
#912 Problem saving after converting notes


Part of my normal workflow is to create notes on PDFs in other programs on my iPad. I then use the standard convert notes feature in Skim and keep working. Recently a problem popped up where after I do this, save the file, and reopen it. The OCR layer is somehow screwed up. I can still highlight text, but all searches return negative. The text of the highlight is displayed as an apparently random number of white spaces, and when I copy and past into another program the text appears as garbage.

I have tested this with Skim 1.4.2 and 1.3.22. A similar problem occurs with the pdfskim unembed command line tool.

Steps to reproduce:

(1) Open file.
(2) Confirm that search works, text of highlight notes operates as normal.
(3) File > Convert Notes…
(4) Confirm that search still works, text of highlight notes operates as normal.
(5) Save file. (even after this search still works.)
(6) Reopen File
(7) Search no longer works, highlight text of notes does not function properly.

Here is a file that this happens for: (sorry it is under copy write, I do own it and scanned it myself I promise)
Test file:

I am running OSX 10.8.2, 1.7 GHz i5 MBA


  • Christiaan Hofman

    • milestone: --> PDFKit
    • status: open --> closed-wont-fix
  • Christiaan Hofman

    Sorry, the PDF is generated by Apple's code, so any problems that arise in this are completely out of our control.


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