
SLASH'EM / News: Recent posts

SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F3 and 0.0.8E0F1 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.7E7F3 (stable) and 0.0.8E0F1 (development) ...

Version 0.0.7E7F3 is the third stable release of Slash'EM Vampire. Version 0.0.8E0F1 is the second alpha release of Slash'EM 0.0.8 (not yet named).

Summary of changes made:

The long-standing bug that tended to cause crashes when returning to levels
has finally been fixed.
The Holy Spear of Light and the Candle of Eternal Flame now work as permanent
light sources once again.
Polearms can't be used through walls any more.
Molds no longer take on the names of dead pets.
A french translation of the main manual page is included.

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2006-12-30

SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.7E7F2 (stable) ...
Version 0.0.7E7F2 is the second stable release of Slash'EM Vampire.

Changes made in 0.0.7E7F2:

Fixed bug 1232707: engraving with lightsabers
Fixed bug 1237780: gtk window port fails to build with gcc-4.0
Fixed bug 1239041: engrave dialog doesn't show lightsabers
Fixed bug 1231766: Food shown in Medical Kits
Fixed bug 1238060: grammatical error when burning through a door
(Benjamin Schieder)
Fixed bug 1104713: Pet and Frozen food stores can charge
Fixed bug 988827: Monster wearing CoI left invisible corpse
Fixed bug 934078: Mold "wiggle" out of bag
Fixed bug 933587: One-Eyed Sam referred to as "it"
Fixed bug 1240794: Pets don't grow up properly
Fixed bug 1240799: Steed ridden onto poly trap polymorphs permanently
Fixed bug 1243904: chameleon as statue trap
Fixed bug 1223226: Some creatures are missing horns
Fixed bug 1223222: Female Bulls??
Fixed bug 1244470: shopkeeper don't have shotgun
Fixed bug 215062: no black color
Extends videocolors option, see Guidebook for details.
Fixed bug 1244468: different spitting venom when polymorph
Fixed bug 1179557: Found egg marked (laid by you)
Fixed bug 1206099: Torches are not extinguished with rust traps
Fixed bug 1294907: 'Raise Zombies' technique cannot raise dwarf zombies! (Xeno)
Fixed bug 1355972: Monsters Don't gain Drain resistance due to worn
items! (Xeno)

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2005-12-05

SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F1 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.7E7F1 (stable) ...
Version 0.0.7E7F1 is the first stable release of Slash'EM Vampire.

Changes made in 0.0.7E7F1:

Fixed bug 1155634: charm spell or command undead spell invoke genocide
Fixed incorrect #ifdef resulting in compilation failure on ANSI
only DOS builds
Fixed bug 1193070: Engraving with a wand of draining keeps illiterate
conduct (Nico Kist)
Fixed bug 924811: Fire vampires leave corpses
Fixed bug 1028948: casting stone to flesh on a gargoyle
Fixed bug 1213881: Lieutenants lack Firearms
Fixed bug 1212903: Int and Wis stats not correct (in obscure case)
Fixed bug 1175912: Deity-gifted pets should not attack like aligned
unicorns (Nico Kist)
Fixed bug 1205563: suppress_alert still says NetHack
Fixed bug 1157414: Do not "loose" faith
Fixed bug 1197822: necromancer zombie's hp
Fixed bug 1185759: Shopkeeper "looks at corpse" through wall

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2005-07-02

SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.7E7 (development) ...

Version 0.0.77 is the fifth beta release of Slash'EM Vampire.

Changes made in 0.0.7E7:

