
Air (etheric) and Metal (electric) Mages

r i
  • r i

    r i - 2008-12-22

    (originally posted on the tracker {feature request} page)

    Electric or Etheric Mage       

    The electric or metal mages could be like Yeomen crossed with Monk
    Grandmaster in martial arts with some weapons (like staff , dagger, flail,
    polearms, knife, or other similar weapon like 2-handed sword getting at
    least skilled and the others to basic.Expert at healing (like ice mage is
    expert at enchantment and flame mage is expert at divination) with starting
    eq similar in ac to flame or ice mage but gloves and robe instead of
    leather armor.
    Metal/Electric mages would cast create shock sphere (similar to flame sphere)

    The etheric or air mages would be like rangers/rogues in starting eq and
    poison resist but expert in flail and bow or dart (maybe firearms too)
    with flail and/or one item (bow and 2 sets of arrows , +0 darts, or rifle
    and bullets). staff could be capped to skilled. Starting equipment could be
    +0 cloak of protection, magic resistance, displacement, or invisibility and
    maybe 0+ leather gloves. Expert in body spells and maybe skilled in attack
    so that poison blast could be cast (possibly it would be a "special
    Air/Etheric mages would cast create gas spore

    also maybe at level 23 all (element) mages get a choice of elemental
    summon (with xplevel + 4 HP) if matter spells are expert instead of 3 spheres
    (like fire elemental for flame mages earth elemental for ice mages
    air elemental for air mages, water elemental for metal mages) Or possibly
    a vortex would work (fire, ice, dust, or energy)

  • hjfhgf jhjkgkjg

    hjfhgf jhjkgkjg - 2011-01-14

    So very close to actually completing this 1 year long process. Some stuff doesn't work right yet and the quests are not quite completed the way I want. But here is the specs…..
    Lots of old room code from patches I found for both nethack and slashem.
    Also 2 new minetowns.
    Pirate class (nethack patch I remade to finish it and also to bring into slashem realm)
    Jedi class (patched with (un?)official jedi patched
    All the sokobans I could find (If I can maybe I'll make one of these too)
    Some other standard levels added (castle…etc from patches I found)
    IceMage (converted) to Storm (metal) Mage
    FlameMage (converted) to Air (gas) Mage
    Some other random things

    So one thing I am waiting on is a reply to my question about max character classes.
    I.E. I have now 2 more classes (Pirate and also Jedi) but 2 classes have been replaced (Ice and Flame mage).
    So is there a way to add back the Ice and Flame mages without going over max character class limit?
    In other words if I make 2 or more new characters on to what I have right now (standard slashem + jedi and pirate)…..

    Will I have too many to display on the main page? or
    Will it resize font to display more? or
    Will it give a -more- and continue on the next screen?

  • hjfhgf jhjkgkjg

    hjfhgf jhjkgkjg - 2011-01-14

    Also since I can't get any sort of reply on how to make a diff or patch file from the changed source you made
    (yes I am THAT ignorant about some things) I will have to just post a zip of the entire thing.
    (it will be large but I want to include everything)
    Original tar.gz of the source I used (unblemished)
    maybe a 7z or rar file of the changed source code (in case someone wants to port)
    and Compiled Win32 folder.

  • ozma

    ozma - 2012-08-29

    yes still working on it….some bugs…but should be really cool and finished soon….

  • ozma

    ozma - 2014-05-01

    Need help with only two things...

    new spheres (at_expl = gas, poison, teleport, sleep) do NOT work on the player, how (and which c file) do I edit to add these damages to the existing at_expl lightning, fire, ice spheres' damage config?

    {or just tell me what c file those explode damages are in and I'll figure it out}

    ALSO how do I get the "choose role" screen to display in two columns?

    AND if someone wants to post the old forum topic link here:
    What files reference creating the *.lev files from the .des file? Because I got the pirate role to work and I can't remember how I forced it to make five .lev files out of the .des. But I think someone told me how in an old post (that I can't seem to find) so please if you know the it back for me please.
    I am sooo close to having these 2 mages, bard, jedi, and pirate and new towns/spells/items/minesend(s) finished finally.
    (and maybe I'll re-add flame and ice mage so there are 4 mages)

    I just don't know at all what I am doing, I have been winging it and I am almost done (amazingly), but I just need help on those three things.

  • ozma

    ozma - 2016-08-18

    OMG I just finally figured it out....
    for all those out there that want a diff/patch (google search descriptions follow just skip them)

    slashem slash'em nethack hack

    how to make a diff file
    how to make a patch file
    how to create a diff of one folder to another
    how to create a patch that will change one folder to another
    how to create a patch or diff of an old nethack or slashem to a new modified nethack or slashem
    (I hope that is enough because it took me MONTHS to figure this out)
    get OR


    start>to run> type cmd and go to that folder

    type (or edit menu paste) something like this:
    diff -u -r --horizon-lines=8 slashemold myslashem >changes.diff

    slashemold is the unmodified source and myslashem is YOUR modifed slashem (this works for nethack too)

    -u creates a unified diff
    -r recursed (tests) all directories (you WANT this on)
    --horizon-lines=8 this makes the first UNCHANGED lines and the last UNCHANGED lines show in your patch (just in case you can't just patch because the line numbers are different and you MUST search for the last line(s) in order to hand code you change in)
    BTW this would be helpful if you were adding a nethack patch to slashem or vice-versa.

    AND patch -u -s slashemold changes.diff
    will create a new (your) modified changes to the old source

    and in reference to the above post 1)new spheres works (thanks amyBSOD) 2)choose role will NEVER display in 2 columns (just look at slashem-extended with 5 or 6 pages of roles and races.... it's an old game, and IT doesn't CARE if you want your stuff displayed in 2 or more columns it is just happily displaying it in one + the | more command) oh and 3) I checked all the class.patches like bard, pirate, jedi, and turbonerd to MAKE it create the LEV files. AND 5 mages (like the chinese zodiac elements)

  • ozma

    ozma - 2016-08-18

    oh and late 2010 I realized that if you want NEW features you have to MAKE them yourself and submit as a patch. Because.....

    The DEV team is WAY too busy to make your suggestions, you want it made, DO IT!

    in answer to the max character classes question I posed here, I just found out about slashthem and slashemextended maybe a year ago, but before that I just went ahead with the adding of too many character classes for the one page.

    it shifts the classes from the right side to the left side (do not know why) but fills the lines then adds a | (that's a dos 'pipe' ) more, which waits for you to push space bar and go to the next page.....

    if anyone is wondering and hasn't seen other variants that go over the 21 items per page (I think... classes + * random + quit) It is TOTALLY fine. I even think that if you triple up on the same letters it will make allowances for that too, although I don't know for sure since I intend to eventually end up with 52 character classes (i.e. aA, bB, cC, dD, eE, etc.)


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