
#1465 "Always show the document page size" Feature


Hi everyone !
Could it be possible to add this simple feature in the Preferences, I think very useful in a PDV viewer : "Always show the document page size", in a status bar, for example, like in Acrobat Viewers ? (see the attachment)
Thanks in advance and great job for your app I use everyday !

1 Attachments


  • Christiaan Hofman

    I really dont think this is worth the ui bloat. And the status bar is
    already showing more than enough, there is not really any room. Especially
    as I don't think it is a very worthwhile feature that is used much.


    • Christiaan Hofman

      Also note that you can easily get the page sizes in the Get Info panel.

  • Pixelmoov

    Pixelmoov - 2017-06-22

    Hi Christiaan
    I understand it's not worth it and I respect it.
    I knew it was "easy" to get the page sizes in the Get Info Panel, but I thought it were worth to get it automatically without an additional click, and that the status bar had enough space to show it.
    Thank you for your time ;-)


    Last edit: Pixelmoov 2017-06-22
    • Christiaan Hofman

      This is not really something you want to see a lot. Only very sionallyocca. It does not change.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • Priority: 9 --> 2
  • Christiaan Hofman

    You Can set a hidden preference to show the page dize in the status bar.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • status: open --> closed

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