Fixed build of proxy tests
Fixed bug 1071688: cannot compile on FreeBSD (termcap)
Fixed bug 1071623: Cannot compile on FreeBSD due to menucolor inclusion
Fixed bug 993420: Crashes when typing symbols on drop menu
Fixed bug 1087609: Some platforms fails to compile win/proxy/nhext.c
Fixed bug 1084366: ghoul queen don't has M2_FEMALE
Fixed bug 1066530: Fired/thrown items get new inventory letter when retrieved
Fixed bug 992244: Alt Gr key doesn't work
Fixed bug 1076125: Unsuccessful use of medical kits
Fixed bug 1076123: Vampires can eat white pills
Fixed bug 994993: when polying, you take off T-shirt after scales merge
Fixed bug 961914: Deep dragons should resist their own breath
Fixed bug 963344: Stat exercise effects calculated while polymorphed
Fixed bug 1097792: Duplicate message when hit by sleep gaze
Fixed bug 1065927: Should bars stop bullets?
Fixed bug 947009: Scroll of taming exercises skill in healing spells
Fixed bug 1077355: game crashes with: "panic monsndx - could not index monster"
Fixed bug 1098686: Restoring a mounted character wielding Sting can fail
Fixed bug 1105100: Escaping from pits by polymorphing into a mind flayer
Fixed bug 1107123: GTK Accepts any keypress as the default response to question
Fixed bug 1110081: in_container() uses obj->quan after deallocatin obj
Fixed bug 1116877: Dereferencing freed memory when applying bags which explode
Fixed bug 951483: Wands of cancellation can be held in a bag of holding

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2005-02-19

SLASH'EM 0.0.7E6F3 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.7E6F3 (development) ...

Version 0.0.7E6F3 is the forth beta release of Slash'EM Vampire.

Changes made in 0.0.7E6F3:

Fixed bug 923003: Invisible mirrors can be applied
Fixed bug 916544: Wrong weight of corpses on Nightmare level
Fixed bug 947369: Crash when multiple wands explode
Fixed bug 950120: crash when wishing for Wallet of Perseus
Fixed bug 933365: wand of draining does not interrupt ctrl-run
Fixed bug 933379: weird behaviour with polyself into monsters like
migo drone
Fixed bug 929546: Flaming spheres won't attack acid blobs
Fixed bug 951991: Reading spellbooks not safe for wizards
Fixed bug 914894: "Beautiful" gnome thief seduced female character
Fixed bug 918178: Double message "You are suddenly very hot/cold!"
Fixed bug 921810: Invisible books can be read (?!)
Fixed bug 934076: Dipping amnesia into amnesia gives water
Fixed bug 946306: do_look: bad glyph 3726 at (7, 16)
Fixed bug 929220: Prayer and chi healing
Fixed bug 946157: Water elementals created over lava on Flame mage
Fixed bug 946161: Bad message when two-weaponing against a rust monster Fixed bug 946566: Partly eaten more nutritious while raising drained
Fixed bug 946984: arch-liches are not MR_HITAS*
Fixed bug 949016: Draining a rotten corpse
Fixed bug 951439: Invisible Corpses and Ressurection
Fixed bug 941453: Grand slam against monsters needing +n weapons
Fixed bug 962515: Disarming fire trap doesn't use up water
Fixed bug 1001167: Is this a Gray Stone bug?
Fixed bug 992247: wolfname & ghoulname in default.nh doesn't work
Fixed bug 931679: Space Bar not working as rest
Fixed bug 912588: Molds stagger from your powerful strike
Fixed bug 962574: Display bug when setting OPTIONS=tiles:Small tiles
Fixed bug 1011313: SEGV using technique "raise zombies"
Fixed bug 1018229: impossible splitbill: no resident shopkeeper??
Fixed bug 1018447: Game crash when Hero with ball displace displacer
Fixed bug 1020983: Typo in doc/sources.txt (cloack)
Fixed bug 956891: Breeders are explosive
Fixed bug 1007127: diluted potion of water
Fixed bug 1010421: Thiefbane drains your levels even if you aren't hit
Fixed bug 976157: Dipping into !oAmnesia didn't use up potion
Fixed bug 982331: Can't name Cursed scrolls of teleport after reading
Fixed some theoretical bugs thrown up by valgrind
Fixed bug 980258: Guidebook doesn't describe showdmg option accurately
(Andy Ruse)
Fixed bug 926202: Gnome thieves don't eat (Andy Ruse)
Fixed bug 926200: Dwarf thieves have M2_NOPOLY (Andy Ruse)
Fixed bug 962568: Mjollnir can't be thrown - code comment incorrect
(Andy Ruse)
Fixed bug 1005587: Beholder killed by "it's" own gaze (Andy Ruse)
Fixed bug 1022460: [C343-8] The plural of Nazgul is Nazgul (Andy Ruse)
Fixed bug 1039689: malloc_consolidate hang after using cursed bag of
Fixed bug 1028955: Surgery technique doesn't work with polymorph
Fixed bug 1035356: God gave Deathsword to "human" character
Fixed bug 1024200: Problems about Thiefbane
Fixed bug 1024202: Dipping a loadstone into a potion of amnesia
Fixed bug 1038151: Power surge becomes permanent if lost
Fixed bug 1025486: Pets can't follow lvl telep from Blk Mkt
Fixed bug 1029750: Lycanthropes and eating wolfsbane while polymorphed
Fixed bug 1030725: Doppelganger liquid leap does not release from chain
Fixed bug 1032419: Eviscerate tech should not work while wearing gloves
Fixed bug 1055724: Raise Zombies gives tame troll
Fixed bug 1020980: Objects are forgotten when you search blind
Fixed bug 954414: pickup_thrown option includes some non-throw weapons
Fixed bug 937239: Wrong cause of death from exploding wands
Fixed bug 962572: Inventory item prints to console instead of chat
Fixed bug 936167: Started with empty medical kit (Pasi Kallinen)
Fixed bug 934077: Wrote an invisible scroll (Pasi Kallinen)
Fixed bug 1015079: Spurious "it snatches the boulder" message
(Pasi Kallinen)
Fixed bug 1062624: GTK Interface is not resizable
Fixed bug 931684: Inventory window behaving strangely

