
#440 Mock responses hanging when started on same port and path

v1.0 (example)
general (369)

When you start test case with couple mock responses on same port and path, eventually some of them hangs and stops receiving/noticing incomming requests.

In attached project, start "test case 2" in loop, then do same thing with "test case 1". What happens next, depends on SoapUI's version.

On trunk version (2.5.2?) after few iterations TestCase 1 hangs on step 3 ("Mock Response int 1"), despite TestCase 2 has passed its step 3. Such error is produced:

14:48:20,836 DEBUG [MockEngine] Mock Response was unable to dispatch mock request
com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.mock.DispatchException: com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.mock.DispatchException: Missing operation for soapAction [intTalk] and body element [{}intTalk] with SOAP Version [SOAP 1.1]
Caused by: com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.mock.DispatchException: Missing operation for soapAction [intTalk] and body element [{}intTalk] with SOAP Version [SOAP 1.1]
at com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.mock.WsdlMockRunner.dispatchPostRequest(
at com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.mock.WsdlMockRunner.dispatchRequest(

Same things happens on 3.0 beta 2, nightly build 2009-07-06/
2.5.1 version hangs same way, but it's much more rare situation. However on 2.5.1 version sometimes when you click "Stop running this testcase" button, testcase doesnt stop, but stop button goes disabled. If you close, reopen and restart such testcase, mock responses hang every time in very similar way as .
3.0 beta 2 even doesnt start on my computer.

Problem doesn't exist when using different ports or paths or when you insert small delays (300ms) between test steps in both test cases.

SoapUI 2.5.1, trunk, 3.0-beta2
Java 1.6.0_13
Ubuntu 9.04


  • Piotr Nowojski

    Piotr Nowojski - 2009-07-06

    SoapUI project with reproduced bug

  • Ole Lensmar

    Ole Lensmar - 2009-07-06


    Thanks for your detailed report! Just to check; have you tried enabling the "Leave MockEngine" option in the global http preferences?



  • Ole Lensmar

    Ole Lensmar - 2009-07-06

    Hi again,

    I've made some improvements internally, with the upcoming nightly build I was able to run the two testcases without lockups for about 10 minutes before terminating them manually.. please let me know how it works for you..



  • Ole Lensmar

    Ole Lensmar - 2009-07-06

    oh.. I forgot to mention.. you will need the "Leave MockEngine" option to be selected in the global http preferences.



  • Piotr Nowojski

    Piotr Nowojski - 2009-07-07


    unfortunately it doesn't work. I've enabled "Leave MockEngine" in file -> preferences -> http settings in 3.0-beta2 latest nightly build and it hangs same way as mentioned in report. After very few iterations and even sometimes in first one, on "Mock Response int 1" in "TestCase 1".

    TestCase 1:
    Test started at 2009-07-07 09:53:44.810
    Step 1 [getSummary] OK: took 13 ms
    Step 2 [Mock Response] OK: took 0 ms
    //waiting for "int Request 1" (step 3) in TestCase 2

    TestCase 2:
    Test started at 2009-07-07 09:53:44.585
    Step 1 [getSummary mock response] OK: took 235 ms
    Step 2 [getSummary Request] OK: took 9 ms
    Step 3 [int Request 1] OK: took 1114 ms
    //waiting for "int Request" (step 4) from TestCase 1


    Tue Jul 07 09:40:55 CEST 2009:DEBUG:Mock Response was unable to dispatch mock request

    com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.mock.DispatchException: Missing operation for soapAction [intTalk] and body element [{}intTalk] with SOAP Version [SOAP 1.1]
    at com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.mock.WsdlMockRunner.dispatchPostRequest(
    at com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.mock.WsdlMockRunner.dispatchRequest(

    With or without "Leave MockEngine" option, 3.0-beta2 2009-07-07 crashes exactly same way (hangs after few iterations).

  • Ole Lensmar

    Ole Lensmar - 2009-07-07


    hmm.. unfortunately I can't reproduce.. are you using the installer or zip? Installing to a clean directory? Using the bundled JRE or not?



  • Piotr Nowojski

    Piotr Nowojski - 2009-07-07

    i'm using, unpacked to clean directory. Im downloading now soapUI-3_0-beta-2.dmg, but it'll take a while.

    Just checked and adding two small delays (100ms worked fine for several minutes, 50ms hung after couple of seconds) between following requests "solved" problem for me.

  • Piotr Nowojski

    Piotr Nowojski - 2009-07-07

    I've added project file with those delays, both were required to prevent hanging


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