User Activity

  • Committed [r8899]
  • Committed [r8898]

    Modified license to Apache 2.0.

  • Committed [r8897]

    Improved IVY properties reporting during build.

  • Committed [r8896]

    Removed stack trace on property

  • Committed [r8895]
  • Committed [r8894]

    quick health test for the Daemon and Subprocesses

  • Committed [r8893]

    Set Dev Environment for Windows. Sets Ant, SFHOME and JDK paths and classpaths.

  • Committed [r8892]

    Automation package has dependencies with RabitMQ and needs to be moved from Services to Components - Temp exclusion from core JavaC task.

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Personal Data

2003-08-07 16:36:27


This is a list of open source software projects that Julio Guijarro is associated with:

Personal Tools