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2004-11-13

SLASH'EM 0.0.7E6F1 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.7E6F1 (development) ... Version 0.0.7E6F1 is
the second beta release of Slash'EM Vampire.

Changes made in 0.0.7E6F1:

Fixed bug 909623: Surgery technique causes crash
Fixed bug 909397: Windows help|about twice crashes
New branding for MS-Windows native GUI port
Fixed bug 907789: "The poisoned runed dagger was poisoned!" (Nico Kist)
Fixed bug 908187: Excessive prompts when reading graffiti (Nico Kist)
Fixed bug 910891: Overly terse description of bones/save file
Fixed bug 908983: "The large kobold turns into it!" (Nico Kist)
Fixed bug 911457: Macintosh dungeon creation not random
Fixed bug 912586: Crashes in Grund's Stronghold
Fixed bug 907565: Unidentified tin auto-ided when eaten
Fixed bug 908189: "The wererat turns into a wererat!"
Fixed bug 914897: Wrong AC displayed at start of game
Fixed bug 911335: Monster polymorph permanent?
Fixed bug 874318: Partly eaten food more nutrious than untouched food
Fixed bug 911845: "The poison was poisoned!" (Nico Kist)
Fixed bug 915683: Shopkeeper doesn't handle timed objects correctly

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2004-03-20

SLASH'EM 0.0.7E6 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.7E6 (development) ...

Version 0.0.7E6 is the first beta release of Slash'EM Vampire.

Changes made in 0.0.7E6:

Fixed bug 876092: Wrong filename in message during build process
Fixed bug 876094: Tiles are miscoloured in allegro port
Fixed bug 876096: Tiles are misdrawn/cropped in allegro port
Fixed bug 510249: poisoned frag grenade (Nico Kist)
Fixed bug 873349: <artifact> should be at least expert. Fixing...
Fixed bug 878808: Build of gtkhack fails under win32
Fixed bug 872666: [0.0.7e4f1] Xorns + Sokoban = cake walk
Fixed bug 878813: GtkHack/win32: #portdebug crashes
Mac: Update Install.mpw to require yacc/lex
Fixed bug 883643: Crash when throwing potions at monsters behind
iron bars
Fixed bug 854779: Unknown tin auto-IDed as dog when eaten
Fixed bug 878951: [winnt] tiles32.bmp not in makefile
Fixed bug 879237: [winnt] stdout & stderr prints dont show
Fixed bug 879242: tile2bmp does not abort if no tiles created
Fixed bug 879243: [unix] nhtiles.bmp build info error in makefile.dat
Fixed bug 879244: tile2bmp draws stripes instead of checks
Fixed bug 878815: GtkHack: bad handling of text fields set via
"more options"
Fixed bug 890801: two entrances to mines
Fixed bug 858838: Stake of Van Helsing mis-listed in score detail
Fixed bug 846930: [0.0.7E2]Strange msg order when swallowed by a
poly'ed mnstr
Fixed bug 869958: GTK handling of unexpected game exits
Fixed bug 878816: Bad button label in "more options" confirm dialog
Fixed bug 878817: More options confirmation: No button does nothing
Fixed bug 878812: Duplicates in list of game commands
Support gentoo configuration system
Fixed bug 901798: gtkhack 7E5 crashes if it can't write to cache
Documented configuration for proxy servers

