
SmartFrog / News: Recent posts

Smartfrog 3.17.010 Released

This release brings everything up to date with what we've been doing; the full changelog is rather large

* This edition comes with a version of Hadoop which branched off Hadoop's SVN_HEAD in march; I'm bringing my branch up to date this week with the goal being merging back in to the main branch. It let's SmartFrog manage Hadoop components
provided you are not running with a real JVM security manager. We've got some tweaks in to the Hadoop code so it exists with a dummy security manager -one that does not validate anything- but on a real one, Hadoop refuses to play. You should therefore only bring up a Hadoop cluster on a network you trust. Given that Hadoop lacks any real form of security (callers are trusted to be who they say they are), this does not make a Hadoop cluster any more vulnerable than it was already.... read more

Posted by Steve Loughran 2009-05-18

SmartFrog 3.12.036 released!

SmartFrog 3.12.036

This is a new release of SmartFrog, the Java-based, LPGL-licensed
distributed deployment framework developed by HP Laboratories. SmartFrog
enables applications to be deployed across multiple machines,
configuring different aspects of the system so that they are all
consistently configured, and managing the life-cycle of the application
as a whole. The project's home page is read more

Posted by Julio Guijarro 2008-05-02

SmartFrog 3.12.032 released.

SmartFrog 3.12.032
This is a new release of SmartFrog, the Java-based, LPGL-licensed distributed deployment framework developed by HP Laboratories. SmartFrog enables applications to be deployed across multiple machines, configuring different aspects of the system so that they are all consistently configured, and managing the life-cycle of the application as a whole. The project's home page is ... read more

Posted by Julio Guijarro 2008-04-24

SmartFrog 3.12.022 released

We've just cut a new release of SmartFrog, the distributed deployment/test framework from HP Laboratories:

This release has enhanced SSH support.

Posted by Steve Loughran 2008-02-15

SmartFrog 3.012.000 released

SmartFrog 3.12.000

This is a new release of SmartFrog, the Java-based, LPGL-licensed distributed deployment framework developed by HP Laboratories. SmartFrog enables applications to be deployed across multiple machines, configuring different aspects of the system so that they are all consistently configured, and managing the life-cycle of the application as a whole. The project's home page is read more

Posted by Julio Guijarro 2007-08-17

SmartFrog 3.11.005beta released

Release 3.11.005beta has just been made, as an installable JAR file, set of RPMs and .tar.gz and .gz files to expand.

SmartFrog is a Java-based distributed framework for deploying and configuring server-side applications. It was developed as part of HP-Laboratories research into deploying and managing large scale distributed applications.

Link to the artifacts:

Posted by Steve Loughran 2007-07-27

SmartFrog.3.10.016 released

SmartFrog.3.10.016 released

Posted by Ritu Sabharwal 2006-11-13

SmartFrog_Components.1.06.000_beta released

SmartFrog_Components.1.06.000_beta released

Posted by Ritu Sabharwal 2006-08-18

SmartFrog_Components.1.04.000_beta released

SmartFrog_Components.1.04.000_beta released

Posted by Ritu Sabharwal 2006-08-03

SmartFrog.3.10.000 released

SmartFrog.3.10.000 released

Posted by Ritu Sabharwal 2006-08-03

SmartFrog_Components.1.02.000_beta released

SmartFrog_Components.1.02.000_beta released

Posted by Kumaravel Ganesan 2006-05-05

SmartFrog.3.08.004 released

SmartFrog.3.08.004 released

Posted by Ritu Sabharwal 2005-12-16

SmartFrog.3.08.000 released

SmartFrog.3.08.000 released !

Posted by Kumaravel Ganesan 2005-11-17

The Anubis distributed state monitoring components available

The Anubis distributed state monitoring components were added to the SmartFrog open source today.

Anubis is a fully distributed state monitoring service that provides discovery, status monitoring and failure detection capabilities. Anubis implements timely and consistent reporting of distributed state information and includes awareness of network partitions. Using Anubis, SmartFrog components can announce their existence and current state, discover and observe other components, and determine the absence or failure of other components.... read more

Posted by Julio Guijarro 2005-10-14

SmartFrog.3.06.020_rc3 released

SmartFrog.3.06.020_rc3 released

Posted by Ritu Sabharwal 2005-09-15

SmartFrog.3.06.016_rc2 released

SmartFrog.3.06.016_rc2 is available for download now.

Posted by Kumaravel Ganesan 2005-08-23

Eplugin_1.0.2_beta released

Eplugin_1.0.2_beta released

Posted by Ritu Sabharwal 2005-07-21

SmartFrog_Components.1.00.002_beta released

SmartFrog_Components.1.00.002_beta released

Posted by Ritu Sabharwal 2005-06-03

SmartFrog.3.06.000_rc1 released

SmartFrog.3.06.000_rc1 is available for download now.

Posted by Kumaravel Ganesan 2005-05-27

SmartFrog.3.04.022_beta released

SmartFrog.3.04.022_beta released

Posted by Kumaravel Ganesan 2005-05-04

SmartFrog Components are now available !

The SmartFrog Components are reusable building blocks which provide various services like email, slp , etc. that can be used to develop smartfrog applications.

Currently Available Components :

- Emailer
- Scripting
- Jetty
- Ssh
- Net
- Utils
- Loggers
- SfCoreLoggers

~ Kumar

Posted by Kumaravel Ganesan 2005-01-05

SmartFrog 3.04.014 released

SmartFrog 3.04.014 released

Posted by Kumaravel Ganesan 2005-01-05

Eplugin_1.0.1_beta released

Eplugin_1.0.1_beta released

Posted by Kumaravel Ganesan 2005-01-05

New: The SmartFrog Eclipse plug-in is now available

The SmartFrog Eclipse plug-in offers the user a common integration
development environment (IDE) in which to develop, test, deploy,
and debug SmartFrog applications. It offers specialized editors
for description files and Java component files. This enables
developers to integrate deployment into their Eclipse-based
development processes.

Download the SmartFrog Eclipse plug-in
Download the SmartFrog.3.04.008_beta release or later ... read more

Posted by Julio Guijarro 2004-10-29

SmartFrog 3.04.008 released

SmartFrog 3.04.004 released.

Julio G

Posted by Julio Guijarro 2004-10-29