
save checkpoints, configuration

mick howe
  • mick howe

    mick howe - 2008-04-01

    I've been trying to get the hang of slash'em but I'm getting really frustrated by getting killed every 5 minutes or so, then having to go through the whole setup routine and starting off again in a different world.

    live would be so much easier if I could
    1. semi-permanently save all the configuration options (from the options menu)
    2. create checkpoint saves so I could return to just before I got killed and try a different tactic.

    I'll have a go at bodging these myself but I'm not sure I'm upto the task


    • Vitara

      Vitara - 2008-04-01

      I think you can simply edit the "defaults.nh" file and set your preferences there. Just use Notepad or Wordpad to open it up and see for yourself what and how you want to edit your preferences.


    • J. Ali Harlow

      J. Ali Harlow - 2008-04-01

      It would be great to have a means to save the current options from the game, but it's a difficult problem to solve (especially because the options file is user-editable as well and we wouldn't want to destroy their carefully crafted settings).

      Re-using save files is against the spirit of Slash'EM and while we don't bother to spend much effort to prevent people doing it (it's their computer after all), we think it will make you a poorer player in the long run so we certainly won't help you shoot yourself in the foot!




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