issues.... read more

Posted by Jason Webs 2008-03-13

ZynAddSubFX Windows Release

The binaries for Windows are now available in the public download repository. Source code is not included with this release. It's an end user package.

Install: Simply unzip and place the resulting folder wherever you want. The VST plugin meight be placed into the host applications VST plugins folder (which differs from host to host).

Following executables are included:

- console application (standard audio output)
- GUI application with MME audio output
- GUI application with DirectSound audio output
- GUI application with ASIO audio output... read more

Posted by Jason Webs 2008-03-13