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2004-02-28

SLASH'EM 0.0.7E5 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.7E5 (development) ...

Version 0.0.7E5 is the latest alpha release in the current development
branch of Slash'EM. We are hoping it will also be the last and that the
next version will be our first beta release of version 0.0.7.

Changes made in 0.0.7E5:

Fixed bug 854683: gtkhack produces many warnings on start-up
Fixed bug 846444: [0.0.7e3] Negative disarm skill
Fixed bug 583464: Uncharged use of spellbooks
Fixed bug 436054: Striking unusual monsters' vital organs
Fixed bug 731772: Two-weapon skill categorization
GtkHack: Added provision for disabling asynchronous NhExt
Merged vanilla 3.4.3 codebase.
Fixed bug 857644: Gnome: tty_raw_print should be removed
Fixed bug 857488: gtkprogress not handled in proxified build
GtkHack: Added user-level logging
Fixed bug 858984: GTK: Dialogs don't open until after the next game command
Gtk: Smother scrolling
Gtk: Upgrade file display window to use GtkTextView instead of broken GtkText
Gtk: Add facility to change font used in help windows
Improved tile2png to use paletted images where possible
Winnt: Add support for png tilesets and build them by default
Fixed bug 456453: Deep dragon resistances
Fixed bug 662821: magic candles burn in the candelabrum of invocation
Fixed bug 863646: Fails to compile under Gtk 2.0
Fixed bug 863679: GTK interface fails to build as an internal port
Winnt: Use pkg-config in build (for Gtk+ and libpng) based on cc-gtk
Fixed bug 864193: Using Arrow keys in win32 GTK
Fixed bug 866750: The number_pad windowing API is not called correctly
Fixed bug 821864: [0.0.7e2] Recharge lightsaber loses enchantment
Fixed bug 790120: Wolf form can't hold Torch but can if already holding
Fixed bug 603184: Stacking explosives
Fixed bug 857651: Gnome: tileset refreshing
Fixed bug 567573: Killed lichen corpses don't merge
Fixed bug 575178: Fighting with a weapon and a bare fist
Fixed bug 869951: Random crashes shortly after restore
Fixed bug 870027: GTK: Closing main window has no effect until after next cmd
Fixed bug 870762: Lighting a candle from a stack lights the remainder (Nico Kist)
Fixed bug 857492: gtkrc not removed by make spotless (Clive Crous)
Fixed bug 873593: runtime delta showweight doesn't reconfig status (Clive Crous)
Fixed bug 788895: [X11] showweight option not supported (Clive Crous)
GtkHack: Profile versioning... read more

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2004-01-10

SLASH'EM 0.0.7E4 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.7E4 (development) ...

Version 0.0.7E4 is the latest alpha release in the current development
branch of Slash'EM. Depending on the number and type of bugs reported
against this version we will decide whether another alpha version is called
for or whether we can move to beta development.

