
#1132 displayline broken on OSX 10.11.6

Thomas Pani

Running displayline fails with

error "Skim got an error: AppleEvent handler failed." number -10000

Changing the apple script on line 54 from

tell front document to go to TeX line theLine from theSource showing reading bar $bar


tell front document to go to TeX line theLine showing reading bar $bar

fixes the issue.

OSX 10.11.6, Skim 1.4.22 (96)


  • Matthias Nott

    Matthias Nott - 2016-10-28

    So this is synctex forward referencing? I couldn't get it to work last night coming out of sublime text / latexing to forward jump to a line in Skim as I always was able to, and was blaming myself to no longer knowing how I did it last time.

    • Thomas Pani

      Thomas Pani - 2016-10-28

      Right, you can try to reproduce by running displayline from the shell:

      $ /Applications/ 400 main.pdf main.tex
      error "Skim got an error: AppleEvent handler failed." number -10000

      where main.pdf and main.tex are valid paths and 400 is a valid line number in the tex file.


      Last edit: Thomas Pani 2016-10-28
      • Matthias Nott

        Matthias Nott - 2016-10-29

        Thanks Thomas. I've spent most of the day today trying to unfuckup PDFKit (see here), and still I was not able to make that forward referencing work out of Sublime Text. Maybe I've just forgotten the hot key :)

        I've tried the command that you said, and basically always get this:

        501:564: execution error: „Skim“ hat einen Fehler erhalten: Fehler in der AppleEvent-Routine. (-10000)

        I'll try again tomorrow night. Thanks for the feedback!


        Last edit: Matthias Nott 2016-10-29
      • Matthias Nott

        Matthias Nott - 2016-10-29

        Hi again Thomas,

        as noted here, I'm not able to run the script - in neither version. I just get an applescript error when trying.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • status: unread --> closed-duplicate

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