
#1287 Multiple custom pdfsync presets


I'm opening a new request since you closed the first without giving me a chance to re-explain what I mean. It seems you misunderstood me. Skim has what it calls "custom presets" for linkback (see attached screenshot; note that it is indeed called a "custom preset"). I'm saying that it would be useful for users to be able to add new "custom presets". This would save users time and avoid having to wait until Skim supports their favorite editor. I'm able to use linkback with Vim/terminal and with Sublime Text, but both must be "custom presets". Since there's only room for one, I can't use linkback with the other editors. As I mentioned I also use a third editor, SubEthaEdit, that isn't currently preset either. So, can't link back to it. For instance, there could be a button "New custom preset" that would create a new "form" like the one in the screenshot to let me enter editor-specific info. There is not reason why the number of custom presets should be limited to one.


  • Dominique

    Dominique - 2013-01-13

    Custom preset form

  • Christiaan Hofman

    No, it's not a "custom preset". It's a Preset" choice of "custom". I.e., it's a *custom* choice, *not* a preset. Which means that you provide the data yourself in the two other fields. So it's the alternative to the actual presets that are available.

    Please don't reopen.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • status: open --> closed

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