Changes made in 0.0.7E4:

fixed bug 782005: Menu generated which picking objects up should scroll
GTK/proxy: Added caching of mapping between glyphs and tiles.
Proxy: Add asynchronous support.
fixed bug 821865: Invisible boulders in Sokoban
fixed bug 821098: Eating Gargoyles "evil and fiendish" for Vamps?
fixed bug 822137: Tin of Hand of Vecna meat
fixed bug 831267: Weapon works offering no services
fixed bug 817700: Vampires choked by rope golems
fixed bug 811177: Fire Vamps not real vamps?
fixed bug 822120: Star Vampires not vampires?
fixed bug 808070: uhitm AD_DREN also produces AD_CALM effect
fixed bug 806071: panic("obj_extract_self") when drawing blood
refixed bug 790230: BUG: obfree() called on non-empty container
fixed bug 841965: hallucinating vampire eats normal food
fixed bug 843535: Disasm technique kills game
fixed bug 846684: X11 port crashes on start-up in tile mode
fixed bug 805499: Walking dead
fixed bug 846662: UNIX Makefiles call for instead of
fixed bug 799278: "Finally Finished" when Turning Undead
Merged vanilla 3.4.2 codebase.
fixed bug 795549: IBM / ASCII graphics not working on Win XP

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2003-12-02

SLASH'EM 0.0.7E3 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.7E3 (development) ...

Version 0.0.7E3 is the latest alpha release in the current development
branch of Slash'EM. We had originally planned on making this the first
beta release but, with the recent release of NetHack 3.4.2, we have now
decided that it would be better to integrate the changes made in NetHack
3.4.2 into the current development series. This means that we expect
version 0.0.7E4 to be the first version to be based on NetHack 3.4.2 and
that 0.0.7E5 will likely be the first beta version of Slash'EM Vampire.... read more

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2003-09-05

SLASH'EM 0.0.7E1 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.7E1 (development) ...

Version 0.0.7E1 is intended to be the penultimate alpha release
in the current development branch of Slash'EM. It is not really
considered playable yet, but is provided for anyone who wants
to play with the new ideas. This is an alpha release. If your aim
is simply to play Slash'EM then you would almost certainly be
better off playing the latest stable version. This release is intended
for those who wish to try the new ideas out and report back on
any issues found. Bug reports are also welcome.... read more

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2003-06-02

SLASH'EM 0.0.7E0 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.7E0 (development) ...

Version 0.0.7E0 is intended to be the penultimate alpha release
in the current development branch of Slash'EM. It is not really
considered playable yet, but is provided for anyone who wants
to play with the new ideas. This is an alpha release. If your aim
is simply to play Slash'EM then you would almost certainly be
better off playing the latest stable version. This release is intended
for those who wish to try the new ideas out and report back on
any issues found (not bugs, which can mostly be left for beta
development, but design faults which need addressing before
we can release the first beta version).... read more

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2003-04-01

SLASH'EM 0.0.6E8 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.6E8 (development) ...

Version 0.0.6E8 is the latest release in the current development branch of Slash'EM. It is not really considered playable yet, but is provided for anyone who wants to play with the new ideas. This is an alpha release. If your aim is simply to play Slash'EM then you would almost certainly be better off playing the latest stable version. This release is intended for those who wish to try the new ideas out and report back on any issues found (not bugs, which can mostly be left for beta development, but design faults which need addressing before we can release the first beta version). ... read more

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2003-01-24

SLASH'EM 0.0.6E7 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.6E7 (development) ...

Version 0.0.6E7 is the latest release in the current development branch of Slash'EM. It is not really considered playable yet, but is provided for anyone who wants to play with the new ideas. This is an alpha release. If your aim is simply to play Slash'EM then you would almost certainly be better off playing the latest stable version. This release is intended for those who wish to try the new ideas out and report back on any issues found (not bugs, which can mostly be left for beta development, but design faults which need addressing before we can release the first beta version).... read more

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2002-12-06

SLASH'EM 0.0.6E6 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.6E6 (development) ...

Version 0.0.6E6 is the latest release in the current development branch of Slash'EM. It is not really considered playable yet, but is provided for anyone who wants to play with the new ideas. This is an alpha release. If your aim is simply to play Slash'EM then you would almost certainly be better off playing the latest stable version. This release is intended for those who wish to try the new ideas out and report back on any issues found (not bugs, which can mostly be left for beta development, but design faults which need addressing before we can release the first beta version). ... read more

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2002-09-13

SLASH'EM 0.0.6E4F8 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.6E4F8 (stable) ...

