
#902 Cannot open PS-files

Other (213)

Since version 1.4, Skim is not able to open PS-files any more. It's trying to convert and does not do anything else. I hoped, it would be fixed in 1.4.1, but it isn't. There is nothing written in exept for the killing of Skim I have to do (16.01.13 12:24:43,687[173]: ([0x0-0x4e54e5].net.sourceforge.skim-app.skim[5227]) Exited: Killed: 9) since after stopping the conversion, Skim isn't usable any more. When switching back to 1.3.22, it's again working correctly.

I'm using Skim on a 17'' MacBook Pro from beginning of 2009 under Mountain Lion.


  • leibegas

    leibegas - 2013-01-16
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Christiaan Hofman

    It works without any problem for me.

    Perhaps you can sample Skim to see what it is doing while trying to convert.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • priority: 7 --> 3
    • status: open --> open-works-for-me
  • leibegas

    leibegas - 2013-01-16


  • leibegas

    leibegas - 2013-01-16


  • leibegas

    leibegas - 2013-01-16


  • leibegas

    leibegas - 2013-01-16

    I'm not sure what you mean, but I just reproduced the problem with a very simple PS-file made by MacTeX using texmaker. I could open the PS with version 1.3.22 but not with 1.4.1. The PDF is working without any problems. All three files are attached for further reference.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    No problem here. And since I cannot reproduce and have absolutely no data as to why it does not work for you, I cannot say anything about what goes wrong for you, and have no way of fixing anything.

    As for taking a sample, open Activity from Utilities, select Skim, and run Sample Process while it's converting.

    Also, you should exactly explain what is happening. How do you stop the conversion, and why do you say that Skim is not usable anymore? What is not happening, and what *is* happening?

  • leibegas

    leibegas - 2013-01-17

    I stop the conversion by clicking "Cancel". I have to click twice and then it sais "Conversion already finished" and a button "Close". When I close that conversion window, Skim is still running (Dock and Menu and other windows), but most menu items are greyed out - even the Quit option in Skim menu. And all older windows cannot be used any more - it's just beeping. All I can do is killing the process. As I told you - there is nothing written in console. I cleaned the window, started conversion, stopped conversion and killed the process. Nothing but the last was shown.

    The File you sent me by e-mail did not change anything. The sample is loaded up. I hope that it'll show you something. It's done with the Skim version you sent me.

  • leibegas

    leibegas - 2013-01-17

    Sample 1

  • leibegas

    leibegas - 2013-01-17

    Sample 2

  • Christiaan Hofman

    Nothing clear from the sample, unfortunately. Also still no clue what your problem can be. In fact, you should never see the Close button, the window should already be closed by itself. Probably we should not even allow you to close the window at that point, as it leaves the app in a bad state. So somehow the PS conversion does not seem to stop. Unfortunately that's Apple's black box doing it. So somewhere the problem is in the system.

    I have replaced the test version at the same location, please try that.

  • Mairan Teodoro

    Mairan Teodoro - 2013-01-17

    Hi all,
    Since last update, I'm also experiencing some harsh times with Skim... it doesn't open certain PS files anymore (it does open PDF files, though). I used to create PS files with IDL language and Skim always was able to read and auto-reload them. However, since last update, whenever I double-click any PS file, it hangs on that message "Converting PS file..." and even if I click the Cancel button, it does not cancel or close the app. I have to go to Activity Monitor, select Skim and "Force Kill" the process.

    Please, I really would like to have this annoying issue to be resolved.

    Best regards,

  • Mairan Teodoro

    Mairan Teodoro - 2013-01-17

    Hi again,
    I solved this problem by downgrading to Skim 1.3.22 (73). Now I can open and auto-reload the very same PS file that the current version is unable to read.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • priority: 3 --> 5
  • leibegas

    leibegas - 2013-01-18

    Hi mairan,

    exactly what I experienced. I just tested four versions - as you see, hofman is working hard to get rid of this problem. So, stay tuned.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • status: open-works-for-me --> open-fixed
  • Christiaan Hofman

    Fixed for the next release

  • dr j

    dr j - 2013-01-21

    I had the same problem. Re-installed 1.3.22
    Looking forward to fixed release!
    thanks for Skim. great app.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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