
#41 Error Compiling Smartcam 1.4.0-4 on Ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit)


I finally realized that the SmartCam project consists of more parts than I thought. On the PC side the smartcam driver AS WELL as the smartcam program has to be running to 'tunnel' the video data from (Bluetooth, WiFi? ..) to the smartcam driver which then provides the video stream to other application layer programs like Cheese, Skype(?) etc. - I guess.

Now, more than 8 months later, I'm still using ...

Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick) 64 bit (with kernel "2.6.35-31-generic #63-Ubuntu" now),

because it is so great, and I finally was able to get the smartcam driver component compiling without errors! Thanks a lot to some postings on the bug tracker (about patching, patching and patching) and due to some investigations in missing -dev packages (installing those build depends before the compilation process). So I got the smartcam.ko kernel driver successfully compiled and loaded - but ...


... the smartcam program itself does NOT compile and "make" throws out the error "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.4.5/../../../../lib/crt1.o: In function `_start': (.text+0x12): undefined reference to `__libc_csu_fini'".

Then I thought, maybe those hard to find pre-compiled 64 bit binaries that seem to exist now in the folder would make things easy, BUT - to my disappointment - there are only 64 bit .deb packages for ...

... Lucid: "smartcam_1.4.0-4~lucid1_amd64.deb" and
... Natty (not Maverick): "smartcam_1.4.0-4~natty1_amd64.deb" and
... one file that does not say what release it is meant to be used with: "smartcam_1.4.0-4_amd64.deb".

Though I was able to install the package "smartcam_1.4.0-4_amd64.deb" and the driver is loaded, the program can not be started, because of this error:

condor@herkules:~/Install/smartcam-1.4.0$ smartcam
smartcam: registered DBUS service "org.gnome.smartcam"
Found smartcam device file: /dev/video1
smartcam: started comm thread
smartcam: port = 1

condor@herkules:~/Install/smartcam-1.4.0$ uname -a
Linux herkules 2.6.35-31-generic #63-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 28 19:29:10 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux

condor@herkules:~/Install/smartcam-1.4.0$ lsmod |grep smartcam
smartcam 11270 0
videodev 49359 2 smartcam,easycap

What else can I do to get this working on my machine (either to get it compiled from source or get the "Speicherzugriffsfehler" error that comes from the pre-compiled package, go away)?

Thanks very much in advance,



  • Dennis

    Dennis - 2011-12-24


    The "Speicherzugriffsfehler" (segfault) mentioned in my post above is very likely caused by a bug in the code regarding bluetooth. I just noticed that there is a patch available, however I didn't test it yet. So the binary in the package "smartcam_1.4.0-4_amd64.deb" that I tried to run obviously was not build including the patch.


    ...investigating further by try and error.

  • Dennis

    Dennis - 2011-12-24

    Regarding packaging and other issues, please also see Ubuntu Bug/Wishlist # 259371 ( ).


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