Version 0.0.6E4F8 is the last planned release in the current stable branch.
Work is continuing on the next development series. Version 0.0.6E4F8
fixes a number of semi-serious bugs in 0.0.6E4F7 including:
Bug #528174: having shopkeepers enchant daggers crash.
Bug #459699: Oops. add_to_billobjs: obj is timed (refix).

For the full list visit Ali's stable page: read more

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2002-04-01

SLASH'EM 0.0.6E4F7 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.6E4F7 (stable) ...

Version 0.0.6E4F7 fixes a number of serious bugs in 0.0.6E4F6 including:
Bug #460578: Extended commands broken in Mac port.
Bug #488589: Burned-out lamps cannot be turned off.
Bug #490478: obj_is_local.
Bug #499368: Dynamite causes crash after detonation.

For the full list visit Ali's stable page: ... read more

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2002-03-01

SLASH'EM 0.0.6E4F6 and 0.0.6E5F2 released

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.6E4F6 (stable) and 0.0.6E5F2 (development) ...

Version 0.0.6E4F6 fixes a number of serious bugs in 0.0.6E4F5 including:
Bug #457683: Crash: lost gas grenades
Bug #458625: Potion effects from sinks crash
Bug #459396: crash when entering Sam's portal
Bug #459699: Oops. add_to_billobjs: obj is timed
Bug #462210: Crash with soldiers throwing grenades
Bug #462512: Tight loop in blessed genocide menu
Bug #462513: GTK: getline crashes on close... read more

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2001-11-30

SLASH'EM 0.0.6E4F5 and 0.0.6E5F1

Announcing Slash'EM version 0.0.6E4F5 (stable) and 0.0.6E5F1 (development) ...

Version 0.0.6E4F5 fixes a number of serious bugs in 0.0.6E4F4 including:
Bug #422161: player's demon summoning may cause crash
Bug #424394: Summon Undead causes crash
Bug #452244: Command undead causes crash
Bug #454800: a hang in sink-drinking

For the full list visit Ali's stable page: read more

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2001-08-31

SLASH'EM version 0.0.6E4F4

The latest stable version of SLASH'EM (a roguelike game and variant of NetHack) is now available.

Version 0.0.6E4F4 fixes a number of other serious (and some not so serious) bugs. For the full list visit Ali's stable page:

All users are advised to upgrade.

The gnome port is still considered experimental.

Source code and most binaries are available now, other binaries are expected to follow in due course.... read more

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2001-05-03

Open Source Directory listing

Slash'EM is now listed as a stable product in the
Open Source Directory (

This has been an complicated process, requiring first getting the NetHack General Public license approved by the Open Source Initiative (

My thanks to the OSD and OSI teams for their help.

Check out our shiny new entry at:

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2001-04-19

SLASH'EM 0.0.6E4F3

After over a year of work, the current development cycle (which began with the release of NetHack 3.3.0) is finally over. Version 0.0.6E4F3 is the final product of this and all users are advised to upgrade to this new stable version after finishing their current games.

Source code and binaries are available for most platforms now, the Mac port will be released in due course.

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2001-03-02

SLASH'EM 0.0.6E4F2

I am pleased to annouce the latest version of Slash'EM.

Source code is available for download now; binaries will
follow as they are made available.

Since this version is intended to marked as stable after a
brief period of testing, I would appreciate if any bugs found
could be logged promptly.

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2000-12-30

SLASH'EM 0.0.6E4F1

After a small delay, the latest version of SLASH'EM is now available. This is even more stable than version 0.0.6E4 and is hoped to form the basis for the next stable release. It adds support for the Gnome windowing port, for Pseudo-3D tiles (in the GTK interface) and for tileset configuration (so you can choose which tileset to use in the slashemrc file).

Posted by J. Ali Harlow 2000-11-10

SLASH' EM 0.0.6E4F0

The newest version of SLASH'EM is now available. This build is hopefully the most stable version based off the NH3.3.1 source code to date, and also contains code that allows building the GTK port under WIN32.

Posted by Warren Cheung 2000-09-18